auto-assign | Probot app that adds reviewers | Continous Integration library

 by   kentaro-m TypeScript Version: v1.0.0 License: ISC

kandi X-RAY | auto-assign Summary

kandi X-RAY | auto-assign Summary

auto-assign is a TypeScript library typically used in Devops, Continous Integration applications. auto-assign has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

A GitHub App built with Probot that adds reviewers/assignees to pull requests when pull requests are opened.

            kandi-support Support

              auto-assign has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 213 star(s) with 58 fork(s). There are 5 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 22 open issues and 44 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 80 days. There are 6 open pull requests and 0 closed requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of auto-assign is v1.0.0

            kandi-Quality Quality

              auto-assign has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              auto-assign has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              auto-assign is licensed under the ISC License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              auto-assign releases are available to install and integrate.
              Installation instructions are not available. Examples and code snippets are available.

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            Community Discussions


            How to read register of digital counter with minimalmodbus
            Asked 2021-Jun-10 at 05:34

            I'm trying to read the values of an industry digital counter with Modbus RTU RS-485. Using USB-RS-485 conversion, and here is the master send code is taken from the following datasheet,

            Datasheet Link

            I am expecting that the read input register is what I'm expecting, and the API of the minimalmodbus expects to specify register number, a number of decimals, and function code.

            • Does the library auto-assign the slave number, or we have to define it?
            • From the datasheet, is it the register number is the address?
            • And how many decimals do I expect if there's two data sequence as a response?
            • Is the CRC16 check already included within the library as i shouldn't code it?

            Here's my code by far, modifying examples.



            Answered 2021-Jun-10 at 05:34

            Does the library auto-assign the slave number, or we have to define it?

            With MinimalModbus you pass the slave ID through in the minimalmodbus.Instrument('/dev/ttyUSB0', 1) call (the 1 is the Slave ID). How you set the slave ID on the device itself varies (this is not covered by the Modbus over serial line spec; could be a configuration program, DIP switches, based on the serial number etc. Other libraries may take different approaches (for example defaulting to Slave ID 1).

            From the datasheet, is it the register number is the address?

            The header in the spec tables says "No(Address)" so "10001(0000)" means register 1, address 0 (these refer to the same thing; I recommend reading the "Modbus: When 40001 Really Means 1, or 0 Really Means 1" section in this article which explains some of the issues around addressing).

            And how many decimals do I expect if there's two data sequence as a response?

            Not quite sure what you mean by "two data sequence". The Modbus spec only details the sending of bits (coils) and 16 bit values (input/holding registers). From a quick look at your spec it looks like this device just uses a single registers; for instance "OUT1 Output time" has "unit: ×10㎳" so take whatever is in the register and divide by 10 to get ms.

            Is the CRC16 check already included within the library as i shouldn't code it?

            Any decent Modbus library will look after the protocol details (such as CRC) for you (so no you don't need to code this; MinimalModbus will calculate it for you)



            Optimizing for maximum number of options to show customer given collection of their existing selections
            Asked 2021-Mar-26 at 23:16

            This is a variation of an older question (linked below), that I phrased poorly so doesn't adequately address my problem.


            Suppose there is an apple basket with apples, each of which is an object with a size attribute, and in this particular basket, we have 3 apples: [{size:'S'}, {size:'M'}, {size:'L'}]

            In the shopping process, each time a customer adds an apple to the cart, they are given the option to select a size, but importantly, they do not have to select a size, it is an optional selector.

