taf | row polymorphism , delimited continuations
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A Lisp with row polymorphism, delimited continuations, and hygienic macros. [vaporware]
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I am working on a project to upload my trades directly to an app I am building, by consuming a CSV file produced by my broker, instead of having to manually enter trades in a journal or paying for one.
My problem is that the data is represented as transactions not trades, therefore I have to match transactions (Buys/sells) and create another object from that. The reason I want to create a "Trade" Object is to store a list of them in a database and pass those objects to other methods to calculate stuff.
Here is what the data looks like from my broker:
Here is the Header for the CSV file:
Account,T/D,S/D,Currency,Type,Side,Symbol,Qty,Price,Exec Time,Comm,SEC,TAF,NSCC,Nasdaq,ECN Remove,ECN Add,Gross Proceeds,Net Proceeds,Clr Broker,Liq,Note
Sample data of the CSV file containing multiple examples of transactions:
FAKEACCOUNT,12/22/2020,12/23/2020,USD,2,B,MSFT201224P00222500,1,0.77,09:50:45,0.59,0,0,0.033,0.09,0,0,-77,-77.713,LAMP,, FAKEACCOUNT,12/23/2020,12/24/2020,USD,2,S,MSFT201224P00222500,7,1.3,09:47:32,4.13,0.03,0.01,0.033,0.63,0,0,910,905.167,VOLANT,, FAKEACCOUNT,12/24/2020,12/29/2020,USD,2,B,COCP,450,1.7,07:31:58,2.25,0,0,0.033,0.007065,0,0,-765,-767.290065,LAMP,e, FAKEACCOUNT,12/24/2020,12/29/2020,USD,2,B,COCP,75,1.65,08:08:06,0.99,0,0,0.033,0.0011775,0,0,-123.75,-124.7741775,LAMP,X, FAKEACCOUNT,12/24/2020,12/29/2020,USD,2,B,COCP,15,1.63,09:29:23,0.99,0,0,0.033,0.0002355,0,0,-24.45,-25.4732355,LAMP,, FAKEACCOUNT,12/28/2020,12/30/2020,USD,2,S,COCP,540,1.4709,10:30:36,2.7,0.02,0.07,0.033,0.008478,0,0,794.286,791.454522,MNGD,, FAKEACCOUNT,12/29/2020,12/30/2020,USD,2,B,PYPL210108P00235000,1,5.35,09:34:21,0.59,0,0,0.033,0.09,0,0,-535,-535.713,VOLANT,, FAKEACCOUNT,12/29/2020,12/30/2020,USD,2,S,PYPL210108P00235000,1,5.95,09:36:47,0.59,0.02,0.01,0.033,0.09,0,0,595,594.257,VOLANT,, FAKEACCOUNT,12/29/2020,12/30/2020,USD,2,B,NFLX201231P00535000,1,5.68,11:58:17,0.59,0,0,0.033,0.09,0,0,-568,-568.713,VOLANT,, FAKEACCOUNT,12/29/2020,12/30/2020,USD,2,B,SPY201230P00372000,1,0.91,12:01:26,0.59,0,0,0.033,0.09,0,0,-91,-91.713,VOLANT,, FAKEACCOUNT,12/29/2020,12/30/2020,USD,2,S,SPY201230P00372000,1,0.97,12:07:18,0.59,0.01,0.01,0.033,0.09,0,0,97,96.267,VOLANT,, FAKEACCOUNT,12/29/2020,12/30/2020,USD,2,S,NFLX201231P00535000,1,6.02,12:21:55,0.59,0.02,0.01,0.033,0.09,0,0,602,601.257,VOLANT,,
Here, I matched the same transactions per color to better explain the concept. In yellow are two transactions forming 1 trade. The opening transaction is a "Buy" (B), therefore to close it, the matching transaction should be a "Sell" (S).
Same concept, slightly more complicated in green. The opening trade is a "Buy" with 450 as quantity. The subsequent transactions are also "Buy" with the same symbol, therefore adding to the position (450 + 75 + 15 = 540 quantity). A matching transaction to close the trade should be "Sell", but it could also be in increments. So I should keep track of quantity once a trade is initialized. See how the last green transaction is a sell of 540 quantity with the same symbol, bringing the total quantity to zero for the trade, meaning the trade is completed (Closed).
I have made a Transaction class with all the required fields, a constructor, getters and setters, as well as a Trade class.
Answered 2021-Mar-19 at 17:34For your first problem,
- Sometimes I scale out of positions meaning that I do not sell in 1 transactions (Multiple transactions to close trades), which means I would have to match multiple transactions.
Use groupingBy method :
Group your transactions by 'symbol' and collect as map.
