ftw | A clone of AoPS 's FTW gamemode | Game Engine library

 by   chen-robert JavaScript Version: Current License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | ftw Summary

kandi X-RAY | ftw Summary

ftw is a JavaScript library typically used in Gaming, Game Engine applications. ftw has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

This repository is a HTML5 rewrite of the game found at See it in action here.

            kandi-support Support

              ftw has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 4 star(s) with 5 fork(s). There are 2 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              There are 4 open issues and 9 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 1 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of ftw is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              ftw has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              ftw has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              ftw is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              ftw releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi's functional review helps you automatically verify the functionalities of the libraries and avoid rework.
            Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of ftw
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            ftw Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for ftw.

            ftw Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for ftw.

            Community Discussions


            fetch stream html like ajax onprogress
            Asked 2021-Jun-09 at 00:43

            is it possible to do simple simple modification to this ?

            the goal if to "draw" the html as it's being received.

            possible scenario : a php that takes 5 to 8 seconds to execute, and push every echo while processing.

            The regular fetch.then is WAITING for all lines to BEGIN the render.

            I would like that it begins to render AS SOON as the data comes in.

            I have nginx with output buffer off so that every echo is pushed to the browser lines (i don't have to wait for the completion of the php to start seeing the echos...) when I hit this php in a browser, I see live all lines appearing, but fetch is waiting for all lines.

            here the regular fetch.then (working but waits)



            Answered 2021-Jun-09 at 00:43

            :) I found an answer

            Thanks to those 2 links


            Uint8Array to string in Javascript

            Here a mix and tested

            the php can push ANY html with CSS AND javascript that will be executable as soon as it arrives YAY ;)

            The test on the php was echo some html, echo '1', sleep(3) and repear a couple times.

            when I trigger that "fetchsrteam" function, I see each echo live streamed, I don't have to wait to the completion of the php. That way i can see feedbacks of what's going on (rare but possible) long php scripts that retreive info from APIs, do stuff, compute, etc.

            ** I also tested this from within webviews in IOS AND Android ;)

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67855358


            Stuck on stdin reading until ^C or EOF, then "stdin spam"
            Asked 2021-May-14 at 12:12

            Hello to any competent people out there who would stumble upon my post.
            I require assistance like never before.

            My problem is here:



            Answered 2021-May-14 at 12:12

            I just figured it out myself:

            dup2() creates a duplicate of the connection's file descriptor into STDIN_FILENO, leaving it open only in stdin after close(), thus reading stdin with getch, getchar or any other functions was basically waiting for the client to send something.

            Removing both solved my problem: getch() now works properly.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67491560


            Unable to apply a patch for the buildroot makedevs tool
            Asked 2021-Apr-20 at 06:58

            I am using the buildroot framework. I did a patch for the makedevs tool that provides a new 'x' option that allows setting permissions for directories recursively without modifiying permissions for regular files. The patch is named 'makedevs-0001-custom-opts-exclude-regular-files.patch' (see below), and is located inside package/makedevs/ directory. When I try to re-build the framework, I get this error:



            Answered 2021-Apr-20 at 06:58

            Asked this question in buildroot mailing list and get a valid anwer:


            Hope this helps somebody else in the future!

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67119996


            Storing structs in Glib Queues
            Asked 2021-Mar-18 at 10:33

            I have a bug where a struct which is popped off a glib queue has lost some of it's assigned data.

            the struct is as follows:



            Answered 2021-Mar-18 at 10:33

            Modifying the new_src_handler with g_strdup solved the issue.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66647563


            Running two instances of Internet Explorer
            Asked 2021-Mar-17 at 05:54

            I'm attempting to run two instances of Internet Explorer to scrape HTML. The goal is to have one global IE for the majority of the functionality. However, I need one instance for a specific purpose (authentication) which gets destroyed once I'm done.

            The reason for this second instance of IE is due to the website's authentication process which will throw an alert() Javascript popup that is hard to acknowledge and close. I'm currently terminating the entire instance of IE in this scenario.

