continuous-integration | Bazel 's Continuous Integration Setup | Continous Integration library

 by   bazelbuild Python Version: agent-0.2.1 License: Apache-2.0

kandi X-RAY | continuous-integration Summary

kandi X-RAY | continuous-integration Summary

continuous-integration is a Python library typically used in Devops, Continous Integration applications. continuous-integration has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has high support. However continuous-integration build file is not available. You can download it from GitHub.

Bazel's Continuous Integration Setup

            kandi-support Support

              continuous-integration has a highly active ecosystem.
              It has 229 star(s) with 139 fork(s). There are 37 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 123 open issues and 528 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 142 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a negative sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of continuous-integration is agent-0.2.1

            kandi-Quality Quality

              continuous-integration has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              continuous-integration has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              continuous-integration code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              continuous-integration is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              continuous-integration releases are available to install and integrate.
              continuous-integration has no build file. You will be need to create the build yourself to build the component from source.
              It has 14067 lines of code, 698 functions and 160 files.
              It has medium code complexity. Code complexity directly impacts maintainability of the code.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed continuous-integration and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into continuous-integration implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • Start Bazel build with Bazel
            • Decrypt a token
            • Tries to identify the candidate binder range
            • Import pipeline
            • Execute the commands
            • Print a project pipeline
            • Run a single CI step
            • Upload Bazel binaries
            • Creates metadata for a given project
            • Get the downstream result from downstream build
            • Returns the list of modules that have changed in the current branch
            • Uploads bazel packages to bazel
            • Try to identify the previous Bazel commit range
            • Load all pipelines under build
            • Attempts to update the last green commit
            • Run Bazel build with Bazel
            • Print the bazel publish binaries pipeline
            • Execute the given commands
            • Activate the Xcode version
            • Clone a git repository
            • Print to stderr
            • Execute a subprocess
            • Print the project pipeline configuration
            • Create a list of configuration steps
            • Create a Docker step
            • Create a step dictionary
            • Returns a list of module names that are changed in the current branch
            • Decrypt encrypted token
            • Upload bazelpack configuration files
            • Load data from buildkite
            • Migrate pipeline
            • Main worker thread
            • Runs a single CI step
            • Print Bazel downstream pipeline
            • Print the Bazel publish binaries pipeline
            • Extract downstream results from downstream build
            • Uploads metadata to Bazelci
            • Generate report generation
            • Clone git repository
            • Try to update the last green commit
            • Prepare a test module repo
            • Publish Bazel binaries
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            continuous-integration Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for continuous-integration.

            continuous-integration Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for continuous-integration.

            Community Discussions


            Data Factory Deploy Managed Private Endpoint. Error: Invalid payload
            Asked 2022-Jan-25 at 02:49

            I have been using the new ADF CI/CD process as described here: ms doc. This worked well until I secured the linked services through managed private endpoints.

            A build pipeline generates an ARM template and parameters file based what what is deployed to the data factory in my "Dev" environment. The template and parameters file are then published from the build and made available to the release pipeline. At this point, the generated parameters just contains placeholder values.

            The release pipeline executes the ARM template, taking template values from the "Override template parameters" text box:

            My problem is, when this runs I get the following error from the resource group deployment:

            "Invalid resource request. Resource type: 'ManagedPrivateEndpoint', Resource name: 'pe-ccsurvey-blob-001' 'Error: Invalid payload'."

            From the Azure Portal, I navigated to the resource group deployment, where I was able to view the template and parameters file used.

            Definition of the required private endpoint from the template file is shown below:



            Answered 2021-Oct-31 at 11:17

            Going through the official Best practices for CI/CD,

            If a private endpoint already exists in a factory and you try to deploy an ARM template that contains a private endpoint with the same name but with modified properties, the deployment will fail.



            How to run E2E test with Cypress if backend and frontend are on different repos?
            Asked 2022-Jan-20 at 06:12

            I have a React frontend and a Node backend, I've made several E2E tests with Cypress for the frontend and run them locally. I love how end to end testing allows me to catch errors in the frontend as well as on the backend! so I'd like to have a way to run them automatically when sending a PR.

            I'm using bitbucket pipelines, and I've configured it to run the npm test command which works perfectly to run my unit tests, but what I still don't understand is how to be able to run my Cypress tests automatically, because I'd need to have access to the backend repository from my pipeline that runs on the frontend repo.

