jsonwebtokens | A rust implementation of Json Web Tokens | JSON Processing library

 by   rib Rust Version: Current License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | jsonwebtokens Summary

kandi X-RAY | jsonwebtokens Summary

jsonwebtokens is a Rust library typically used in Utilities, JSON Processing applications. jsonwebtokens has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

A Rust implementation of Json Web Tokens.

            kandi-support Support

              jsonwebtokens has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 29 star(s) with 4 fork(s). There are 3 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              There are 1 open issues and 4 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 27 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of jsonwebtokens is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              jsonwebtokens has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

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              jsonwebtokens has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              jsonwebtokens code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              jsonwebtokens is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

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              jsonwebtokens releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
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            Community Discussions


            "Type or namespace does not exist" error when publishing a C# function to AWS lambda
            Asked 2021-Oct-06 at 13:41

            I have successfully deployed a layer of packages and am now trying to publish my function with the app.

            Artifacts file from the stored S3 bucket:



            Answered 2021-Oct-06 at 13:41

            Are you sure that your tests, as well as your project, reference the required packages?

            It looks like DemoTests.csproj is missing references based on your error messages:


            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69462635


            System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt not found
            Asked 2021-Aug-26 at 08:06

            I want to develop a Sharepoint webhook using C# (.Net Framework v 4.5) and ASP.Net. For this I take the following packages:



            Answered 2021-Aug-26 at 08:06

            Reason for Error CS0246 The type or namespace name "TokenValidationParameters" was not found (possibly missing a using directive or assembly reference) is Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens Assembly reference is missing in the .cs file. Please import the below namespace in class file.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68621545


            Problem compiling with NuGet package (warning MSB3277)
            Asked 2021-Aug-18 at 08:59

            Today I updated my Nuget packages that use the Microsoft Graph API system and now I get a lot of warnings related to System.Net.Http.

            In my App.config I have:



            Answered 2021-Aug-18 at 08:59

            A C# Console Application project target .NET Framework includes a reference to System.Net.Http by default. If you're not using that reference then you can remove it and that will clear your warning.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68828779


            Decrypting JSONWebToken Using JSONWebKey or JSONWebKeySet in C#
            Asked 2021-Jul-06 at 16:42

            I have been around and around on the Internet trying various solutions and all of them have broken in various ways. I am writing in hopes that either someone on StackOverflow familiar with a similar workflow or someone from the Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens team can step in to help.

            What I am trying to do is to decrypt an OAuth Access token encrypted by a JSONWebKey (JWK) so that I can read the claims data. Right now I am stuck on the decryption step. I am using C# on OS X with Visual Studio for Mac. Among the approaches I have tried are using the older JWT library and trying to create all sorts of RSA objects via round-about ways. However, what I would LIKE to do is something like the following:



            Answered 2021-Jun-27 at 14:57

            Thank you Michal for confirming that what I was doing should have worked, and spurring me to debug the JSONWebToken Nuget package. Since there is no debug info included in the NuGet package I built Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens from source and stepping through that led to the answers.

            There were two issues, both fatal.

            1. The JWT decryption key ID needs to match the provided decryption key ID, and I was not copying the KID from the JWKS to the RSA object. While I was fixing this I also copied the key size, although the default would have worked. My example code needed to be changed as follows:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68106472


            Enforcing return values with Typescript
            Asked 2021-Feb-27 at 07:56

            I have a class that has two methods for generating and decoding jsonwebtokens. This is what the class looks like.



            Answered 2021-Feb-27 at 07:56

            You generally have two options:

            1. Coerce the result to a IVerified like you do there (you might have to do return (user as any) as IVerified; though to get typescript to do what you want. This is fine as long as you can guarantee that the object returned from jwt.verify adheres to the IVerified interface.

            2. Create a helper function that takes in a string | object and does the necessary logic to do runtime validation, deserialization, etc, in order to ensure you get an IVerified back:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66396673


            ADAL and MSAL confusion
            Asked 2021-Jan-05 at 02:43

            My References

            According to this,

            Starting June 30th, 2020 we will no longer add any new features to Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) and Azure AD Graph. We will continue to provide technical support and security updates but we will no longer provide feature updates. Applications will need to be upgraded to Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) and Microsoft Graph. Learn more

            And this,

            Starting June 30th, 2022, we will end support for ADAL and Azure AD Graph and will no longer provide technical support or security updates. Apps using Azure AD Graph after this time will no longer receive responses from the Azure AD Graph endpoint. Apps using ADAL on existing OS versions will continue to work after this time but will not get any technical support or security updates.

            and this link,



            Answered 2021-Jan-05 at 02:43

            Since you did not use either of the libraries(Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory and Microsoft.Identity.Client) and you only use Azure AD for authentication, so I don't think this change will affect your project.

