din | Decentralized Identification Number

 by   kioskprotocol JavaScript Version: Current License: MIT

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kandi X-RAY | din Summary

din is a JavaScript library. din has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

The Decentralized Identification Number (DIN) is an open standard for product identification. A DIN is a globally unique, 10-digit number that can be registered via an Ethereum smart contract called the DINRegistry.

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            Community Discussions


            I've been doing for java server and client, is there any way stop avoid this kind of error and start the menu again?
            Asked 2021-Jun-10 at 14:18


            Answered 2021-Jun-10 at 14:18

            InputStreamReader and BufferedReader are so-called filter streams: They don't themselves represent a resource that must be closed; they wrap around some other resource.

            The rule is, if you close a filterstream, it closes the thing they wrapped. (So, calling close() on br will cause that bufferedreader to invoke close() on that new InputStreamReader object, which in turn causes it to call close on System.in.

            Here's the thing, while usually you want to always close resources, you do not want to close System.in!

            You are, here, by using the try construct.

            Solution: Just.. do not do that. Do not make a try() {} block here.

            Your IDE might complain. Tell it to shut up, it is wrong.

            You get this error because the code closes System.in (by reaching the end of the try-with-resources block, which invokes close() on the resource, which invokes close() on the ISR, which invokes close() on System.in), and once it is closed, no further lines can be read from it.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67922933


            Regex matching issue to Test-String
            Asked 2021-Jun-03 at 18:52

            i have a problem and dont get it.

            My Regex:

            My Test-String:

            I have two issues and one general question :)

            1. As you can see in my Test-String the very last (german) Phone Number (the big yellow one in the Test-String attachment) does not match my Regex-Pattern correctly. I dont get it, what is the Problem here? the "0049" fits Group 5, but should fit Group 2, why is that?

            2. My second Problem is, how can i get rid of the spaces before and after every match? (The 7 yellow small circles in the Test-String Attachment)

            For copy/paste purposes, here is the Regex and Test-String again:

            Regex: ((\+\d{2}|00\d{2})?([ ])?(\()?(\d{2,4})(\))?([-| |/])?(\d{3,})([ ])?(\d+)?([ ])?(\d+)?)

            Test-String: Vorwahl 089, die E.123 ebenfalls , also (089) 1234567. Die DIN 5008, also +49 89 1234567 respectivly 0049 89 1234567. Die E.123 empfiehlt, also +49 89 123456 0 respectivly 0049 89 123456 0 oder +49 89 123456 789. Also +49 89 123 456 789. Klammern 089/1234567 und 0151 19406041. Test +49 151 123 456 789 respectivly 0049 151 123 456 789

            Last but not at least, my general question: Is it a good approach to Group each logical part as i did in my example?

            A last Information: I validate my Regex with https://regex101.com/ and use it in Python with the re Module.



            Answered 2021-Jun-03 at 18:52

            The thing that makes it unpredictable are the numerous optional groups (..)?.

            As first step i recommend replacing ([ ])?(\d+)? as a coupled expression ([ ]?\d+)?, which will avoid spaces at the end of the match - your point #2.

            As a second step i recommend coupling the first optional space with the expression of the "national dialling": ((\+|00)\d{2}([ ])?)?. Now we are lucky, because it solves both the space at the beginning and the recognition of the whole number, due to less possible matching options.

            The new expression now looks like this:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67817031


            WordPress/WooCommerce: Save custom payment post meta
            Asked 2021-Jun-02 at 17:44

            I am using a plugin that is creating a custom payment type where the user can fill in a custom payment ID. The thing is, I want that custom payment ID stored in an ACF field as post meta on the WooCommerce order edit page. I have created an ACF field named 'kkpayment' for this task. I figured the rest should be done using update_field($selector, $value, [$post_id]);. I have created a PHP function for this task. However, my code doesn't seem to work. Am I missing something obvious?

            My function for updating the ACF field:



            Answered 2021-Jun-02 at 17:44

            Use this code to update acf field on successful transaction.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67808585


            Azure 1GB Shared Account, Disk Out of Space
            Asked 2021-Jun-02 at 02:58

            I have created an App and published through Visual Studio. Package size is just 20MB and it does not write/upload anything on the file system but after 2 weeks I can't publish my changes to App and getting error that disk is out of space.

            I checked din the quota and it says 1GB has been consumed. I have only 1 app. Is there any way to explore files and check which file is taking this much space?



            Answered 2021-Jun-02 at 02:58

            You can find the quota of your webapp in kudu site.

