price-calculator | Code to create a price calculator on your website | Apps library
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kandi X-RAY | price-calculator Summary
Code to create a price calculator on your website.
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@ConditionalOnProperty(name = "com.baeldung.environmentpostprocessor.calculation.mode", havingValue = "GROSS")
public PriceCalculator getGrossPriceCalculator() {
return new GrossPriceCalculator();
@ConditionalOnProperty(name = "com.baeldung.environmentpostprocessor.calculation.mode", havingValue = "NET")
public PriceCalculator getNetPriceCalculator() {
return new NetPriceCalculator();
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I'm building a dynamic pricing calculator feature using vue js. I've made the code and there are still some problems that make the features that I made not work properly. I have a dropdown menu which when clicked will display different tabs and different content (dynamic component). And also I have an estimate card for details and prices, and every item can be deleted.
I have several problems which are as follows:
When I was on the
tab, and submit data after I selected several options, the software tab details and price also appeared in estimation card. I want is the pricing details just theStorage
. Likewise if I just submit in theSoftware
tab, then only details and prices appear from theSoftware
tab. And if I submit inSoftware
, the result of both will appear.When I submit data on the
tab, and I go to theSoftware
tab, the price details on the estimation card are gone. I want the data still appear. it's not possible if I usebecause it's not a dynamic component.
I have the delete button item in the estimation card. What I want it to be will delete the item according to the option that was clicked. But still not working very well.
Currently, I only have 2 tabs, Storage and Software. If I have other tabs, how do I make this system dynamic?
Can anyone help me solve this problem and explain it step by step?
this is my code that I made on Codesandbox:
Answered 2021-Mar-27 at 20:36Here's a very crude bunch of components that gets this job done - without the SUBMIT
Since years I am learning with stack overflow, however this is my fist question.
I try to build a price-calculator with java script.
The idea is selecting a license-model (selector), using then a Base-Price (via input field), selecting the user-quantifier (via input field) which has a multiply factor linked. In the end the Base-Price will get multiplied and the final Price will be displayed.
I am quite comfortable that the math part is correct however there must be syntax error I am dismissing. I hope this is a valuable question, since I am getting stuck some time with this.
Would be great if someone has some input on this, thanks.
Here are my thoughts:
Answered 2020-Jun-16 at 09:33- You need to read the inputs within your calculation function.
- There's no need to have two kernel functions that only change one variable; instead pass that list in as an argument.
- I'm not sure your calculations are correct; if Quantity is not listed within the User/View arrays, then it will always return
. Should that maybe be>=
instead of==
, to have a tier system? (I corrected it as such, not sure if that's what you meant.)
I have a setup for SQSClient like this:
Answered 2017-Aug-10 at 18:50You can create a new Trace ID using TraceId.NewId();
. This class is available in the Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Core.Internal.Entities
As Ruslan mentioned, we (the AWS X-Ray team) are very active on the AWS X-Ray official forum. Unfortunately, your linked post appears to have been posted in the AWS .NET language specific forum. We're much more likely to quickly respond to future posts if they're made to the X-Ray specific forum.
James B.
In WordPress WooCommerce, enabling either the Min/Max Quantity extension or the Measurement Calculator extension work. But if you enable both, and see the Measurement Calculator to Area the site breaks and shows the following error.
It seems there is an issue with one of the extensions conflicting with the other. From the error is it possible to tell which is the culprit as then I can reach out to that particular extension developer.
Or even better if from the error someone can deduct the issue and solution. Presumably would require hardcoding a temporary fix in one of the plugins but would be helpful until the extension developers fix the conflict.
Any help would be appreciated!
Answered 2017-Jan-28 at 23:56Updated to WordPress 4.7.2 which was just released and the error went away. So appears to be a combination of those two plugins being abled with certain settings when using 4.7.1.
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PHP requires the Visual C runtime (CRT). The Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019 is suitable for all these PHP versions, see You MUST download the x86 CRT for PHP x86 builds and the x64 CRT for PHP x64 builds. The CRT installer supports the /quiet and /norestart command-line switches, so you can also script it.
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