stevedore | search document dumps : ingest and explore

 by   newsdev JavaScript Version: v0.0.4 License: Apache-2.0

kandi X-RAY | stevedore Summary

kandi X-RAY | stevedore Summary

stevedore is a JavaScript library. stevedore has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

![#f03c15] NOTE: Stevedore is no longer maintained! ![#f03c15] From a bunch of documents to an easy-to-use search engine for emails, websites, social media posts or just about anything. For more in-depth projects, you can easily customize the interface to easily make new document-specific custom formats for searching and exploring. To deploy to your newsroom, just add your own standalone ElasticSearch server; Stevedore’s frontend framework is all-frontend.

            kandi-support Support

              stevedore has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 118 star(s) with 9 fork(s). There are 35 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 17 open issues and 12 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 102 days. There are 4 open pull requests and 0 closed requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of stevedore is v0.0.4

            kandi-Quality Quality

              stevedore has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              stevedore has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              stevedore code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              stevedore is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              stevedore releases are available to install and integrate.
              Installation instructions, examples and code snippets are available.
              stevedore saves you 672 person hours of effort in developing the same functionality from scratch.
              It has 1557 lines of code, 3 functions and 38 files.
              It has high code complexity. Code complexity directly impacts maintainability of the code.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi's functional review helps you automatically verify the functionalities of the libraries and avoid rework.
            Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of stevedore
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            stevedore Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for stevedore.

            stevedore Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for stevedore.

            Community Discussions


            Weaseyprint, Cairo, Dajngo on Pythonanywhere 25MAY21 can not pass a warning
            Asked 2021-Jun-01 at 22:02

            Sorry I know there seems to be a lot about this topic. But I do not see a real resolution?

            I am trying to place a Django ecommerce pizza shop for learning Django on the website. Locally this works great no issues. I matched my environment locally to that on the ENV for the server. I got this issue resolved locally when I updated Cairo on my computer. So the emulated server works great.

            Python 3.8.0 Server Pythonanywhere

            Here is the error and follow on info.

            Error from error log on ther server. 2021-05-28 16:13:41,156: /home/williamc1jones/.virtualenvs/myvirtualenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/weasyprint/ UserWarning: There are known rendering problems and missing features with cairo < 1.15.4. WeasyPrint may work with older versions, but please read the note about the needed cairo version on the "Install" page of the documentation before reporting bugs.

   file in order app



            Answered 2021-Jun-01 at 22:01

            Yes I wanted to thank everyone for their help. While I have a time lime for my project I will dit the post to see my work around as well. Thanks.



            Frustrated with "pyOpenSSL" module not be acknowledged
            Asked 2021-Mar-05 at 22:54

            Environment: OS X BigSur 11.2.2; MacBook Pro Intel

            I am attempting to get pyOpenSSL to work in a Python3 environment. I have been working on converting from using Py2 to Py3. I could easily make this work in Python2; but I really need to get off Python2 for obvious reasons.

            In my python script, I simply have the command of: "import pyOpenSSL". I have also tried just "import OpenSSL" and "import cryptography", all also produce similar "No module named..." errors. No matter the syntax, spelling, or case, nothing works.

            During all the attempts below, installation is a success; and I verified with "pip3 list".

            I have tried:

            • installing directly into the system Python - no go.
            • installed pyenv and installed Python 3.8.7 and used pip3 to install pyOpenSSL - no go.
            • installed virtualenvwrapper and created a virtual environment, installed there, still no go.

            I even verified while in python, that the module was installed using the following:



            Answered 2021-Mar-05 at 22:54

            I can't tell you about pyenv or other managers, but conda rarely lets me down. I've verified I can install this lib from a clean conda env w/ python3.8 and import it:



            ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'flake8'
            Asked 2020-Dec-15 at 20:12

            here is the part of the files that are important for this question:



            Answered 2020-Jul-21 at 20:31

            My compliments on such an extensive report. Your issue lies probably in this weird setup you've got going on.



            boto3 installed yet getting ModuleNotFoundError
            Asked 2020-Oct-27 at 21:42

            In an AWS Cloud9 IDE, when running



            Answered 2020-Oct-27 at 15:45

            In order to solve it, I just changed the command to



            DevStack installation fails due to PyYAML
            Asked 2020-Aug-29 at 18:02

            I am attempting to install DevStack on a CentOS system. I have performed the necessary setup for running, but when I run it I am getting the following failure:



            Answered 2020-Aug-29 at 18:02

            I have found a solution to my problem:

            Do not use Devstack. Use Packstack.

            I have even posted a bug report on this problem for Devstack. It doesn't appear that it is going to be fixed in the near future. Consequently, those seeking to create a development installation should use Packstack. I was able to install and run Openstack with Packstack using the instructions provided in:




            Heroku requirements
            Asked 2020-Jul-16 at 07:13

            I'd tried to deploy my app on Heroku, but smth went wrong.

            ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement get==2019.4.13 (from -r /tmp/build_53ad6d03_/requirements.txt (line 17)) (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for get==2019.4.13 (from -r /tmp/build_53ad6d03_/requirements.txt (line 17))```

            All requirements was loaded, exept get,post and request. What am i doing wrong?

            "get" isnt standalone part but a found this in venv THIS

            my requirements file is:



            Answered 2020-Jul-16 at 07:13

            Exactly the same thing suddenly happens to me today. Commenting out in the requirement file the lines for




            eliminates the error and the app still works as usual, but I have not understood what happened under the hood yet



            virtualenv virtualenvwrapper virtualenv: error: unrecognized arguments: --no-site-packages
            Asked 2020-Mar-21 at 02:17

            I am trying to upgrade python from 3.6 to 3.8. I was successfully using virtualenv/wrapper successfully (although only one environment and no bells, whistles, or hooks), but the upgrade has not gone smoothly. I deleted everything and tried to start again. I am trying to make a new environment with mkvirtualenv test, and I am now getting the error:

            virtualenv: error: unrecognized arguments: --no-site-packages after it gives a man(ual) suggestion on how to invoke virtualenv, which leads me to believe virtualenvwrapper is working, but I've missed something.

            Here are my details:

            terminal (osx - 10.13.6 (17G65))



            Answered 2020-Mar-21 at 02:14

            --no-site-packages is the default for virtualenv (and has been for like 5 years?) you can remove export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_VIRTUALENV_ARGS='--no-site-packages' from your .bashrc

            it appears in virtualenv>=20 that this option was removed



            pytest: `foo is Enum.FOO` tests True locally, False on travis-ci
            Asked 2020-Feb-14 at 11:22

            Halp! I'm having weird issues with checking equality for Enums. Locally my tests pass, but on Travis they fail. Here's a sample of a test failure from Travis:



            Answered 2020-Feb-14 at 11:22

            So, as pointed out by Ethan the problem was my imports. For whatever reason I was importing the Enums like



            Problems creating virtual env with different Python version
            Asked 2020-Feb-06 at 14:21

            I'm working on a big project that needs to be ported from python2.7 to python3.7. For developing, I rely on virtual envs.

            For the 2.7v, I'm using a virtual environment created with the virtualenv module and it's packages virtualenvwrapper, and virtualenvwrapper-win.

            For the 3.7v, I tried to create an env by using the same packages, this time I installed them to the python3.7 directory. I managed to set up the python3.7 with its own environmental variable, naming it python3.exe so I could chose, where to install additional python packages.

            i.e. pip install virtualenv - to install Virtualenv in the python2.7 directory, but

            python3 -m pip install virtualenv - to install it into the python3.7 directory



            Answered 2020-Feb-06 at 14:21

            I solved the problem with the following steps:

            1. I read about the Python Launcher for Windows py.exe.

            2. I had to rename my Python3.7 executable from python3.exe back to python.exe in order to make it executable with py.exe.

            3. For creating a virtual env with virtualenv I used py.exe with the following command:



            Failed to import 'keystoneauth1' ... albeit installed?
            Asked 2020-Jan-07 at 13:19

            I am using python3 via brew on MacOs.

            When I do



            Answered 2020-Jan-07 at 13:19

            I really don't understand what exactly is going on here.

            So this isn't really an answer that explains and solves the issue, but the workaround that worked for me:

            • First, I force removed python brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies python
            • Then, I only installed it again brew install python

            And afterwards, my scripts (that in the end used that import) work again without any problems?!


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install stevedore

            Download this repo and run docker-compose, then visit localhost:9293. You’ll see a Stevedore search engine, pre-populated with some of Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush’s emails. (Clinton’s released under FOIA by the State Dept., Bush’s released publicly by the State of Florida.). If you drop some files you want to search in the user-files folder, Stevedore will index them for search. (If those files are emails or PDFs, you’ll also want to change the data-type for user-files in [document_sets.json](document_sets.json#L39) to pdf or email.). This "quickstart" doesn’t expose all of the features of Stevedore — you’d have to go through the full installation for that — but it’s pretty close.
            If you want to set up Stevedore in a production-like environment — that is, if you want to other people to use it, you probably don’t want to run it on your computer with docker-compose. Instead, you’ll want to create an. Stevedore has no security of its own, besides the security of your Amazon S3 bucket and your ElasticSearch server’s policies. Anyone who can access the S3 bucket and the ElasticSearch server can use your search engine, so be sure to set your access policies correctly. How to set these up securely is outside the scope of this document. (Unless someone else wants to write instructions and submit a pull request.).
            an Elasticsearch server running somewhere, probably in the cloud.
            an Amazon S3 bucket for your files to go to. (If you have sensitive documents, you could deploy Stevedore’s files to a local HTTP server, so the sensitive documents don’t go into the cloud.)
            Either a webserver, like nginx, to serve the frontend files (i.e. the contents of this repo) or just put this repo’s files on S3 somewhere. (To be clear: Stevedore does not need a webserver to serve the frontend, it’s entirely static.)


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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