            I'm trying to write a method, remaining_options that maximizes the maximum number of options a customer is shown when they add an apple to their cart, given their history of past selections. The fact that the size selection is optional is very important. Consider these 2 examples:

            Example A: Customer selects an option

            1. Customer adds 1st apple to cart
            2. Customer sees prompt Please make a size selection (optional): [S, M, L]
            3. Customer decides to select S
            4. Customer adds 2nd apple to cart
            5. Customer sees prompt Please make a size selection (optional): [M, L]

            Example B: Customer does NOT select an option

            1. Customer adds 1st apple to cart
            2. Customer sees prompt Please make a size selection (optional): [S, M, L]
            3. Customer skips this step
            4. Customer adds 2nd apple to cart
            5. Customer sees prompt Please make a size selection (optional): [S, M, L]

            In Example B, because the customer did NOT select an option, the full set of options available is still shown. The code does not arbitrarily "remove" an apple from the option-set. In other words, this method remaining_options is not responsible for calculating remaining quantity, only remaining options, which it tries to maximize.

            NOTE: Of course, even though this method doesn't calculate quantity, upon real world checkout, inventory is adjusted for the next customer, again via a different method. I.e., assuming that in the examples above, customer does not make a size selection for the 2nd apple, then upon checkout...

            • Example A, customer will receive 1 S apple and a 2nd apple that's either M or L, as randomly selected by other code. If customer receives [S,M], then the next customer that orders an apple will only be able to add 1 apple and remaining_options will only return [L]
            • Example B, customer will receive 2 random apples, could be [S,M], [M,L], [S,L], as randomly selected by other code. If customer receives [S,L], then the next customer that orders an apple will only be able to add 1 apple and remaining_options will only return [M]


            The challenge is I want remaining_options to work for any given number of possible attributes (size,color,price, etc.) on the apple object, and any number of options for such attributes. And since selections are optional, user can decline to select size,color,price,etc., or select 1 (e.g., only size) or 2 (e.g., size and price) and etc.

            With this complexity, it's important that the code not treat the process of adding an apple to the cart as an independent process, where the remaining_options is calculated by options in basket minus the last option selected.

            The code should instead look at all the apples in the customer's cart, whether or not an option has been selected for each, and then calculating the maximum number of remaining_options

            The solutions in the previous posted question didn't work because they did the former, i.e., treated adding each apple as an independent process that removed an option from the basket.

            Here's an example to clarify. Suppose the basket of 3 apples looks like this:



            Answered 2021-Mar-10 at 04:46

            I took a stab, please see below.

            You can play around with the code by copying the entire code below into a single file (say, test.rb) and then running it from the command line (ie, ruby test.rb)

            The design is based off the idea that the problem of "maximizing the options that remain in-basket" is logically equivalent to "removing options from the basket in order of most common to least common".



            How would I tell PS to read a file name and use it?
            Asked 2021-Mar-12 at 12:37

            In my script I want PS to read whatever the name of the file is in the "Windows ISO" directory and use that file instead of hard coding the filename "Win10_20H2_v2_English_x64.iso" since that will change over time. How would I do this in the code below?



            Answered 2021-Mar-12 at 12:37

            In my script I want PS to read whatever the name of the file is in the "Windows ISO" directory and use that file instead of hard coding the filename "Win10_20H2_v2_English_x64.iso"



            ECS Service: can't pull docker image from ECR registry without assign public ip to service tasks
            Asked 2021-Mar-04 at 20:47

            I have the following cloudformation stack which defines an ECS Service:



            Answered 2021-Mar-04 at 20:47

            "the IAM role allows pulling from ECR"

            The IAM role just gives it permission, it doesn't provide a network connection.

            "the subnets can access the internet through an internet gateway"

            I think you'll find that the Internet Gateway only provides Internet Access to resources with a public IP assigned to them.

            ECR is a service that exists outside your VPC, so you need one of the following for the network connection to ECR to be established:

            1. Public IP.

            2. NAT Gateway, with a route to the NAT Gateway in the subnet.

            3. ECR Interface VPC Endpoint, with a route to the endpoint in the subnet.



            Command to assign timestamp to the name of a file
            Asked 2021-Feb-25 at 16:12

            I am planning to write an SSH script to backup my database file. I want the file name auto-assign as db_{date}{hour}.sql (exact format: db_MMDDYYYYhhmm.sql) based on the timestamp when I run the script. How can I do that? Thank you.



