ringcentral-web-phone | RingCentral WebPhone Library for JavaScript WebRTC | Websocket library

 by   ringcentral TypeScript Version: 1.0.1 License: No License

kandi X-RAY | ringcentral-web-phone Summary

kandi X-RAY | ringcentral-web-phone Summary

ringcentral-web-phone is a TypeScript library typically used in Networking, Websocket, Nodejs applications. ringcentral-web-phone has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

The RingCentral WebPhone Library includes a JavaScript WebRTC library and a WebRTC phone demo app.

            kandi-support Support

              ringcentral-web-phone has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 97 star(s) with 70 fork(s). There are 25 watchers for this library.
              There were 2 major release(s) in the last 12 months.
              There are 47 open issues and 159 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 274 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of ringcentral-web-phone is 1.0.1

            kandi-Quality Quality

              ringcentral-web-phone has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              ringcentral-web-phone has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              ringcentral-web-phone code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              ringcentral-web-phone does not have a standard license declared.
              Check the repository for any license declaration and review the terms closely.
              Without a license, all rights are reserved, and you cannot use the library in your applications.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              ringcentral-web-phone releases are available to install and integrate.
              Installation instructions, examples and code snippets are available.
              It has 251 lines of code, 0 functions and 22 files.
              It has low code complexity. Code complexity directly impacts maintainability of the code.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi's functional review helps you automatically verify the functionalities of the libraries and avoid rework.
            Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of ringcentral-web-phone
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            ringcentral-web-phone Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for ringcentral-web-phone.

            ringcentral-web-phone Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for ringcentral-web-phone.

            Community Discussions


            Not able to connect to websocket using Nginx and Uvicorn
            Asked 2022-Mar-26 at 10:20

            I built a docker container with Django, Uvicorn, Nginx and Redis, and am using django-channels but when I run this it says it cannot connect to the websocket and this is seen in the browser console:

            WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed

            It is working fine when I use Django's runserver command for development but when I include Nginx and Uvicorn it breaks.




            Answered 2022-Mar-26 at 10:20

            As noted in a comment by Iain Shelvington, it seems like websockets are not included in the base install of uvicorn

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68828128


            Symfony Doctrine EntityManager not refreshing properly
            Asked 2022-Mar-14 at 13:18

            I have a ratchet WebSocket server, whose entityManager is initialized from the backend. However, if some changes happen from one of the front-ends since the state of the entityManager of the WebSocket server is different from the backend, the new changes are not reflected in the data that is served by the WebSocket server.

            For this purpose, I wrote some listeners on the backend that listen for changes in these entities in and then send a request to the server like so:



            Answered 2022-Mar-08 at 15:30

            Doctrine uses the identity map

            The websocket server is a daemon and all cleanup tasks are the responsibility of the developer


            \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager::find with the $lockMode argument = \Doctrine\DBAL\LockMode::NONE


            Call the \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager::clean method before \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager::find

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71337399


            SignalR CORS issue with Angular and .NET Core
            Asked 2022-Mar-10 at 08:45

            I know there are a lot of questions and answeres regarding this topic out there, but nothing matched my specific issue.

            I am using the following versions

            • Angular 10.0.14
              • @aspnet/signalr 1.0.27
            • ASP.NET Core 3.1

            VERSION UPDATE:

            • I just replaced @aspnet/signalr 1.0.27 by @microsoft/signalr 5.0.11 -> same issue.

            The SignalR connection works pretty fine until I add an accessTokenFactory in the Angular frontend.




            Answered 2021-Oct-19 at 12:06

            Browsers do not support headers for websockets, therefore the bearer token has to be added as query string parameter. We hit the maximum length for URLs due to the length of our bearer token. We could shorten our token or use a reference token, see also: https://github.com/aspnet/SignalR/issues/1266

            Hope this helps others as well.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69628049


            .NET 6.0: new Blazor project throws Websocket error
            Asked 2022-Feb-26 at 12:07

            I am running currently a webserver with ASP.NET Core 3.1 and a Blazor project. Recently when upgrading to .NET 6.0 I encountered (even with a blank Blazor project) some problems with a websocket error message in the browser only when deployed on my webserver (see message below).

            Locally (on Windows 11 x64, VS 22 Preview 4) there are no error messages...

            Webserver: Debian 10 x64, .NET 6.0 SDK installed, running on NGINX with websockets enabled (reverse proxy).

            Do I miss out on something or is it a problem with the current state of .NET 6.0 and NGINX? I already tried to access the webpage locally on the debian server and the same error message occurs.