            And you can use

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67797620


            Program.Mattor(): not all code paths return a value. How do I solve this?
            Asked 2021-Jun-01 at 20:57
            class Program
                static void Main(string[] args)
                    /// Tapet:
                    // Följande ska användaren kunna mata in:
                    // 1. Väggens mått: Längd och bredd.
                    // 2. Jämförelse av upp till 8 st tapeter.
                    // Programmet ska även kunna skriva ut en lista av alla tapet där man tydligt ser namn, antal rullar och pris. 
                    // Användaren ska kunna mata in golvets bredd och längd.
                    // Användaren ska sedan kunna mata in olika areor på mattor tills det täcker golvets yta.  
                    // Vi ska bestämma när antalet mattor har täckt golvet, samt hur många mattor det tog.
                    // Variabeln menyKörs sätts till true så vi kan skapa en While-loop som hela tiden körs om. Detta avbryter vi genom att sätta den till
                    // false ifall användaren väljer att avsluta programmet. 
                    bool menyKörs = true;
                    while (menyKörs)
                        //Ett programm som hjälper anändaren att tappetsera en vägg eller lägga mattor på användarens golv
                        Console.WriteLine("Hej! Välkommen till programmet som hjälper dig med att tappetsera och lägga golvmattor ");
                        // Menyval för användaren att välja väg i programmet. Beroende på val skickas användaren till olika metoder som utreder specifika uppgifter. 
                        Console.WriteLine("Meny: ");
                        Console.WriteLine("Välj V för att tappetsera en vägg, M för att lägga mattor eller A för att avsluta programmet! ");
                        Console.WriteLine("Tappetsera vägg (V)");
                        Console.WriteLine("Lägga mattor (M)");
                        Console.WriteLine("Avsluta programm (A)");
                        string val = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
                        //Anänver mig av en "switch" för att gå olika vägar beroende på användarens val i menyn. 
                        switch (val)
                            //Tar in värdena bredd och längd och skickar in detta i metoden "tapeter".
                            case "V":
                                    Console.WriteLine("Vad är måtten på väggen du ska tappetsera? (Skriv i meter) ");
                                    Console.WriteLine("Bredden: ");
                                    double måttBredd = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                    Console.WriteLine("Längden: ");
                                    double måttLängd = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Din area på väggen blir: {måttBredd * måttLängd}m^2 ");
                                    Tapeter(måttBredd, måttLängd);
                            //Skickas direkt till metoden "mattor" som sedan returnar hur många mattor det krävdens
                            case "M":
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Det krävdes {Mattor()} antal mattor för att täcka golvets yta! ");
                            case "A":
                                    menyKörs = false;
                            //Avbryter koden genom att skickas till metoden "Felmeddelande"
                /// En metod som berättar för användaren att ett felaktigt värde blivit angivet. Detta görs i en metod då vi minskar upprepning. 
                private static void Felmeddelande()
                    Console.WriteLine("Du skrev in ett felaktigt värde, testa igen! ");
                /// Räknar ut antal tapeter för en vägg och skriver ut dem
                /// Den bredd väggen har
                /// Den längd som väggen har
                private static void Tapeter(double måttBredd, double måttLängd)
                    //Olika lister där inmatning utav olika värden från användaren sparas för senare utskrivning
                    List listaTapet = new List();
                    List listaNamn = new List();
                    List listaPris = new List();
                    List listaPrisTotal = new List();
                    int a = 0;
                    bool tapetVäg = true;
                    while (a <= 9 && tapetVäg)
                        //Menyval där användaren kan välja att lägga till en tapet för jämförelse, skriva ut tapeterna eller avsluta programmet. 
                        Console.WriteLine("Vad vill du göra? Klicka 1, 2, respektive 3 för att välja: ");
                        Console.WriteLine("Tänk på att du enbart kan jämföra !MAX! 8 st olika tapeter. ");
                        Console.WriteLine("1: Lägga till en tapet");
                        Console.WriteLine("2: Skriva ut listorna av tapeterna");
                        Console.WriteLine("3: Avsluta programm");
                        int valdVäg = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        switch (valdVäg)
                            case 1:
                                    Console.WriteLine("Vad heter din tapet? ");
                                    string namnTapet = Console.ReadLine();
                                    /*Räknar ut det antal rullar som användaren behöver. Detta görs utan hänsyn till mönster eller att tapeten ska sitta rätt.
                                    Uträkningen görs genom att först dividera väggens bredd, (måttBredd), med tapetens bredd (tapetBredd), 
                                    vilket ger oss antalet rullar vi behöver för att täcka väggens bredd med tapeter (antalRullar bredd). 
                                    Detta värde avrundas uppåt då vi inte kan köpa halva tapetrullar. 
                                    Sedan multipliceras det antal tapeter som behövs för att täcka väggens bredd, (antalRullar bredd), med väggens längd, (måttLängd). Slutligen divideras detta med
