nimbus | Stocks with Codeforces ratings | Code Editor library

 by   chen-robert TypeScript Version: Current License: No License

kandi X-RAY | nimbus Summary

kandi X-RAY | nimbus Summary

nimbus is a TypeScript library typically used in Editor, Code Editor applications. nimbus has no bugs and it has low support. However nimbus has 1 vulnerabilities. You can download it from GitHub.

A discord powered stock market game for Codeforces.

            kandi-support Support

              nimbus has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 9 star(s) with 1 fork(s). There are 1 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              There are 1 open issues and 0 have been closed. There are 1 open pull requests and 0 closed requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of nimbus is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              nimbus has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              nimbus has 1 vulnerability issues reported (0 critical, 0 high, 1 medium, 0 low).

            kandi-License License

              nimbus does not have a standard license declared.
              Check the repository for any license declaration and review the terms closely.
              Without a license, all rights are reserved, and you cannot use the library in your applications.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              nimbus releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Installation instructions are not available. Examples and code snippets are available.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi's functional review helps you automatically verify the functionalities of the libraries and avoid rework.
            Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of nimbus
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            nimbus Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for nimbus.

            nimbus Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for nimbus.

            Community Discussions


            Postman gives 401 Unauthorized - Spring Boot & MYSQL
            Asked 2021-Jun-04 at 10:51

            Firstly: Yes, i know there's lots of this question already asked but no one really helped me much.


            -I've tried making a simple Auth with my username+password from MySQL credentials into the Postman but didn't worked

            I've tried to remove the cookies from postman and that did not work.


            link where i got the idea: youtube link for this crud web app

            I'm trying to develop an simple CRUD web app with Spring Boot, Lombok, JPA and Hibernate, MySQL. Everytime i try to make a POST request into Postman it doesn't give me anything(401 Unathorized), as shown here:

            It only gives me "401 Unauthorized".

            Of course when i run the project it gives me the DB shown in MYSQL

            Here's the project content:(That YML file has nothing in it)

            Here's some code:




            Answered 2021-Jun-04 at 10:51

            It was my fault from the start: It was automatically checked from the checkbox in IntelliJ "Spring Security". I unchecked it and it all worked.



            NoClassDefFoundError while deploying a OpenID Azure AD java web-app on Weblogic
            Asked 2021-Jun-02 at 09:42

            I am trying to integrate Azure AD for my web-app using OpenIDConnect approach. When I try to deploy the built ear file on weblogic I get NoClassDefFound for


            . I have included oauth2-oidc-sdk-5.24.1.jar in the web-inf/lib folder, also verified that it is actually present within the ear file yet the application deployment fails complaining it is not able to find this class.

            I found similar issue here. So I tried deploying both oauth2-oidc-sdk-5.24.1.jar and gson jar file as a library along with my java web app, but that did not help as well.

            Much appreciated if I can get any pointers or suggestions to overcome this error.

            The full stacktrace during deployment:



            Answered 2021-Jun-01 at 02:18

            This is usually caused by incompatible versions. You can try different versions of oauth2-oidc-sdk until you find a compatible package.

            Or you can also change the version of spring to achieve the purpose of version compatibility as mentioned in the comments.



            JButtons in JTable cell change shape on row selection
            Asked 2021-May-24 at 04:38

            I have a single cell (column) per row based table and the cell is a panel with 2 buttons on it. TableCellRenderer and TableCellEditor are implemented correctly to allow render and edit the cell. But when i click the row or even the button, the shape of the buttons change. It looks like the size of the button shrinks to fit the button text. Please see the attached images.

            If I set a preferred size of the buttons then the size doesn't seem to change but the button text shift towards right. Below is the code of the table cell panel. Running this panel from a main in the same class like shown below dosn't show this behavior. This behavior is only visible when using this panel as a cell in the single column table row. Don't know which property of what to set/change.



            Answered 2021-May-24 at 04:38

            According to the source code, the border inset of the table cell editor is 0 according to the FlatBorder specification.




            Compiled on Netbeans :"Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.RuntimeException: Uncompilable source code - illegal start of expression"
            Asked 2021-May-12 at 09:27

            Whenever I am trying to compile my java project in netbeans IDE, I am getting these errors. Kindly, please help me through it. I have provided the whole source code as well. Thank you the error are given below. I am making a car parking system in java and my whole source code in written in java language



            Answered 2021-May-12 at 05:53

            Your error tells you that there is a problem on line 211 that causes compilation to fail. That line is this:



            Text changeD (not changing) in a JTextPane or JTextField
            Asked 2021-May-02 at 02:02

            Ok, I had a very specific problem. I had a panel with a JTextField and a JTextPane (actually 2 JTextPane, but I had only one active) and needed an event to update the relative variables in the caller form when the user was done editing the text.