            What I've tried

            I've read the documentation and played with the example repo, but I still don't understand how could I automate running my tests, on the example both backend and frontend are on the same repository.

            I'm sorry if this is a vague question, I just don't seem to get if this is even possible with bitbucket pipelines, if it's not, what other tool could help me run my Cypress test in a similar way that I do locally? (running both backend and frontend).

            I've really tried to search for an answer to this, maybe it's too obvious and I'm just missing something but I don't seem to find anything on the internet about this, any help will be very appreciated!



            Answered 2022-Jan-20 at 06:12

            When your frontend and backend are versioned in different repositories, then you have to check out at least one of the two repositories (e.g. the other for which the pipeline is not currently being executed) during the pipeline execution to get access to the code and thus have the possibility to start frontend and backend together locally to run your tests.

            This question has also already been asked and answered here:



            Add custom parameters to Azure Data Factory deployment
            Asked 2021-Dec-15 at 08:53

            I need a help to access a linked service parameter during Azure Data Factory deployment or find some other way to set a parameter during deployment even if the parameter is not automatically added for editing.

            I am using continuous integration for Azure Data Factory using Azure DevOps pipeline (i.e. all pipelines and connections are first created in a test resource and then deployed through Azure DevOps pipeline to production resource, For authentication I use Key Vault but Databricks Workspace URL cannot be added as a secret from Key Vault. I created a parameter for the value (DatabricksUrl) but I am not able to access that parameter during deployment because it is only created on the linked service. Only parameters added to ARMTemplateParametersForFactory.json file in the publish branch can be accessed. Is there a way to solve this? Any help appreciated.



            Answered 2021-Dec-13 at 18:01

            It is easy to be lost with parameters and variables in Azure Data Factory. Good idea can be to specify it via global parameters and use it as central control place for variables:



            Where are github secrets stored?
            Asked 2021-Dec-10 at 07:23

            I'm on the CI part of the course

            I'll start by saying all works well, and I could follow the process with ease. However, there something that works, and I cannot figure out how. Lets take this part of the main.yml file:



            Answered 2021-Dec-10 at 07:23

            This is documented in "Automatic token authentication"

            At the start of each workflow run, GitHub automatically creates a unique GITHUB_TOKEN secret to use in your workflow.
            You can use the GITHUB_TOKEN to authenticate in a workflow run.

            When you enable GitHub Actions, GitHub installs a GitHub App on your repository.
            The GITHUB_TOKEN secret is a GitHub App installation access token. You can use the installation access token to authenticate on behalf of the GitHub App installed on your repository. The token's permissions are limited to the repository that contains your workflow

            You have Default environment variables, including:

            GITHUB_ACTOR: The name of the person or app that initiated the workflow.
            For example, octocat.



            Why is "continuous-integration/jenkins/pr-merge" not being triggered by GitHub on a pull request?
            Asked 2021-Dec-08 at 20:18

            In GitHub Enterprise, we have Project A under Organization A. When I submit a PR (pull request) to Project A, the continuous-integration/jenkins/pr-merge is triggered which runs a Jenkins pipeline to build the code and perform unit tests. This allows us to prevent the PR from being merged into master if the unit tests fail.

            For example, this is what I see on a PR for Project A in GitHub that includes a broken unit test:

            Now I am trying to configure Project B under Organization B to behave the same way. However, it is not working. This is what I see on a PR for Project B in GitHub that includes a broken unit test:

            Notice that Project B's PR did not kick off the continuous-integration/jenkins/pr-merge.

            Configuration of Project A and Project B

            GitHub -> Settings -> Branches -> Branch protection rules

            Project A in GitHub has a branch protection rule for master with only one setting enabled:

            • Require pull request reviews before merging

            Interestingly, the "Require status checks to pass before merging" setting is not enabled. Out of curiosity, I enabled it (without saving it) and noticed that "continuous-integration/jenkins/pr-merge" showed up below it as an option.

            I configured Project B to have the exact same branch protection rule for master with only "Require pull request reviews before merging" enabled. Out of curiosity, I enabled "Require status checks to pass before merging" (without saving it) and it doesn't even show continuous-integration/jenkins/pr-merge as an option. It just says "No status checks found. Sorry, we couldn’t find any status checks in the last week for this repository."