Map postsPerType = transactions.stream() .collect(groupingBy(Transactions::getSymbol));
This way you get all transactions grouped together.
- There is the possibility of a trade being still partially opened in the list passed. I do not know how to handle that possibility.
Iterate above collected transactions and match the quantity by filtering out Buy and Sell transactions to ensure whether trade is completed.
Im using bs4 for Python, I want to get a json from a web page but its like this:
Answered 2021-Feb-01 at 23:58You can simply use the 'script'
tag to find the element:
I habe deploy my django app on pythonanywhere but have an error with export in excel
my code works except on pythonanywhere
I had FileWrapper but it doesn't work. Instead of openning a pdf files, it display this:
%PDF-1.3 %���� ReportLab Generated PDF document http://www.reportlab.com 1 0 obj << /F1 2 0 R >> endobj 2 0 obj << /BaseFont /Helvetica /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /Name /F1 /Subtype /Type1 /Type /Font >> endobj 3 0 obj << /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /FlateDecode ] /Height 161 /Length 23591 /Subtype /Image /Type /XObject /Width 277 >> stream Gb"/lG>qMqp@&$+mJ#IcpYKseYrD#T/D+V;,#rq('Lbh!6)5rc,/#BI!bn(rcJB*TQN"8&/+nC0RJHn;**\]eIJ;;2J`WmRS&:*c_k6E@a@)8:qK(4Bq94Ym6^k*l<@!l@u&m6nPY[E;=(`uka6l(^l/6F)(`Wm81OTjbI$^SkcnUUj:AAS&VJgI^1Hsjc'=YN%D@#6EO+'>a8(5rbT=<\-m#8SkQ"lf[mQH4[JJH\\W_>(ft-*gp+@)3IY0Ku^KM(BJc=Kk1/N"7IA+q)Bq(+bROir][TaF`r5"\WCBpqVJ-ZMq<-N/W3+q=aD6p^^#GSK3,!m=5,S^k0O(IgJ;]"cTV8QDoqsP)5F$G:ASk+`DV'\=H?8[mPrHAG]\,F1'-[G=@:5^,Jtd1fd!KHZV2(cL*!pJgH$JI!f["KIFrb8XF6tbDM\_e?5,"rn]iuManl7S\-Vb3HFdWU=T7oXnD_,Zh]s"Rt%uTiLfkQr,R;QJ*q7N-$Jmp+7GZm@*?;_c6)NDlC>gdJd"e(rQ4gC%1OW9*=lKH59i)d*kctfoX9%k%1g-8D00Rj_W[!ZNY.n-:L_GZh+R2)?M\WefQb&I)&Q0C/UP'Yq(p.SO*CSS$?Dc@l[]6*Hh=5p"2^CN3\B%V6J.TL;;qtXTeZQopil>5d@5TAfs1%,`8\B[G%,YKIIN5e7scVgo1X2D,Ote]5-?q-3r8fA":Ne)lHd;%=^(CQffEAcC$<-X7rFe<%;a;_Kf=3,]!Z%qm@B/FFtLG7MoEtPdf\5?a+qXZngD$c`,"aS+;;K\H=4RX(&\I6F>0,fRW:^;s&\umh]p)V6ufGPCZhGH]3+i!N8Xl,T&&2!B,mOVqj+lm=GOJ:"h$RurXSePp^@ZBJ+dup-MDp5[a'pF?O5;@g:h5/T.0-2:!WnOFs_QRb?mfBGeSC@/XbdWpnZ&Xc%(5r&%s<_T6Zj!-SM'1H"HCb$sPE'YnA79Bg"@V3X:[s5j'J"`Z;,MG=a^\FVLM*=&KEC=RW\RBHqJH8K/`cN^1A@=&#\Z[*;+7s%61,SEH]-JfTBJU-b]GCbjm`mV6;-\^Y60T`K'spmmidk4`Kd&+Z%g-DO4*V`aY!HB^EQC!CQ=f>aj1Rd@%;NZF[hhkQkK^s@s$/dYT,JX0aYBo5X8d)tLjHd\DXqKmOG1;7:R"[ktb%pJqXYUpDJh`SA>3B+D02MTQ=koO/&K/%bn9TL_04tM9uji-(*LqT!V*l$mi7*0]r'j9mN_^Ck3O4($BPuXe5X4"d[Kgn,AcKYhGeX>^L8=*\>[8@qc*;fh])V.]_=i]]hk=)!hs!)LE5H\r"ou>PdiS,,5q!cJ;$2!#MQl[[@@H6r_ArN:*(->nhlmR[c%b1U\p)l'b5Cda4LD;9n#:R`TRQ^Alq9qAeCYdrW1N$R%Oo[Y-7k$kgfoFKMB:<1ZpY.q!<_>s%3C]U]H.0lstM)+ai-fi5=ff-*c+]1-O[aN11lAg8[j>[:R[&s0.t%lY"[_iA8j4s8K=!cgq+I[f3at/J("ZoRq'#_hVUENO)GOpnRqKS`Q'f@#ouKMeN8k#mq)$!f#B=u_VWui*,sUsL_tp>h/,44oZog0Goiq6AK/_+hj)]j,c^%#Wmb&kse0mr%/n`m"DiNGr)"f8:hb.2M\Sn[ZplmT&2j"">c:r2qoLT/HbaOXRfA[!UJqFY*&o?[7p^m^J`*dlD263B0k%p].h\EClOB2[T:Dj@_l.I0QJD?-<
how to fix this issue?