            JTextPane is set with a StyledDocument, therefore, I can't afford to update its variable every single time I press a key, therefore using DocumentListener was not viable.

            And using FocusListener was not a solution either, because the variable (couple) was selected using a JList component and it changed the reference before FocusLost was changed. In short, other components were interferring with the variable instance.

            This is how I solved the problem.

            First of all I created an InputVerifier:



            Answered 2021-May-02 at 02:02

            And using FocusListener was not a solution either, because the variable (couple) was selected using a JList component and it changed the reference before FocusLost was changed

            You could save the selected index when focus is gained on the text area.

            You then also need to make sure you don't reset the text until the selection listener is finished adjusting:



            Basically what i want is to display the usb directoires and a local drive directoires in two jscrollpane side by side
            Asked 2021-Apr-23 at 06:15

            I have made two JScrollPane components. The left one shows the directories in USB and right shows the directories of a local drive. For I am able to display the complete file path as shown in first pic. But I want to display it with icons just like the way directories are displayed in any local drive on PC. This is my designed GUI, here is the example of what I want example

            public class MainForm extends javax.swing.JFrame { iRecordCopy obj = new iRecordCopy();



            Answered 2021-Apr-20 at 18:20

            Here a short example to create a minimal JList with file icons, it displays the content of the user's home directory using the system file icons.



            Reopen previously closed Window Java
            Asked 2021-Apr-11 at 07:10

            I developed a program to learn how log-in works. I've got a window(jFrame) where you can login with a button on it "create new account". If you click this butten, the login window closes and the create acc. window(another file) opens up. I want it to reopen the login window after you've created your acc.

            My Problem:

            I don't know how to reopen the login window. Be it by restarting the mainmethod or somethingelse, which you guys can tell me hopefully .

            First window ...


            Answered 2021-Apr-11 at 07:10

            You could just hide and then show the login window later or you could roll up a new login window.



            gweather_location_get_city_name: assertion 'loc != NULL' failed
            Asked 2021-Apr-06 at 18:07

            I'm trying to fetch my location using GeoClue and GWeather.

            I want to display the name of my city in the blank space.



            Answered 2021-Apr-06 at 18:07

            According to the error message, gweather_location_get_city_name () is emitting an error because the location is NULL (loc != NULL is false). Look at where you're calling get_city_name (). It's at the very top of your constructor, before location is set to anything. You need to wait until you have a location before you try to use it.

            Then you should use something like the Nimbus code. It handles the case when simple.get_location () returns NULL (if it can't find your location), and also initializes the GWeather location so it can call find_nearest_city ().



            Does Nimbus Look and Feel work on all platforms (even if the jar is converted into an exe)?
            Asked 2021-Apr-02 at 03:30

            I'm using the Nimbus look and feel in a Java application I am building and have a safeguard in case Nimbus can't be found but it doesn't look very good and much of the components look obstructed when using the default Windows look and feel. I found some things saying that Nimbus was cross-platform so I think it should be okay but I came here just in case. When I say jar converted into exe I'm just talking about compiling it into a jar and then creating a self-contained executable out of it, would that have Nimbus look and feel?




            Answered 2021-Apr-02 at 03:30

            Yes, since the Nimbus look and feel is cross-platform and has been included since Java 6, the JAR file will also have it once executed.

            One way you can be reassured of it is by following the instructions on how to set in the official documentation.




            i need to make animation on scroll
            Asked 2021-Mar-26 at 16:12

            my task is to make this effect on Scroll I am getting stuck this work on onClick but I need to set it on scroll if someone scrolls it effects work on top fade need to change onClick to onScroll and if you check the sandbox link you can see left side there are 5 headings when I click on first heading effect work but the issue is its call every data I need to set heading with data mean if I click on the first link only first link data appear not all if I click on the second link then only second link data appear



            Answered 2021-Mar-26 at 08:27

            I have made some modifications to your code, check that out. Link. Changes

            • Changed to position:fixed; in Styles.css so that card stays at center of Screen.
            • I have also increased height of body to 150% to simulate scrolling.
            • Added Event Listener for scroll (Changes card upon scrolling up/down)


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install nimbus

            You can download it from GitHub.


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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