Procedural | Library to create procedural meshes in Unity3D | Service Mesh library

 by   PixelsForGlory C# Version: Procedural-v6.0.49 License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | Procedural Summary

kandi X-RAY | Procedural Summary

Procedural is a C# library typically used in Architecture, Service Mesh, Unity applications. Procedural has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Library to create procedural meshes in Unity3D. Meshes are generated in a seprate thread and copied to the GameObject when ready.

            kandi-support Support

              Procedural has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 22 star(s) with 1 fork(s). There are 5 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 0 open issues and 5 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 3 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of Procedural is Procedural-v6.0.49

            kandi-Quality Quality

              Procedural has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              Procedural has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              Procedural is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              Procedural releases are available to install and integrate.
              Installation instructions, examples and code snippets are available.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi's functional review helps you automatically verify the functionalities of the libraries and avoid rework.
            Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of Procedural
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            Procedural Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for Procedural.

            Procedural Examples and Code Snippets

            Texture Voxel Mesh
            C#dot img1Lines of Code : 89dot img1License : Permissive (MIT)
            copy iconCopy
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            using UnityEngine;
            using PixelsForGlory;
            using PixelsForGlory.Collections;
            using PixelsForGlory.Procedural;
            public class VoxelTest : MonoB  
            Color Voxel Mesh
            C#dot img2Lines of Code : 58dot img2License : Permissive (MIT)
            copy iconCopy
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            using UnityEngine;
            using PixelsForGlory;
            using PixelsForGlory.Collections;
            using PixelsForGlory.Procedural;
            public class VoxelTest : MonoB  

            Community Discussions


            When should one prefer OOP over procedural?
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 06:30

            I am venturing into python and wondering what one should look for to make a choice whether to use Object Oriented Programming paradigm or to remain on procedural paradigm. I developed a small program that looks for duplicate media files in two hard drives and delete the duplicates ones in the send drive. Would it best leaving the program as it is or try out the OOP. If yes how best can I convert it to OOP? Disclaimer: Am still a beginner in python so the code may not be in the right shape as required. Sorry for verbosity.

            Sample of the program:



            Answered 2021-Jun-14 at 06:19

            It depends whether you want to enhance the project from time to time then oops is better for ease of maintainability and for larger projects but if you don't want to extend it then using procedural paradigm approach is just fine , while using oops also you use it in class methods .Oops makes more sense when you try to simulate real world environment or something related to real life objects and phenomenon , algorithms are also mostly implemented using procedural paradigm approach , for me procedural paradigm approach works fine untill code reaches 150 lines of code



            How to pass an array of setting values across multiple classes, efficiently
            Asked 2021-Jun-11 at 18:32

            I have a settings array of config values that don't change and need to use these values in various classes.



            Answered 2021-Jun-05 at 17:51

            If these values really are fixed, you could have the classes import a trait that holds the settings and also incorporates any common functionality you need.



            MapGeneratorEditor.OnInspectorGUI() No suitable method found to override
            Asked 2021-Jun-07 at 14:51

            I have recently been following a tutorial series on Procedurally Generated world generation, I am fairly new to coding and I have come across the following problem. I have 3 error messages in my code,

            The first error says: Error CS0115 'MapGeneratorEditor.OnInspectorGUI()': no suitable method found to override

            The second says: Error CS0103 The name 'target' does not exist in the current context

            And the third error is: Error CS0103 The name 'DrawDefaultInspector' does not exist in the current context

            I think that these are somehow related to each other I am using Unity 2019.4.16f1 personal and here is my code



            Answered 2021-Jun-07 at 14:51

            You are inheriting your MapGeneratorEditor class from MonoBehavior, but OnInspectorGUI function only member of Editor class. You should replace MonoBehavior with Editor


            here is referances where your functions comes





            Unknown difference between logic of OOP code compared to Procedural
            Asked 2021-Jun-07 at 09:57

            I have written two versions of the same bouncing ball game. One is OOP based and one is procedural, and I would expect them to do the same thing. Except, the Object Oriented program behaves differently.

            I don't know the best way to explain it but the procedural code 'bouncing' keeps the ball bouncing indefinitely and bouncing to the same height each time. But the OOP code 'bouncing' increases the bounce height on each consecutive bounce. Yet I cannot find a difference in the logic between them.

            OOP code



            Answered 2021-Jun-07 at 09:57

            rect_x and rect_y can store floating point values. However rect.x and rect.y cannot just store integral values.

            Since pygame.Rect is supposed to represent an area on the screen, a pygame.Rect object can only store integral data.

            The coordinates for Rect objects are all integers. [...]