                                    tapetens längd, (tapetLängd), vilket ger oss totala antalet rullar vi behöver för att täcka hela väggen, (antalRullarVägg). 
                                    Även detta värde, (antalRullarVägg), avrundas uppåt av samma anledning som innan. 
                                    Console.WriteLine("Hur bred är tapeten? (meter) ");
                                    double tapetBredd = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                    Console.WriteLine("Hur lång är tapeten? (meter) ");
                                    double tapetLängd = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                    double antalRullarBredd = (måttBredd / tapetBredd);
                                    int kolumnRullar = Convert.ToInt32((Math.Ceiling(antalRullarBredd)));
                                    int antalRullarVägg = Convert.ToInt32((Math.Ceiling((antalRullarBredd * måttLängd) / tapetLängd)));
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Totala antal rullar du behöver blir {antalRullarVägg} st");
                                    //Det totala priset blir antalet rullar tapet multiplicerat med vad en rulle tapet kostar. 
                                    Console.WriteLine("vad kostar tapeten? (kr/rulle) ");
                                    double tapetPris = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                    double prisTotal = antalRullarVägg * tapetPris;
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Det totala priset för din tapet blir därmet: {prisTotal} kr ");
                                    Console.WriteLine("Tryck Enter för att fortsätta: ");
                            case 2:
                                    Console.WriteLine("Här kommer dina tapeter som en lista: ");
                                    //Räknar upp listorna i ordning med hjälp av en "foreach" där loopen körs tills det inte finns något mer i listan "listaNamn".
                                    //Då listan "listaNamn" och alla andra listor är lika stora så kommer loopen skriva ut allt i listorna. 
                                    for (int i = 0; i < listaNamn.Count; i++)
                                        Console.Write("Namn: ");
                                        Console.Write("Antal tapetrullar: ");
                                        Console.Write("Kr/Rulle: ");
                                        Console.Write("Totalt pris för tapet: ");
                            case 3:
                                    tapetVäg = false;
                /// Metod som körs för att täcka golvet med mattor
                static int Mattor()
                    //Skapar två lister för mattornas längd och bredd. Detta för att jag sedan ska kunna skriva ut mattorna som användaren har använt. 
                    List listaMattaBredd = new List();
                    List listaMattaLängd = new List();
                    int b = 0;
                    bool mattaVäg = true;
                    while (mattaVäg)
                        Console.WriteLine("Meny: ");
                        Console.WriteLine("1: Lägga till mattor");
                        Console.WriteLine("2: Skriva ut mattorna");
                        Console.WriteLine("3: Avsluta programm");
                        int mattaVal = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        switch (mattaVal)
                            case 1:
                                    Console.WriteLine("Du ska täcka ditt golv med golvmattor. Jag behöver följande: ");
                                    Console.WriteLine("Golvets bredd: ");
                                    double golvBredd = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                    Console.WriteLine("Golvets längd: ");
                                    double golvLängd = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Din area blir: {golvBredd * golvLängd} m^2 ");
                                    double golvArea = golvLängd * golvBredd;
                                    // "täcktGolv" sätts till noll och adderas varje gång anvädnaren valt att lägga till en matta på golvet. 
                                    double täcktGolv = 0;
                                    //Använder do-while för att se om mattorna tänker golvarean. Använder även en variabel som räknas efter varje gång loopen utförs för att bestämma antal mattor man behöver. 
                                        Console.WriteLine("Ta en matta och mata in mattans mått: ");
                                        Console.WriteLine("Matta bredd: ");
                                        int mattaBredd = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                        Console.WriteLine("Matta längd: ");
                                        int mattaLängd = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                        täcktGolv = täcktGolv + (mattaBredd * mattaLängd);
                                        Console.WriteLine($"Täckt golv blir: {täcktGolv} m^2");
                                    } while (täcktGolv < golvArea);
                                    return b;
                            case 2:
                                    Console.WriteLine("Här kommer dina tapeter som en lista: ");
                                    //Räknar upp listorna i ordning med hjälp av en "foreach" där loopen körs tills det inte finns något mer i listan "listaMattaBredd". 
                                    //Då listan "listaMattaBredd" är lika stor som listan "listaMattaLängd" så kommer loopen skriva ut allt i listorna. 
                                    for (int i = 0; i < listaMattaBredd.Count; i++)
                                        Console.Write("Matta Bredd: ");
                                        Console.Write("Matta Längd: ");
                                    return b;
                            case 3:
                                    mattaVäg = false;
                                    return b;
                                    return b;


