desktop-app | Desktop music player built with electron to play youtube | Dektop Application library

 by   Cloud-Player JavaScript Version: v1.2.0 License: No License

kandi X-RAY | desktop-app Summary

kandi X-RAY | desktop-app Summary

desktop-app is a JavaScript library typically used in Apps, Dektop Application, Electron applications. desktop-app has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Desktop music player built with electron to play youtube, soundcloud and mixcloud tracks

            kandi-support Support

              desktop-app has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 50 star(s) with 11 fork(s). There are 4 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 3 open issues and 2 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 157 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of desktop-app is v1.2.0

            kandi-Quality Quality

              desktop-app has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              desktop-app has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              desktop-app code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              desktop-app does not have a standard license declared.
              Check the repository for any license declaration and review the terms closely.
              Without a license, all rights are reserved, and you cannot use the library in your applications.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

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            desktop-app Key Features

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            desktop-app Examples and Code Snippets

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            Community Discussions


            Can I use SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces to get a DevicePath from SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail when no InterfaceClassGUID is known?
            Asked 2021-May-14 at 14:11


            I have read How to get device interface GUID for a device? and How to open a handle to a device using its Device Instance ID?, but I'm still confused about how I am to (or whether I should even) use SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces paired with SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail to get a DevicePath that can be opened with CreateFile to access the device when no device interface class GUID is known. My question is based on the MSDN article here and here which rely on these functions.

            More details...

            The high level of my problem is I've got an audio USB device I need to send control transfer commands. To do so, I want to use WinUSB's API, and to do that I need to get a handle to the device via CreateFile. Unfortunately, there is no .inf file associated with the device and so there is no known device interface class GUID. If one plugs the device in, Windows associates with it usbaudio.sys as the driver. To start talking over WinUSB, I use libwdi to install WinUSB as the device driver so that I can communicate with it via the WinUSB API. To accomplish the install of WinUSB, libwdi dynamically creates a self-signed .cat and .inf file pair, which unfortunately has no device interface class defined. In fact, the INF file has the following in it:



            Answered 2021-May-14 at 00:32

            Yes, first you need to get a device information set for devices that implement the interface via SetupDiGetClassDevs, then pick one of the devices and read its device interface data, and use that to get the device interface detail that contains the device path.




            Distributing JavaFX Applications that use automodules
            Asked 2021-Apr-22 at 13:11

            I have created a JavaFX application. It runs perfectly in my Intellij IDE. Now I want to distribute the application - i.e. I want to obtain an installer that users could download and then it would install the application for them.

            I found a very interesting article about this here. This blog article basically describes what I want to achieve. There are two differences though:

            1. I am using Maven and not Gradle

            2. I have dependencies which use automodules such as iText7 and apache.commons.lang3

            The usage of automodules is making things very complicated. There is a GitHub project called ModiTect (here) that has been written to solve these issues. I have no experience in using ModiTect though and even my Maven knowledge is barely existent (meaning: I don't really know what I am doing in the pom.xml).

            What I am looking for is an explanation (step-by-step) as on how to integrate ModiTect (and if necessary jpackage) into my pom.xml in order to obtain an installer for my JavaFX application that uses automodules (and also a sqlite database, which shouldn't be a problem though).

            Can somebody provide this explanation or refer me to a tutorial?

            I provide a MWE at the end of this question. The MWE ist a TestApp. To illustrate the problem, run the application and press the "Print PDF" button. A pdf is created in resources --> pdf

            The MWE will compile and run when executing javafx:run There will be an error related to the usage of automodules when executing javafx:jlink

            I don't know how to fix this. ModiTect appears to be a promising addon. Another possible way can be found in this GitHub repo. But as I said before: My Maven knowledge is not sufficient to really grasp what is going on here. Any help would mean a lot to me!





            Answered 2021-Apr-22 at 13:11

            Instead of the javafx maven plugin you could use the moditect plugin to create missing module-info to auto module dependencies and then build the image with moditect.

            Such a pom for you could be something like:



            Visual studio: How to setup dll solution, which can refer to winusb
            Asked 2021-Apr-21 at 16:29

            I've been trying for some days now to make an solution which compiles and links a dll, which is able to call functions from winusb. I started with the example from Microsoft, which is pretty straight forward to make an winusb app. Now I have some source code, which would work with my device and I would like to make that accesible through an dll. I tried: -Create an new dll project, add my files with the matching #include directives but it won't compile. -2nd approach was to add an dll project to the win usb app solution and try to call the functions of the winusb app project from the dll project. That doesn't work. I tried to set a reference from the dll project to the winusb app project, but that didn't help. So, what is the correct way, to make these functions accessible in my dll project?

            Best regards!



            Answered 2021-Apr-21 at 16:29

            This is what I did to make it work:
            Configuration Properties>VC++ Directories:
            -Add $(WDKBinRoot_x86),$(WDKContentRoot)tools\tracing\x86
            Configuration Properties>Library Directories:
            -Add $(VCToolsInstallDir)lib\Spectre\onecore$(DDKPlatform);$(LibraryPath)
            Linker>Input: -Add onecoreuap.lib;winusb.lib;

            Under c/c++>Preprocessor where also a lot of preprocessor definitions different. I added these, but I do not know if they are needed. Here is the list: WIN32;WINAPI_FAMILY=WINAPI_FAMILY_DESKTOP_APP;WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP=1;WINAPI_PARTITION_SYSTEM=1;WINAPI_PARTITION_APP=1;WINAPI_PARTITION_PC_APP=1;



            Trigger MS Teams call from a .NET Application
            Asked 2021-Apr-12 at 19:33

            I have an idea to create some software by which users can trigger MS Team call (to any number), from any application(Eg. web browser, notepad, etc) within the system.