            For your question about why they reference MSAL and Microsoft Graph but not ADAL and Azure AD Graph. In fact, the two are similar and changes are minor. You can refer to this document to know the differences between them.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65566381


            How do I load a "user" in a micronaut backend when JWT is provided
            Asked 2020-Dec-17 at 20:27

            I have a Micronaut microservice that handles authentication via JsonWebTokens (JWT) from this guide.

            Now I'd like to extend this code. The users in my app have some extra attributes such as email, adress, teamId etc. I have all users in the database.

            How do I know in the backend controller method which user corresponds to the JWT that is sent by the client?

            The guide contains this example code for the Micronaut REST controller:



            Answered 2020-Aug-19 at 08:07

            How do I load a “user” in a micronaut backend when JWT is provided?

            I am reading this as you plan to load some kind of User object your database and access it in the controller. If this is the case you need to hook into the place where Authentication instance is created to read the "sub" (username) of the token and then load it from the database.

            How to extend authentication attributes with more details ?

            By default for JWT authentication is created using JwtAuthenticationFactory and going more concrete default implementation is DefaultJwtAuthenticationFactory. If you plan to load more claims this could be done by replacing it and creating extended JWTClaimsSet or your own implementation of Authentication interface.

            How do I access jwt claims ?

            You need to check SecurityService -> getAuthentication() ->getAttributes(), it returns a map of security attributes which represent your token serialised as a map.

            How to validate that the JWT is valid?

            There is a basic validation rules checking the token is not expired and properly signed, all the rest validations especially for custom claims and validating agains a third parties sources have to be done on your own.

            If you plan to validate your custom claims, I have already open source a project in this scope, please have a look.


            How to extend existing token with extra claims during its issuing ?

            It is required to create your own claims generator extending JWTClaimsSetGenerator

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63474895


            Identity Server 4 WindowsCryptographicException: Keyset does not exist
            Asked 2020-Nov-26 at 20:46

            I get these these two exceptions in Identity Server 4 during a regular login to get a token. It's on a load balanced setup with 2 servers, so I've done the following: They both get the same PFX for encrypting tokens. It works just fine on a single server. They have the password for the PFX file, and can seemingly encrypt a token correct correctly.

            Sometimes the flow works well, but it always fails on giving CORS access on the connect/token endpoint. I can see that the CORS Middleware plays a role here, but I don't understand why the signing are credentials during the verification of CORS access. I've added protection here, and during startup, I verify that the private key for both the protectionCert and the signing credentials exist. Both certs are password-protected files included with the deploy just to keep it simple(i.e. not running into access issues on private key).

            Why is it all of a sudden having trouble getting access to the private key during the CORS operation though? That part I do not understand. All of this works on my test environment, which runs on a single machine, so I'm 99% sure it has to do with this setup being load balanced. Also wondering, if I can save myself a headache by enabling sticky sessions in the load balancer.

            In my DataProtection store there's only a single key saved. Not sure if that's normal. I would expect the application to generate more keys.



            Answered 2020-Nov-26 at 20:46

            I think I solved it. I read that it could have to do with lack of access. I guess on of my tasks in my CD setup isn't working right, because I tried running an APP CMD command to set user profile to loaded as true for my app pool. Supposedly, if this flag is false, the application will by default try to store the private key as the current user, but since no user is loaded, this doesn't work. So I tried with ephemeral keyset instead(in-memory) to avoid access issues and now it works. Not sure what the consequences are of using an in-memory keyset, if the keys are appropriate etc.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64386500


            Invalid jwt Token in asp.net core
            Asked 2020-Aug-26 at 11:57

            I am trying to use a JWT in my Angular application and ASP.net core. For starters, I am using "Postman" to test my end points. In my API this is how I set up the JWT




            Answered 2020-Jul-30 at 05:08

            You have just configured authorization inside of your pipeline. You need to configure authentication as well. And remember it has to be done prior to authorization inside of the pipeline. Order matters because first we need to authenticate on who the user is and then we need to check what permissions he/she has.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63166380


            jwt.verify not throwing error for expired tokens
            Asked 2020-Aug-06 at 21:16

            I'm using JWT - jsonwebtokens in Nodejs.

            I'm creating a token and want to throw an error if the token expires. My token is created successfully and I'm checking the token expiry in middleware of Apis in Expressjs. Then token is sent from Angular in headers and the expiration is checked in middleware.

            This is how I'm creating the token:



            Answered 2020-Aug-06 at 21:16

            In your code you added expiresIn as part of the payload. But there expiresIn has no meaning and you need to use the standard expclaim for expiration:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63291152

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