            The fraction part of the coordinates gets lost when the new position of the object is assigned to the Rect object. If this is done every frame, the position error will accumulate over time.

            If you want to store object positions with floating point accuracy, you have to store the location of the object in separate variables respectively attributes and to synchronize the pygame.Rect object. round the coordinates and assign it to the location (e.g. .topleft) of the rectangle:



            Unity Measuring Real distance between two object
            Asked 2021-Jun-03 at 11:10


            I have a (might be a really simple) question that I cannot figure out.

            How do i measure a distance between two object - visually not mathematically?

            I know that i can use Vector3.Distance to measure the object's distance. but its not what I am looking for.

            To make it clearer, here is a graph of what i wanna achieve:



            Answered 2021-Jun-03 at 09:35

            I understand what do you want. Ball is closer to CubeA because its right side closer to ball than cubeB's left side.

            If you add rigidbodies and boxcolliders to cube and send ray from ball to cubes you can find short distance from ball.

            For example I used line cast for this example.



            How to return dynamic results sets from a Db2 anonymous block via JDBC?
            Asked 2021-Jun-02 at 15:22

            I'm looking at the Db2 LUW feature "returning result sets from SQL", which seems to work in a similar fashion to what's possible in MySQL, SQL Server by running a simple SELECT from any procedural logic, or in Oracle by using DBMS_SQL.RETURN_RESULT. The following anonymous block seems to be valid:



            Answered 2021-Jun-02 at 14:36

            You can't return result sets if not from a procedure

            See docs

            WITH RETURN Specifies that the result table of the cursor is intended to be used as a result set that will be returned from a procedure. WITH RETURN is relevant only if the DECLARE CURSOR statement is contained with the source code for a procedure. In other cases, the precompiler might accept the clause, but it has no effect.

            I understand that it may just be an example, but procedural statements are not needed to return integers from 1 to 10, the following query also does :



            Can 2 arrays be merged into an array of structures with 2 fields using only LINQ?
            Asked 2021-Jun-01 at 18:18

            I am wondering if two int arrays can theoretically be merged into a single array of structures using only LINQ, where each array going into its respective field?

            So let's say we have 2 int arrays called numbers_raw and categories_raw, and class Record with 2 fields.

            Using procedural code it looks like this:



            Answered 2021-Jun-01 at 17:56


            Use Absolute path instead for golang "fmt" in import directive
            Asked 2021-May-31 at 18:07

            This is an instructional question and not a procedural one as simply requiring "fmt" works just fine, but when with the hello world golang file I modify it as follows



            Answered 2021-May-31 at 18:07

            The correct absolute import path for the package is fmt.

            Relative import paths start with ./ or ../. The import path fmt is an absolute import path.

            Remote import paths start with a domain name. The package does not have a remote import path.

            The tool chain creates a unique package for each import path. If the application could refer to the source code for the fmt package using a remote import path, the package with the remote path will be different from the standard fmt package. Every aspect of the package is unique. The code is duplicated. There is a ScanState type for each package and these types cannot be used interchangeably. The pp cache is duplicated. And so on.



            PDO prepared statement performance concern
            Asked 2021-May-28 at 14:59

            I'm rather new to PDO, and I have a performance concern with them. Currently in a procedural-based PHP script, I just create my PDO object then create all the statements the script would need in 1 go. Then as functions need them, I just declare the statement as a global and use it, while the rest of the script doesn't need global.

            My question is: with prepared statements, is it better to pre-prepare all the ones you need, or should I prepare as I need them?

            Crude example below:



            Answered 2021-May-27 at 19:54

            A better idea may be to just store the queries as strings and prepare them inside functions. This way you are just storing the strings and only creating objects when needed inside the functions. That being said, if it is only going to be a small amount of queries, I don't think you would see any performance difference either way.



            Php variable declaration with an interrogation point before the type
            Asked 2021-May-26 at 09:50

            In php, what is the difference between the two following variable declarations, both for procedural mode and inside a class:

            • string $str; // without ? before the type
            • ?string $str; // with ? before the type

            Thank you for your lights



            Answered 2021-May-19 at 10:15

            Variable $str can only be of type string:


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install Procedural

            Requires PixelsForGlory.Base and PixelsForGlory.Extensions. Requires Player to be using .NET 4.6+.
            Make sure the "ColorVoxelMaterial" has the "AlphaMap" texture set for the "Metallic Map", "Smoothness Map", and "Emission Map".
            Make sure that the AlphaMap.png has the following texture import settings:
            If you want to use the TextureVoxelMesh, use similar settings as the following. Not using mipmaps and filtering as point will make a really small texture render sharply.


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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