            Help would be much appreciated!


            Error messages within order:



            Answered 2022-Feb-26 at 12:07

            Here is the solution described again, maybe a little bit more convenient:

            To fix this problem, I changed in the site-configuration (/etc/nginx/sites-available) of nginx the following variables:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70937709


            WebSocket not working when trying to send generated answer by keras
            Asked 2022-Feb-17 at 12:52

            I am implementing a simple chatbot using keras and WebSockets. I now have a model that can make a prediction about the user input and send the according answer.

            When I do it through command line it works fine, however when I try to send the answer through my WebSocket, the WebSocket doesn't even start anymore.

            Here is my working WebSocket code:



            Answered 2022-Feb-16 at 19:53

            There is no problem with your websocket route. Could you please share how you are triggering this route? Websocket is a different protocol and I'm suspecting that you are using a HTTP client to test websocket. For example in Postman:

            Postman New Screen

            HTTP requests are different than websocket requests. So, you should use appropriate client to test websocket.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71099818


            no affect on CORS enabling with NESTJS
            Asked 2022-Jan-31 at 21:31

            I fail to enable the CORS for testing with the latest NestJS 8.0.6 and a fresh http + ws project. That said, I want to see the Access-Control-Allow-Origin in the servers response (so that the client would accept it). Here is my main.ts where I've tried 3 approches: 1) with options, 2) with a method, 3) with app.use. None of them works.



            Answered 2021-Sep-20 at 20:29

            The enableCors and { cors: true } options are for the HTTP server (express or fastify). The URL given showing the CORS error came from a socket.io connection. To enable CORS for socket.io you need to use the options in the @WebsocketGateway() decorator, like

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69259893


            How to give certificate to Java Websocket?
            Asked 2022-Jan-20 at 10:33

            Forgive me for the newb question, but I am confused and obviously not understanding the fundamentals or explanations of how to use a Websocket server hosted over HTTPS. Everything I find online leads me to have more questions than answers.

            I have a Websocket server hosted on my HTTPS website using Java code.

            This is my WebsocketServer.java file:



            Answered 2022-Jan-13 at 14:50

            Keep it easy.
            Certs inside your application are complex - they are hard to manage and you will get problems to run your application in a modern cloud environment (start new environments, renew certs, scale your application, ...).

            Simple conclusion: Dont implement any certs.

            How-to get encrypted connections?

            As Mike already pointed out in the comments: WebSockets are just upgraded HTTP(S) connections. A normal webserver (nginx, apache) takes care about the certs. It can be done in kubernetes (as ingress-controller) or with a "bare-metal" webserver.
            Both of them should act as a reverse-proxy. This means: Your java-application doesn't know anything about certs. It has just unencrypted connections - like in your code on port 6868.
            But the client will not use this port. 6868 is only internally reachable.

            The client will call your reverse-proxy at the normal HTTPS port (=443). The reverse-proxy will forward the connection to your java-application.

            Here some links for further information:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70654559


            Push local WebRTC stream to a NodeJS server in the cloud
            Asked 2021-Dec-16 at 06:33

            I have a task, but I can't seem to get it done. I've created a very simple WebRTC stream on a Raspberry Pi which will function as a videochat-camera. With ionic I made a simple mobile application which can display my WebRTC stream when the phone is connected to the same network. This all works.

            So right now I have my own local stream which shows on my app. I now want to be able to broadcast this stream from my phone to a live server, so other people can spectate it.

            I know how to create a NodeJS server which deploys my webcam with the 'getUserMedia' function. But I want to 'push' my WebRTC stream to a live server so I can retrieve a public URL for it.

            Is there a way to push my local Websocket to a live environment? I'm using a local RTCPeerConnection to create a MediaStream object



            Answered 2021-Dec-10 at 16:54

            Is there a way to push my local Websocket to a live environment?

            It's not straightforward because you need more than vanilla webrtc (which is peer-to-peer). What you want is an SFU. Take a look at mediasoup.

            To realize why this is needed think about how the webrtc connection is established in your current app. It's a negotiation between two parties (facilitated by a signaling server). In order to turn this into a multi-cast setup you will need a proxy of sorts that then establishes separate peer-to-peer connections to all senders and receivers.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70260437


            Intercept WebSocket messages
            Asked 2021-Dec-09 at 17:16

            With ajax requests it can be done with this code:



            Answered 2021-Dec-09 at 17:16

            The question/bounty/op is specifically asking for a reputable source. Instead of rolling a custom solution, my proposal is that a known proven library should be used - that has been used, audited, forked, and in general used by the community and that is hosted on github.