Answered 2020-Nov-18 at 08:49It seems that the response is missing a Content-Type in your response.
I have a document with following formatting;
Answered 2020-Oct-30 at 20:52A great boilerplate to start with, I prepared exact regex patterns, do the rest. PS: what you need is readlines() method + regex, no splitting!
I have a JSON file that is structured like this:
Answered 2020-Sep-25 at 00:31I would probably use a different model because you current one doesn't support the same format as the JSON:
I am trying to scrape this page recursively using BeautifulSoup.
The problem however is that the pdf links actually open a new page on which the pdf's are embedded. In this embedded page we can subsequently find the true pdf links from the embedded tag.
I added therefore a line to check if the content is of the application/pdf. However using the redirect url, I am unable to extract the pdf links from this new page with the embedded pdf.
I tried the following but this did not work (a valid pdf link is never found)
Answered 2020-Apr-03 at 03:17import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
import re
from urllib.parse import unquote
site = "https://www.masked.com/us/individual/resources/regulatory-documents/mutual-funds"
def main(url):
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser')
target = [f"{url[:25]}{item.get('href')}"
for item in soup.findAll("a", title="Annual Report")]
return target
def parse(url):
with requests.Session() as req:
r = req.get(url)
match = [unquote(f"{r.url[:25]}{match.group(1)}") for match in re.finditer(
r"Override=(.+?)\"", r.text)]
return match
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=50) as executor:
futures = [executor.submit(parse, url) for url in main(site)]
links = []
for future in futures:
print(f"Collected {len(links)}")
def download(url):
with requests.Session() as req:
r = req.get(url)
if r.status_code == 200 and r.headers['Content-Type'] == "application/pdf;charset=UTF-8":
name = r.url.rfind("/") + 1
name = r.url[name:]
return f"Saving {name}"
with open(f"{name}", 'wb') as f:
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=50) as executor:
futures = [executor.submit(download, url) for url in links]
for future in as_completed(futures):
So, I write TAF to automate user cases using Cypress. I'm a novice in it.
I need to return from Cypress each
command a Map
with some values to use it in next command as input value.
In DOM there are some amount of canvas
tags like this:
Answered 2020-Feb-27 at 12:13So I found the solution!
Now it works pretty good for me. Code sample:
I am trying to do following: using core PHP (without any framework or plugin) & AMAZON API
- generate a signed URL
- query amazon for certain keyword using the signed url
- Get the response in XML format
Parse the XML & display in a tabular format in HTML
So far I have been able to complete upto step 3, but unable to complete step 4 of parsing the XML & displaying the data.
- Screenshot of the XML file - I want to display the items marked with a red arrow. These items appear 10 times in the XML file
- Google drive link to actual XML file
Code sample:
Answered 2017-Sep-07 at 06:47The basis of what you want can be processed easily by using DOMDocument rather than with SimpleXML. The default namespace (xmlns definition in the ItemSearchResponse element) makes SimpleXML not so simple.
But as a start, the following code should help...
i'm try to learn SwiftUI, i'm try to update my list automatically once I insert the value. but i'm getting a big issue! my list not update when I use a sheet or a navigation view to insert data, it only work if I load data from my contentView.
(and I don't understand why, the class DataManager is ObservableObject and more over it work perfectly if I load data with 3 textfield in the content view)
here below my project: I have a Data Model
Answered 2019-Oct-24 at 20:08I have a similar working solution for this.
In your case I would modify your DataModel
as follows:
I want to make the method or only copy to clipboard the "syntax" part of a paragraph. I've done the logic to get the specific part of content I want and stored it in variable "syntaxClean". Now I just need to copy it somehow.
document.execCommand("copy"); would be awesome, but I just can't seem to make it work.
Answered 2019-Sep-09 at 11:59You can achieve this by creating a dummy textarea like this:
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