cdb | A native golang implementation of cdb | Database library
kandi X-RAY | cdb Summary
kandi X-RAY | cdb Summary
This is a native Go implementation of [cdb][1], a constant key/value database with some very nice properties. From the [design doc][1]:.
Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA
- Next moves the iterator to the next key .
- NewWriter returns a new cdb writer .
- New returns a new CDB instance .
- readTuple reads the next tuple from the reader
- Create opens a file at the given path .
- Open opens a new CDB database .
- writeTuple is a helper function to write a single byte pair .
- db hash
cdb Key Features
cdb Examples and Code Snippets
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I want emacs to autocomplete std functions such as push_back of vector
Answered 2021-Jun-11 at 17:50Assuming you've installed the irony-mode-server, try M-xirony-cdb-menu
. If that shows no compilation database, there are a few options to tell irony where to look for includes (discussed in the documentation). Irony will provide completion based on sources found in the compilation database.
Of those options, I use a .clang_complete file in my project directory. To complete for vector in your example, assuming you are using g++ version 9 (replace the '9' with your major version), the following simple .clang_complete file may be sufficient (add -I entries for additional include paths as necessary)
I can't find out, how to mask the $ in the following shell statement. Any help is appreciated!
Answered 2021-Jun-07 at 11:01You should single-quote EOF, e.g. <<-'EOF'
But then you also need to run the subprocess with $()
instead of backquotes.
"Value": "test-CDB-CCP-CONSUL_ACL",
"Key": "Name"
"Value": "yes",
"Key": "Schedule"
"Key": "Department"
"Value": "",
"Key": "Owner"
"Value": "",
"Key": "Owner"
"Value": "No",
"Key": "Schedule"
Answered 2021-Jun-03 at 16:31Given the input shown above, you'd use this command:
In Docker for Windows I installed an Oracle DB 18c XE Linux Docker container by the books:
- Downloaded official sources (from
- Created an image from it
- Created a container: ...
Answered 2021-May-21 at 19:56After some more testing I now found the answer to my issue:
Apparently, the reported error is a glitch in the release of SQL*Plus.
I just updated SQL*Plus to, and the warning message is gone:
I was reading this React related article. I have also looked at the discussion on closures and callbacks here and here and here.
In an example, given in the React related article, there are three components ,
passes a state value to
component during initialization and also during componentDidMount
passes a callback function to
component along with the state value it received from
Answered 2021-May-10 at 15:37This is the complete code for the Button
First of, I'm still new when it comes to Oracle DBs and how they tend to do stuff so please forgive if I'm failing to see something obvious. I spent around 5 hours troubleshooting following issue and can't seem to resolve it on my own. Would really appreciate any help I can get.
I'm running SQL Developer for Oracle XE 18c database on my personal PC, trying to learn APEX with it and I'm having issues creating connection to DB with new user, once new user is added. Relevant info:
- Able to connect to database using New connection prompt > sys as SYSDBA / password or system / password screenshot of successful test
- Must change from CDB to PDB (in my case to XEPDB1 with ALTER SESSION) if I want to add user
- If I try to add user either through SQL or GUI when in CDB - I get error ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name in oracle (meaning I have to switch to PDB - ok, no problem)
- Once I switch to PDB - I am able to add user properly
- User is simple name, simple pass, no way it can be missed, made 5-6 different accounts while trying, demo/demo, test/test, we'll use username: master / password: masterkey in this example
- Once I try to create New connection > master / masterkey I get Status : Failure -Test failed: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied, this is happening with every single user I created logon denied
- Same happens if I try logging through SQLPlus sqlplus success for system user
All the tutorials, explanations and answers I found, make it so simple to log in with system > create new user > create new connection with that same user. Simple as that, but not me. Now, I do see my created user under Other users section but I believe I should be able to have this user separately, as it's own connection, right? screenshot for that
I will appreciate every help I can get. Let me know if you need any other configuration data.
lsnrctl services
Answered 2021-May-09 at 16:05Resolved by rebooting PC. Database was installed few hours earlier and I didn't reboot PC ever since, even with everything else properly configured. Connected successfully using service name XEPDB1 (should be default for XE DBs).
So I just installed parrot os two days ago and it was working fine until it suddenly stopped cloning repos returning this output
Answered 2021-May-04 at 21:40The messages:
I use cx_Oracle a Python Interface for Oracle Database.
In the same query, I have to:
- Change session to CDB container
- do a SQL request
Here is my code:
Answered 2021-May-04 at 10:01All the Oracle APIs execute a single statement at a time. From the documentation:
cx_Oracle can be used to execute individual statements, one at a time. It does not read SQL*Plus “.sql” files.
You need to make multiple calls to execute()
, passing the ALTER first, and then the SELECT. You need to use the same connection for both calls.
Alternatively you could wrap the SQL calls in a PL/SQL block (and return a REF CURSOR or Implicit Result Set).
I have an android device with usb ports. I'm trying to do an android application that stores a file to a usb stick. First, I need to validate it on an emulator before I can deploy it in the device. My problem is that the emulator doesn't mount well the usb stick. So far, I can detect the usb connection (in app and with lsusb) but I cannot find the path to save my file as the usb stick seems not to be mounted. To reproduce:
connect usb to pc:
Answered 2021-May-04 at 08:33I ran the emulator this way and it works now
I have built a Console Application
using Code::Blocks 20.03
, which was installed using codeblocks-20.03mingw-setup.exe
. The defaults for the installation directory(see Note01) and the installation type (Full), were used.