            The second option is to roll your own (though not recommended) and there are many exccelent answers on how to do it involving the addEventListener


            Wshook is a library (hosted on github) that allows to easily intercept and modify WebSocket requests and message events. It has been starred and forked multiple times.

            Disclaimer: I don't have any relationship with the specific project.strong text


            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70205816


            How many total TCP connections are created for web socket call from browser to apache http server to web service
            Asked 2021-Oct-18 at 14:57

            I would like to know how many TCP connections are created when WebSocket call is made from browser to apache http server to backend web service?

            Does it create a separate TCP connection from the browser to apache http server and from apache to the web service?



            Answered 2021-Oct-18 at 14:57

            When Apache is proxying websockets, there is 1 TCP connection between the client and Apache and 1 TCP connection between Apache and the backend.

            Apache watches both connections for activity and forwards read from one onto the other.

            This is the only way it can be in a layer 7 (Application Layer, HTTP) proxy. Something tunnelling at a much lower layer, like a NAT device or MAC forwarding IP sprayer could tunnel a single connection -- but not on the basis of anything higher up in the stack like headers.

            The 2nd connection is observable with netstat.

            The 2nd connection is opened when mod_proxy_wstunnel calls ap_proxy_connect_to_backend() which calls apr_socket_create() which calls the portable socket() routine. When recent releases of mod_proxy_http handle this tunneling automatically, simialr flow through ap_proxy_acquire_connection.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69496700

            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install ringcentral-web-phone

            SDK now only supports only Unified SDP plan. You can find more information about this here: https://chromestatus.com/feature/5723303167655936. SDK now only supports "require" as rtcp-mux policy. We no more support "negotiate". You can find more information about this here: https://www.juandebravo.com/2017/02/15/rtcp-mux-in-webrtc/. SDK now handles SIP Re-Invites, which helps in handling one-way audio issues / reconnecting media due to network reconnections. SDK constructor now allows to add custom UA Configuration parameters like sessionDescriptionHandlerFactory , sessionDescriptionHandlerFactoryOptions. SDK now handles rendering HTML Media Elements. Pass remoteVideo and localVideo elements via SDK constructor. SDK also offers to addTrack() to handle remoteVideo and localVideo elements outside the constructor too. For FireFox browser support. SDK can now detect AudioInputLevel if the microphone device is not present or the input volume is set to 0. Added event listner no-input-volume for the same. SDK can now detect AudioOutputLevel if the headset/speaker device is not configured correctly or the output volume is set to 0. Added event listner no-output-volume for the same. You can now enable logging for AudioInputLevel, AudioOutputLevel and Media Reports by setting the custom UA configuration option options.enableMediaReportLogging to true. This will help in providing more information on one-way audio issues if there are any.
            SDK now only supports only Unified SDP plan. You can find more information about this here: https://chromestatus.com/feature/5723303167655936
            SDK now only supports "require" as rtcp-mux policy. We no more support "negotiate". You can find more information about this here: https://www.juandebravo.com/2017/02/15/rtcp-mux-in-webrtc/
            SDK now handles SIP Re-Invites, which helps in handling one-way audio issues / reconnecting media due to network reconnections.
            SDK constructor now allows to add custom UA Configuration parameters like sessionDescriptionHandlerFactory , sessionDescriptionHandlerFactoryOptions
            SDK now handles rendering HTML Media Elements. Pass remoteVideo and localVideo elements via SDK constructor
            SDK also offers to addTrack() to handle remoteVideo and localVideo elements outside the constructor too
            For FireFox browser support Client application needs to detect if the browser is firefox. Client application needs to set custom UA configuration option 'options.enableMidLinesInSDP' to true for browser >= FF v63 for hold functionality to work QoS feature is not supported on FireFox due to browser related bugs. Please set the custom UA configuration option options.enableQos to false
            SDK can now detect AudioInputLevel if the microphone device is not present or the input volume is set to 0. Added event listner no-input-volume for the same
            SDK can now detect AudioOutputLevel if the headset/speaker device is not configured correctly or the output volume is set to 0. Added event listner no-output-volume for the same
            You can now enable logging for AudioInputLevel, AudioOutputLevel and Media Reports by setting the custom UA configuration option options.enableMediaReportLogging to true. This will help in providing more information on one-way audio issues if there are any


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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