            Noting I had been discussing the popup in another post here: Internet Explorer readyState reverts from Complete to Interactive

            As soon as I terminate the second instance of IE, using its PID, it also seems to impact the global instance of IE. When I return to the global instance of IE, I get: Run-time error '462': The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable.

            To replicate:

            1. execute function runIE1 (can be run multiple times)
            2. execute function runIE2 (can be run multiple times)
            3. execute function runIE1 to get the error

            Module code:



            Answered 2021-Mar-17 at 05:54

            In a quick test this Windows API approach seemed to work for me:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66656811


            react Push Object to array from list of arrarys
            Asked 2021-Mar-14 at 02:40

            I am trying to push ojbects into specific arrary from list of arrarys. I was able to push the ojbect but it creates additional arrary in root.



            Answered 2021-Mar-14 at 02:40

            It seems that you want to modify an array item but if you use push, you'll be modifying the original array(which you shouldn't do when you use react state) and also the push result is a number that indicates the array new length, that is why you're adding a number to the sizes array.

            If you want to modify the array without mutating it, there're multiple ways to do it, here's one of them.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66620265


            How can sum of FTW->base and some string (path) returns a string?
            Asked 2021-Feb-05 at 12:33

            I call nftw() function like this:



            Answered 2021-Feb-05 at 12:33

            How is this possible?

            It seems like directory_concatenation is a pointer that points to a memory that contains /dev/ttyUSB0 followed by a zero byte.

            How is this string created using the sum operation of a constant character pointer and an integer?

            The value of the integer is added to the address stored by the pointer, incrementing the pointer value. Because from the documentation:

            The fourth argument that nftw() supplies when calling fn() is a structure of type FTW:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66061824


            Google social login button doesn't show
            Asked 2021-Jan-19 at 20:18

            I am working on a FTW template and I added the google login logic into it from some commits from ftw github. Now I need to add the google client id into my .env file, but in the template I see it's located in a .env-template file and is empty. When I put it there, nothing happens, and I don't know why.

            This is how the client id is used in my js files :



            Answered 2021-Jan-19 at 16:36

            You should move it to the .env file (or any other valid .env.* extension).

            And then you have to stop and start your react app again so it takes new changes of that new environment variables.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65795355


            How to implement File Tree Walk safely (C language)
            Asked 2021-Jan-01 at 16:28

            I tried this code on Fedora, but got No such file or directory and Permission denied errors.

            How to handle errors and continue scanning file system?

            ftw() crushes if something goes wrong. How to skip bad entries?

            ftw() starts from path /.



            Answered 2021-Jan-01 at 16:28

            Your code is returning -1 whenever a path passed to display_info can not be accessed, so ftw does exactly what it suppose to do - stops the traversal.

            If you wish for it to continue, keep returning 0 even in those cases.

            A better solution would be to use the newer, more advance function nftw.

            It will allow you to both specify flags to ignore dynamic links automatically, and also allow your callback function to specify different actions in case some items are not accessible.

            For example, you could ask it to ignore children of inaccessible directories:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65530275


            Excel VBA for Switching Style on and off on user selected page in a locked database
            Asked 2020-Nov-17 at 05:51

            I have a database where the user can select one of 17 different pages. Once the page is selected, I need to highlight the part of the page where the user can enter data (switch Style on). Once the user has completed entering the data, the form is then converted to pdf and sent as an attachment in an email, and the style needs to be switched off before the conversion starts.

            First, I have this code set when the workbook opens



            Answered 2020-Nov-17 at 05:51

            I suggest to create two Styles and apply each as required before and after printing the PDF's. This will eliminate the need to modify the Workbook Styles and protect and unprotect the worksheets.

            Also replace ActiveSheet with object variables:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64868021

            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install ftw

            You can download it from GitHub.


            If you contrib to the project, please make sure your code follows the Airbnb Style Guide. The Airbnb plugin for ESLint is already included in the developer dependencies.
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