            Answered 2021-Feb-24 at 22:39

            If you are using Bash (/bin/bash), this will put the name of the file into the variable file_name:



            Exposing deployment as ClusterIP and ExternalIP in Kubernetes/Openshift
            Asked 2021-Jan-09 at 06:50

            Our Openshift cluster created with a following definition in network/cluster :



            Answered 2021-Jan-09 at 06:50

            Unfortunately, ExternalIPs field cannot be auto-filled under the ClusterIP service type. ClusterIP is designed for internal access only. The workaround in your case is not an intended behavior so it cannot be handled by the Service controller automatically.

            Luckily saying, the issue you want to fix under the LoadBalancer type is a well-discussed issue in the community. A new patch has been merged into the latest Kubernetes code base.

            Under the 1.20 CHANGELOG, you can see a change here.

            Automatic allocation of NodePorts for services with type LoadBalancer can now be disabled by setting the (new) parameter Service.spec.allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts=false. The default is to allocate NodePorts for services with type LoadBalancer which is the existing behavior. (#92744, @uablrek) [SIG Apps and Network]

            So, when you upgrade your cluster to Kubernetes v1.20 and apply something like this.



            Does a wildcard have to be used for the document segment in a matching path of a Firestore collection group security rule?
            Asked 2021-Jan-07 at 06:29
              .where('members', 'array-contains', userId)


            Answered 2021-Jan-07 at 06:29

            Yes, it is required.

            When you perform a collection group query, it's not possible to call out a specific document id in the query (e.g. "allowed"). The query is explicitly asking to consider all of the documents in all of the subcollections of the given name ("private"). Therefore, the rules must allow for those documents to be considered by adding the trailing wildcard.

            You can certainly add a filter to the query if you want to get only certain documents with certain field values, but that filter can't be enforced in the rules.



            Cannot insert into identity column of linked server
            Asked 2020-Dec-31 at 17:16

            Even when I set the IDENTITY_INSERT ON and specify the columns, I still get an error when inserting to a linked server.

            When on the server directly:



            Answered 2020-Dec-31 at 17:16

            Send a whole batch to the linked server and run it there.




            cannot ssh vanilla aws instance
            Asked 2020-Dec-27 at 00:02

            I've spend my whole evening on this. guess it is just I missed a stupid step. Here is the procedure I followed:

            1. create an aws vpc;
            2. create an aws internet gateway and associate it with the VPC;
            3. create a subnet in the VPC;
            4. Add inbound rule to VPC ACL to allow SSH, HTTP, HTTPS from all IPV4 sources;
            5. Launch aws ec2 instance with Amazon Linux 2 AMI in region us-west-2, t2.micro, instance details: Number of instances: 1 network: VPC created above subnet: subnet created above auto-assign Public IP: use subnet setting(Disable) Capacity reservation: Open everything else as default storage details add on data volume, delete on termination check security group: new security group with inbound rules ssh/http/https opened for all ipv4 sources use existing key pair I created earlier;
            6. create an elastic IP;
            7. associate the elastic IP to the instance created above.
            8. reboot the instance

            Then I can see the instance is running well with elastic IP attached. I tried to connect to the ip address with ssh ssh -vvv -i ./aws_private.pem ec2-user@ipaddress and got below failure



            Answered 2020-Dec-23 at 06:12

            You forgot one thing .



            How can use Uwsgi? where is my python home path?
            Asked 2020-Dec-19 at 10:09

            I'm trying to deploy my django app with ec2. and I follow some instruction.

            but when I try to connect Uwsgi and my django app, there is a problem



            Answered 2020-Dec-19 at 10:09

            Ubuntu's uses uwsgi's plugin based architecture. In order to successfully run a Python 3 application, you need the uwsgi-plugin-python3 plugin. First, install it with apt:


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            No vulnerabilities reported

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