            The challenging part for me is triggering the call from outside teams. After researching, I found:

            1. Microsoft Teams PowerShell module: The module does not have any cmdlet for making a call, so it's for no use to this idea.
            2. MS Graph API: The method includes creating a bot with managing azure account, which will be a somewhat lengthy method and will be dependent on a lot of resources. Reference: Use MS Graph API to call (MS Teams) to another person from Python Desktop Application

            I can make this possible by automation also, but it won't be reliable. I need to create standalone software.

            So, I want to know that can I achieve this by any other method? Like, if I can just trigger the call by hitting commands from the system itself.



            Answered 2021-Apr-11 at 02:14

            Neither of those methods will work for you. There is no SDK that can be used to do what you want.

            There are (as far as I can tell) two undocumented command line switches "tel:" and "callto:".

            Both will cause the current running instance of teams to prompt the user to call the thing in the uri.

            You use "tel:" for e164 numbers. e.g. teams e164:+0015555551234

            You use "callto:" for teams users. e.g. teams



            "TypeError: window.require is not a function" in Electron/Angular sample app
            Asked 2021-Mar-22 at 05:54

            So I’m very new to Angular and Electron, and I've been having difficulties getting things to work. I've been looking for sample apps so that I could have a starting point that I could understand, and I came across this:

            I've been following it, and at the point where I first run npm run electron the window opens but stays empty, and in the devtools console I find Uncaught TypeError: window.require is not a function.

            I had made just some minor adjustments (making some types explicit) because initially it wouldn't compile, but nothing that should change anything about this.

            I have done some searches and for what I understand it might have something to do with



            Answered 2021-Mar-21 at 10:13

            It seems to me that if you use this code instead of the other code, it might work:



            How to control Jupyter Notebook or Jupyter Lab without the mouse
            Asked 2021-Feb-14 at 15:05

            Is it possible to control Jupyter Notebook or Jupyter Lab without the mouse? I am looking for a way to navigate with the keyboard using Tab and the arrowkeys (or other keys). I know there are several keyboard shortcuts although this is not what I am looking for.

            I have tried to run Jupyter lab as an application (on Windows) from this link:


            Although even then it is not possible to jump over the screen by Tab and the arrowkeys.

            I also have tried Jupyter Lab 2.0 and 3.0. With these versions it is possible to move from File to Edit to View etc with the arrowkeys (see picture below), although it still needs a mouseclick to select File first. Besides that is is not possible to go from these menu items towards the buttons to the right (with Save, "+" and the scissors).

            I hope there is a possibility!

            Thanks a lot.



            Answered 2021-Feb-14 at 15:05

            JupyterLab team is currently working to improve accessibility, with a large focus on keyboard-only and screen reader-friendly navigation (see the accessibility meeting notes here). Hopefully the changes will be included in upcoming 3.1 and 4.0 releases. You can contribute by testing these changes and taking part in the meetings or commenting on relevant GitHub issues.

            As for opening menu without mouse, you need to create a shortcut for that (you can use the Advanced Settings Editor). The command for opening the file menu is filemenu:open. Please see the gif below:



            How do I enable the ability to move a frameless window in Electron and Svelte?
            Asked 2021-Jan-20 at 08:25

            I'm following this article to set up Electron and Svelte.

            I wanted to make my window frameless so I enabled frame: false in index.js and it is successfully working and there is no title bar.

            According to this StackOverflow answer, to enable moving, I need to use:



            Answered 2021-Jan-20 at 08:25

            It turns out I needed to add:



            Sent email bu URL parameters
            Asked 2020-Dec-02 at 10:23

            I have a contact form on my website and i want to send an email to my personal inbox the contact information when user gives. But i want to create a php file and i will set some parameters to the URL of this file (like name,email or message) and i will sent the email with the value of the parameters.

            Note: I know how to send the email from my webhost so i don't need help with the email sent.

            (sorry for my bad english :-( )

            here is my contact form code:



            Answered 2020-Dec-02 at 10:14

            To append GET parameters to a POST form, you can append them to the URL in the action attribute:



            Can we run a JavaFX sesktop application in the web?
            Asked 2020-Oct-28 at 11:36

            I am developing a JavaFX application. As my development is almost complete, I would like to know if we can run our JavaFX app in a web browser. I have already read many posts that state that we can't run it now.

            It is very confusing to determine whether we can run desktop application in the browser or not, as all posts I have read are old.



            Answered 2020-Oct-08 at 12:51

            What has been said so far is simply not true. You can run JavaFX application in a browser even without any plugin or such. Just have a look here:

            Just look at their demo page to see many well known JavaFX examples. You can try them out yourself there.



            vue electron builder blank page
            Asked 2020-Oct-23 at 12:08

            How I came to the problem:
            I setup an project like this: until it came up to the coding part, there I added custom stuff. Created Components and so on. Everything works fine in serve then I want to build it.

            What I expect as outcome:
            App working as in serve mode

            What I got:
            blank page

            What I've tried to fix the problem:
            change a wide range of path urls like:



            Answered 2020-Oct-23 at 12:08

            So after many hours of struggling because I couldnt open a working console I found a tool called Debugtron. After a bit of optimization it throwed the error:" createProtocol is undefined ".

            The autogenerated background.js missed the line:


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