I tried to Debug
by using the Debug
menu, clicking Start/Continue
, and debugging failed.
I guess the important information from the log of what happened is
Starting the debuggee failed: No executable specified, use `target exec'
The full output from trying to debug is given below.
So my question is, how do you debug using Code::Blocks 20.03 (the "mingw" version)
Full Output from trying to run a debugging session follows.
Active debugger config: GDB/CDB debugger:Default Building to ensure sources are up-to-date Selecting target: Debug Adding source dir: C:\CodeBlocks20.03Small\ConsoleApplication\program01INcAdding source dir: C:\CodeBlocks20.03Small\ConsoleApplication\program01INc
Adding file: C:\CodeBlocks20.03Small\ConsoleApplication\program01INc\bin\Debug\program01INc.exe Changing directory to: C:/CodeBlocks20.03Small/ConsoleApplication/program01INc/. Set variable: PATH=.;C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin;C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW;C:\Program Files\Microsoft MPI\Bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client;C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client;C:\Windows\System32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn;C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd;C:\Users\Roger.dnx\bin;C:\Program Files\Microsoft DNX\Dnvm;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Binn;C:\Program Files (x86)\GtkSharp\2.12\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET Web Pages\v1.0;c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn;c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\Binn;C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH;C:\Program Files (x86)\FreeFem++;C:\Program Files\dotnet;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\170\Tools\Binn;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code\bin;C:\Users\Roger\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\Scripts;C:\Users\Roger\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32;C:\Users\Roger\AppData\Local\Programs\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin\x64;C:\texlive\2017\bin\win32;C:\Users\Roger\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;;C:\Program Files (x86)\clisp-2.49 Starting debuggee: C:\MinGW\bin\gdb.exe -nx -fullname -quiet -args C:/CodeBlocks20.03Small/ConsoleApplication/program01INc/bin/Debug/program01INc.exe done Setting breakpoints Debugger name and version: GNU gdb (GDB) 7.6.1 Starting the debuggee failed: No executable specified, use `target exec'. Debugger finished with status 0
In building my project I used the defaults from the Select Compiler
dialog box.
It looks as if you should (date 11th April 2021) always use the default directory, to install. I installed a version of Code::Blocks
in C:\Program Files\CodeBlocksSmall
when I went to uninstall it, the uninstaller would only accept C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks
as the directory to uninstall from. I deleted the CodeBlocksSmall
directory manually. I noticed this behaviour when I installed using codeblocks-20.03-setup.exe
Related question Starting the debuggee failed: No executable specified, use `target exec'
=======================I have hopefully made progress towards an answer.
It looks as if a prior installation of MinGW
was inadvertently being used by the attempted debugging session(this is no longer possible). See the involvement of the file
, in the line
Starting debugger: C:\MinGW\bin\gdb.exe -nx -fullname -quiet -args
Now when I try to run a debugging session, failure occurs differently (see just after the next four lines).
It looks to me, as if I need to at least, change the behaviour indicated by
Starting debugger: C:\MinGW\bin\gdb.exe -nx -fullname -quiet -args
to behaviour produced by
Starting debugger: C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin\gdb.exe -nx -fullname -quiet -args
Adding source dir: C:\Codeblocks20.03\ConsoleApp\program01INcForAnswer
Adding file: C:\Codeblocks20.03\ConsoleApp\program01INcForAnswer\bin\Debug\program01INcForAnswer.exe Changing directory to: C:/Codeblocks20.03/ConsoleApp/program01INcForAnswer/. Set variable: PATH=.;C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin;C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW;C:\Program Files\Microsoft MPI\Bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client;C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client;C:\Windows\System32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn;C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd;C:\Users\Roger.dnx\bin;C:\Program Files\Microsoft DNX\Dnvm;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Binn;C:\Program Files (x86)\GtkSharp\2.12\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET Web Pages\v1.0;c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn;c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\Binn;C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH;C:\Program Files (x86)\FreeFem++;C:\Program Files\dotnet;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\170\Tools\Binn;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code\bin;C:\Users\Roger\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\Scripts;C:\Users\Roger\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32;C:\Users\Roger\AppData\Local\Programs\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin\x64;C:\texlive\2017\bin\win32;C:\Users\Roger\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Program Files (x86)\clisp-2.49 Starting debugger: C:\MinGW\bin\gdb.exe -nx -fullname -quiet -args C:/Codeblocks20.03/ConsoleApp/program01INcForAnswer/bin/Debug/program01INcForAnswer.exe failed
Another related question is at
code blocks failed message runing hello code
There, the error message is like the one shown just above, and see also below
Starting debugger: C:\MinGW\bin\gdb.exe -nx -fullname -quiet -args C:/Codeblocks20.03/ConsoleApp/program01INcForAnswer/bin/Debug/program01INcForAnswer.exe failed
Note that, in both cases, Code::Blocks
is trying to invoke a debugger from the directory C:\MinGW\bin
Answered 2021-Apr-16 at 11:32To get debugging working, the type of fix described here wil be required if you install the MinGW
version of Code::Blocks 20.03
on Windows
, using codeblocks-20.03mingw-setup.exe
( the 8th April 2021 version, with the default installation accepted ).
What I did to get it to work was the following.
From the Settings
menu I clicked on Debugger..
, then on the left of the screen selected Default
, a debugger type. This showed me Executable paths
which was set to
I changed this to
C:\Program Files\Codeblocks\MinGW\bin\gdb.exe
I was then able to use the debugger.
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