blog-posts | Blog posts and related code by Sebastián Ramírez (@tiangolo) | Blog library

 by   tiangolo Python Version: 1.0.2 License: No License

kandi X-RAY | blog-posts Summary

kandi X-RAY | blog-posts Summary

blog-posts is a Python library typically used in Web Site, Blog, Nodejs, Wordpress, Jekyll applications. blog-posts has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. However blog-posts build file is not available. You can download it from GitHub.

Here is the source code and content of the blog posts written by Sebastián Ramírez (@tiangolo) on:.

            kandi-support Support

              blog-posts has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 244 star(s) with 85 fork(s). There are 19 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 1 open issues and 3 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 83 days. There are 1 open pull requests and 0 closed requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of blog-posts is 1.0.2

            kandi-Quality Quality

              blog-posts has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              blog-posts has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              blog-posts code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              blog-posts does not have a standard license declared.
              Check the repository for any license declaration and review the terms closely.
              Without a license, all rights are reserved, and you cannot use the library in your applications.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              blog-posts releases are available to install and integrate.
              blog-posts has no build file. You will be need to create the build yourself to build the component from source.
              blog-posts saves you 29 person hours of effort in developing the same functionality from scratch.
              It has 78 lines of code, 0 functions and 23 files.
              It has low code complexity. Code complexity directly impacts maintainability of the code.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed blog-posts and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into blog-posts implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • Authenticate a user
            • Authenticate a user by email
            • Create an access token
            • Get a user by email address
            • Verify plain_password against hashed_password
            • Create a new user
            • Create a user
            • Returns the hash of the given password
            • Return the current user
            • Get a user from the database
            • Read items from crud
            • Gets items from the database
            • Create a new item for the current user
            • Create a new database item
            • Get user
            • Create a new item
            • Get all users
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            blog-posts Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for blog-posts.

            blog-posts Examples and Code Snippets

            Create the table of blog posts .
            pythondot img1Lines of Code : 76dot img1License : Permissive (MIT License)
            copy iconCopy
            def _create_blog_posts_table(self, table_names):
                    bp_table_name = self._table_name("blog_posts")
                    if bp_table_name not in table_names:
            Show blog posts .
            pythondot img2Lines of Code : 30dot img2License : Permissive (MIT License)
            copy iconCopy
            def index(count, page):
                Serves the page with a list of blog posts
                :param count:
                :param offset:
                blogging_engine = _get_blogging_engine(current_app)
                storage =
                config = bloggi  
            Export the blog posts .
            pythondot img3Lines of Code : 25dot img3License : Permissive (MIT License)
            copy iconCopy
            def export_posts(user_id):
                    user = User.query.get(user_id)
                    data = []
                    i = 0
                    total_posts = user.posts.count()
                    for post in user.posts.order_by(Post.timestamp.asc()):

            Community Discussions


            strapi not returning image url as attribute
            Asked 2022-Apr-01 at 12:32

            I'm trying to built a small picture gallery with svelte and strapi v4 for learning purposes. I have my content type configured as shown in picture 1 (Picture 1, content type) and this is the code I use to make the get request to my strapi backend:



            Answered 2022-Apr-01 at 12:32

            To improve performance, Strapi V4 doesn’t return media files or relation data by default. Thus, you will need to adapt your request as it is outlined in the docs:


            Example with using axios and qs:



            Adding dynamic where conditions to a firebase query
            Asked 2022-Mar-25 at 20:14

            I am currently trying to fetch data in my firestore data base via document properties,

            I discovered that I can do it this way



            Answered 2022-Mar-25 at 20:14

            You're almost there. Since Query is the parent class of Collection, you can do:



            Replace Blog Post Author link with Team Member link (CPT + ACF)
            Asked 2021-Nov-12 at 08:39

            I'm building a website that has "Team Members" section and "Blog" section. Team members are a custom post type.

            The client requested that the links to authors in blog posts should point to associated Team Member page instead of the default author page in WordPress (basically they don't want to have default author pages at all).

            I've found this solution offered by @Damocles - Use "Team Members" custom post type instead of Author for blog posts

            Basically the solution proposed by him was simple and exactly as I thought initially of tackling this issue:

            1. Create a "Post Object" ACF field and set it to filter through "Team Member" custom post types
            2. Attach this field to User accounts
            3. Go to user profile and choose the correct Team Member from drop down menu
            4. Then use a filter in functions.php to automatically replace the author link everywhere with associated Team Member url

            Makes sense but unfortunately, it doesn't want to work on my website. I even used the same name for ACF field as he did and used the exact same code in functions.php:



            Answered 2021-Nov-11 at 15:21

            It's because you are missing a prefix, to tell ACF that it should be looking on a user.. - try this

            $team_post_id = get_field('team_post', 'user_'.$author_id);

            Docs are here :



            'object HTMLCollection' instead of Image URL from RSS
            Asked 2021-Nov-08 at 21:23

            I'm trying to pull thumbnail URLs from a wordpress feed and keep getting [object HTMLCollection] instead of an image URL string for the thumbnail. The feed i'm pulling from is: I know that the tag is named media:thumbnail and the value is stored in 'URL'. I can't find the correct way to reference this image inside of the forEach loop when running through each post. I've tried searching other posts as well as on google for several hours.