            GitHub -> Settings -> Hooks -> Webhooks

            Project A in GitHub has a webhook configured with:

            • Payload URL
            • Content type application/json
            • Let me select individual events: Pull requests, Pushes, Repositories are checked
            • Active: checked

            I created a webhook for Project B with the exact same settings. After I submitted a PR for Project B, I see a couple of items under "Recent Deliveries" for Project B's webhook with green checkmarks and "200" response codes, so I think it is configured correctly.

            CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise

            In Jenkins Enterprise, Project A's pipeline is of type "GitHub Organization" and has the following settings:

            • API endpoint: kubernetes-cbs-automation (
            • Credentials: [credentials specific to Project A]
            • Owner: [Project A's GitHub organization]
            • Behaviors: Repositories: Filter by name (with regular expression): Regular expression: [name of Project A's GitHub repo]
            • Behaviors: Within repository: Discover pull requests from origin: Strategy: Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
            • Project Recognizers: Pipeline Jenkinsfile: Script Path: ci-cd/jenkins/ProjectA-pipeline.groovy
            • Property strategy: All branches get the same properties
            • Scan Organization Triggers: "Periodically if not otherwise run" checked: Interval: 1 day
            • Orphaned Item Strategy: "Discard old items" checked
            • Child Orphaned Item Strategy: Strategy: Inherited
            • Child Scan Triggers: "Periodically if not otherwise run" checked: Interval: 1 day
            • Automatic branch project triggering: Branch names to build automatically: .*

            I created an item under Project B in Jenkins Enterprise of type "GitHub Organization" with the same settings (except any settings specific to Project A were replaced with the appropriate Project B specific settings).

            What is wrong/missing?

            Given that GitHub PRs for Project B are failing to launch the continuous-integration/jenkins/pr-merge, it seems like there is some configuration that I am missing. Unfortunately, our GitHub/Jenkins admins have not been able to figure out what is wrong.


            We have confirmed that Project B is actually launching a build on the Jenkins agent when a PR is submitted. The problem is that GitHub is not showing the continuous-integration/jenkins/pr-merge on the web page for the PR. We need that so the PR can be blocked if the build fails, and also so that we can quickly see what went wrong.



            Answered 2021-Dec-08 at 20:18

            Posting as answer the resolution we got in the comments.

            The issue was that the user who's token was used in Jenkins did not have the right level of access to post status checks on the repository.

            Differences between the Orgs and Projects

            • OrgA/ProjectA - the user is a Member of the organisation (OrgA) also added in the Collaborators section of the repo with Read access, as well as member of a Team with Write access on the repo itself (ProjectA).
            • OrgB/ProjectB - the user was a Member of the organisation (OrgB) and also in the Collaborators section on the repo itself (ProjectB) but with Read access.

            This caused the issue on projectB status checks not being populated with Jenkins' information from the builds:
            continuous-integration/jenkins/pr-merge missing from the status checks of GitHub repository.

            When setting up a connection between GitHub and Jenkins we need to provide the user holder of the token with the required access.

            In this case we want to update the github status which needs Write access level:

            The token of the user should have scope repo:status



            How to pre-install pre commit into hooks into docker
            Asked 2021-Nov-23 at 18:24

            As I understand the documentation, whenever I add these lines to the config:



            Answered 2021-Aug-12 at 14:04

            you're looking for the pre-commit install-hooks command

            at the least you need something like this to cache the pre-commit environments:



            CI/CD ADF Synapse - Modify URL in Key Vault Linked service
            Asked 2021-Sep-09 at 06:31

            We use Synapse git Integration to deploy artifacts such as linked services generated by a Data Warehouse automation tool (JSON files) It is different then deploying ARM template in ADF.

            We created one Azure Key Vault (AKV) per environment so we do have an Azure Key Vault LinkedService in each environment and the linked services has the same name. But each AKV as his own URL so we need to change the URL in the deployed linked services during the CI/CD process.

            I read this

            I think I need to create a template to change "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/linkedServices" But I didn't find any example on how to modify the KV url parameters. Here is the linked services I want to modify, as to be changed when deploying



            Answered 2021-Aug-02 at 23:01

            From the Azure Key Vault side of things, I believe you're right - you have change the Linked Services section within the template to point to the correct Key Vault base URL.