            Answered 2021-Jun-01 at 20:57

            Because all of your returns are in the while loop. From msdn: msdn

            • The while statement: conditionally executes its body zero or more times.

            Meaning that is not guaranteed that the code inside the while loop will be executed at all. It might just skip the whole, but no returns after it, that's why you are getting an error: "Not all code paths return a value", although multiple paths returns a value, NOT all path.

            You specified that the mattaVag variable is true at the beginning but the compiler doesn't know it. If this loop will be executed at least one time anyway, change it to do...while. Or place the return b; outside your loop

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67794777


            const commandFolders = readdirSync('./commands'); ReferenceError: Cannot access 'readdirSync' before initialization at Object. error
            Asked 2021-May-29 at 17:56

            I got this error today trying to change a little bit of my command handler from an youtube video.The video is from april and it seems to work for the guy but for me it doesnt.I tried many things but i didnt get any clue.Im not pretty good with this but i want to have an start like many others and this comunity is so good an helps me so much, thank you so much for the support you offer to me!!I hope i will get past this problem.



            Answered 2021-May-29 at 17:56

            So what you did wrong is, that you want to use readdirSync before you included the fs library in your code. Just move the require statement over the readdirSync and it should work:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67749496


            MariaDB optimization for Woocommerce store with more than 55k articles on sale soon
            Asked 2021-May-24 at 18:37

            and I appreciate in advance for your help on this. I have a VPS with the following specs:

            OS: Centos 7.x CPU Model: Common KVM processor CPU Details: 6 Core(2200 MHz) Distro Name: CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core) Kernel Version: 3.10.0-1160.25.1.el7.x86_64 Database: Server type: MariaDB Server version: 10.2.38-MariaDB - MariaDB Server

            And here is mu sqltuner output from letting it run after 48 hours and uptime.



            Answered 2021-May-24 at 18:37

            Rules for memory allocation.

            • Do not allocate so much RAM that swapping will occur. Swapping is terrible for MySQL/MariaDB performance.
            • Do adjust innodb_buffer_pool_size such that most of RAM is in use during normal time and even for spikes in activity. (I often say "set it to 70% of available RAM", but you are asking for more details.)
            • Do not bother changing other settings; they add to the complexity of "getting it right".

            There are 3 situations (based on innodb_buffer_pool_size and dataset size):

            • Tiny dataset -- buffer_pool is bigger than necessary --> wasting some of RAM, but so what; it is not useful for anything else. And it give you some room for growth.
            • Medium-sized dataset -- Most activity is done in RAM; the system will run nicely.
            • Big dataset -- The system may be I/O-bound. Adding RAM is a costly and brute force solution. However, some software techniques (eg, better indexes) may help, such as this for WordPress and WooCommerce.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67658920


            Am I missing something? FormData and .get from FormGroup
            Asked 2021-May-20 at 06:46

            I have some issues where I don't really know where the problem in the code is. I've searched a bit on it but no luck.

            I've been trying to make a contact form using Angular Reactive Forms and with HttpClient to make the post requests and such. Has anyone got any input in regards to this? Problem is located at the FormData.append part. Error message I get is "Object is possibly 'null'." for the three formData.appends I use.




            Answered 2021-May-20 at 05:30

            I fixed it with a little help elsewhere. Seems I firstly forgot to import Reactive Forms, as I only had Forms imported.

            Then I had some issues in regards to formData.append. I found a better solution to the coding I had done in that part and it works good. I also had some issue where I could not use response["result"]. But also found the solution for that with (response: any) => I don't know if I had typed something wrong on the form part, but it works now after copying something from StackBlitz.

            StackBlitz that has everything working: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ivy-2yiyr3?file=src/app/contact/contact.component.ts

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67597977


            How to write multiple lines to file in C++ without losing previous lines
            Asked 2021-May-18 at 08:10

            I need to write multiple lines in a txt and binary file and I created a function (I'll attach it below) that's supposed to write a few array items into the file. The problem is, I used fprintf while I open and close the file in the same function and so every time my for (because it's an array) calls the function, it overwrites the file. I'm thinking of opening the file and closing it before and after the for, respectively. Is there a more elegant way of doing what I'm after? Currently I'm using File I/O for consulting purposes and it only mentions fprintf.

            Here's my code:



            Answered 2021-May-18 at 07:39


            7-segment decoder does not have errors, but test is failing
            Asked 2021-May-16 at 10:47

            Below is my code for 7-segment decoder:



            Answered 2021-May-16 at 10:47

            The decoder module has undriven output ports and unconnected input ports. Since your testbench uses bus signals for these, you might as well use bus ports:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67554221

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