            Answered 2021-Nov-08 at 21:23

            getElementsByTagName returns an HTMLCollection. To get the URL, you'll have to grab the first element in that collection with [0]. The URL is stored in an attribute called url, a la



            Sticky Header - buggy jumping when scrolling the page
            Asked 2021-Nov-04 at 14:17

            I'm using system to create my own blog. the problem is that the sticky navigation bar causes a small jump on the page while scrolling! this is the website if you want to understand clearly : Also why the sticky nav is not appearing in mobile version of my site? these are my codes :




            Answered 2021-Nov-04 at 14:17

            The issue causing a sudden jump when scrolling is in your css. Specifically this part.



            How to store a JWT refreshToken cookie response
            Asked 2021-Sep-25 at 17:48

            I'm trying to authenticate a user with JWT using GraphQL. Once I login the user I receive the token as a JSON response and a httponly cookie storing the refresh token. (Server-side is using Saleor-core)

            From the documentation of Saleor and some other blog-posts I assume that this response cookie should now be stored in the browser and whenever I need to refresh a token the cookie-refreshToken is used to authenticate my request. However, when I switch tabs to "Application" in my dev tools it's just empty.

            What is the normal behaviour of the browser after receiving a cookie response? Do I need some extra code to somehow "save" that response cookie?

            Did not really find anyone else having this problem so I think the mistake must be somewhere else.


            I read somewhere the issue might be that there is no "secure" flag, which resulted from the server debug mode. I turned it off, but the cookie is still not being set.

            Response Headers:



            Answered 2021-Sep-25 at 17:48

            The Domain attribute on you cookie seems to be different from the origin of your request. You're making a cross-site request and receiving a Set Cookie response from the server (of a different domain).

            Normally we run into this issue when running backend and frontend on different domains (for e.g. localhost:3000 and localhost:8080).


            1. Recent Chrome browser versions (from 2020) will only set cookies received from cross-site requests if cookie has SameSite=None and Secure attributes set. With Secure set, a cookie will only be sent to server over HTTPS protocol (you need to implement SSL).
              As of now, you don't have set either. SameSite defaults to Lax not None. You need to explicitly set it.


            1. You need implement a proxy such that you will request your webapp on and your webapp will proxy this to your Saleor engine domain How you do that depends on what frameworks you're using for serving your webapp. You haven't mentioned your it in your question, but I notice you've tagged it under vue.js, so I'll assume that you're using Vue CLI for serving a Vue app.

            Its very simple to set up a proxy with Vue CLI. Just look for vue.config.js file in your root directory. If its not there, create it and paste the code below:



            React component not rendering despite event firing
            Asked 2021-Sep-18 at 18:53

            I'm making a blog with react, next.js, and json-server. I have come as far as dynamically loading blog posts and other UI, but now when I'm trying to load the comments dynamically as well, it's not working.

            The component in question is this one.



            Answered 2021-Sep-18 at 18:05

            Your function is not returning anything so React has nothing to render



            Django - Page not found (404)
            Asked 2021-Aug-15 at 08:50


            Page not found (404) Request Method: GET Request URL: Raised by: blogapp.views.BlogDetailView




            Answered 2021-Aug-15 at 08:23

            You have to accept it as string

            Try like this:



            Deconstructment assignment notation
            Asked 2021-Aug-12 at 16:14

            I am following this example for creating a blog with Gatsby.

            Throughout this tutorial, assignment notation is used like so:



            Answered 2021-Aug-09 at 06:09

            You've stumbled upon destructuring and assigning to a new variable.

            You can find the docs here and the scroll down to Assigning to new variable names.

            What it does is that you are giving a declaring a new variable (in your case named posts that has the value of data.allMarkdownRemark.edges.

            The syntax may seem backwards as edges is giving value to posts and not the other way around, but I think this makes sense if you think about it a bit.

            Having it like this allows you to change from this:

            const { edges } = data.allMarkdownRemark

            to this:

            const { edges: posts } = data.allMarkdownRemark

            with minimal changes.



            Partition an unpartitioned table in ADX
            Asked 2021-Aug-02 at 14:48

            I have a table where we don't have a partition policy. Data is ordered based on the ingestion time. When I went through this blob post I realized overriding this policy will solve a lot of problems which I am facing now. In my case i have table lets call it as RAW_INOMING_DATA its fields are T-> Time stamp of the packet, DATA -> Raw data generated at the time T. Now I need to override the partition in this table so that I can make T as the Ingestion_Time. How to achieve that?



            Answered 2021-Aug-02 at 08:17

            The documentation of the partitioning policy has the exact syntax of the command. For example:


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install blog-posts

            You can download it from GitHub.
            You can use blog-posts like any standard Python library. You will need to make sure that you have a development environment consisting of a Python distribution including header files, a compiler, pip, and git installed. Make sure that your pip, setuptools, and wheel are up to date. When using pip it is generally recommended to install packages in a virtual environment to avoid changes to the system.


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
            Find more information at:

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