            Azure Key Vault linked service



            Azure Data Factory deployments with improved CI/CD
            Asked 2021-Jul-15 at 22:06

            I am following the new recommended ci/cd set up for ADF published here:

            One section that isn't clear to me is if you now need an additional "dev" ADF where the pipeline publishes to.

            Under the old model you would do your development work in an ADF linked to git, do a pull request to merge back into the collaboration branch and then click publish. This would publish to the adf_publish branch in the same ADF.

            With the new model do you have an ADF linked to git where you do your dev work as before - but does the pipeline deploy to a new separate "dev" ADF (which is not linked to git)?



            Answered 2021-Jul-15 at 22:06

            To answer your question directly:

            No, there is not a separate DEV ADF, The only difference between the Old and New is that you no longer need to manually click publish from your collab branch. The way it works is you now have a build pipleine that is triggered anytime there is an update to your collab branch (via PR), once the build validates and produces the artifact, there is a release pipeline that deploys the ARM template to your DEV Data factory.

            Here are screenshots to show:

            1st, Add this package.json file to your collaboration branch



            CI/CD Automated publish Azure Data Factory
            Asked 2021-Jul-07 at 10:45

            I have some errors when trying to publish my changes automatically following this [Microsoft Documentation][1]. Please, need some support to fix this :)

            Kind regards,


            ERROR === LocalFileClientService: Unable to read file: /home/vsts/work/1/s/arm-template-parameters-definition.json, error: {"stack":"Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/vsts/work/1/s/arm-template-parameters-definition.json'","message":"ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/vsts/work/1/s/arm-template-parameters-definition.json'","errno":-2,"code":"ENOENT","syscall":"open","path":"/home/vsts/work/1/s/arm-template-parameters-definition.json"} WARNING === ArmTemplateUtils: _getUserParameterDefinitionJson - Unable to load custom param file from repo, will use default file. Error: {"stack":"Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/vsts/work/1/s/arm-template-parameters-definition.json'","message":"ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/vsts/work/1/s/arm-template-parameters-definition.json'","errno":-2,"code":"ENOENT","syscall":"open","path":"/home/vsts/work/1/s/arm-template-parameters-definition.json"



            Answered 2021-Jul-05 at 07:56

            From your question I see these:

            1. ERROR === LocalFileClientService: Unable to read file: /home/vsts/work/1/s/arm-template-parameters-definition.json
            2. WARNING === ArmTemplateUtils: _getUserParameterDefinitionJson - Unable to load custom param file from repo, will use default file.

            Ensure the following permission is enabled to your role: This permission should be included by default in the "Data Factory Contributor" role. Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/queryFeaturesValue/action_.

            Do you have different configuration (like frequency and interval) for trigger in Test/Production environments ? and if you have deleted the same trigger in Dev, then deployment fails with an error.

            Check if you have deleted a trigger, which is parameterized. If yes, the parameters will not be available in the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template (because the trigger does not exist anymore). Since the parameter is not in the ARM template anymore, we have to update the overridden parameters in the DevOps pipeline. Otherwise, each time the parameters in the ARM template change, they must update the overridden parameters in the DevOps pipeline (in the deployment task) or else CI/CD Pipeline fails with this error.

            The automated publish feature takes the Validate all and Export ARM template features from the Data Factory user experience and makes the logic consumable via a publicly available npm package


            Run npm run start validate to validate all the resources of a given folder. Here's an example:



            How to force a symfony version on github actions when testing a bundle
            Asked 2021-Jun-13 at 16:21

            I'm trying to test a bundle on different versions of Symfony with github actions. I tried to configure my job as explained in Best practices for reusable bundles

            Here is my job:



            Answered 2021-Jun-13 at 16:21

            It seems that export command isn't environment-proof.

            Finally, I removed these lines:


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install continuous-integration

            You can download it from GitHub.
            You can use continuous-integration like any standard Python library. You will need to make sure that you have a development environment consisting of a Python distribution including header files, a compiler, pip, and git installed. Make sure that your pip, setuptools, and wheel are up to date. When using pip it is generally recommended to install packages in a virtual environment to avoid changes to the system.


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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