papers | Papers for the C Standards Committee , WG21 | Math library

 by   jfbastien C++ Version: Current License: No License

kandi X-RAY | papers Summary

kandi X-RAY | papers Summary

papers is a C++ library typically used in Utilities, Math applications. papers has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Official C++ Standard Committee papers are available from the C++ mailings. More information on the C++ Standard Committee is available on the Committee site. I've written a few of these papers and co-authored a few others. I initially wrote them using reStructuredText, but have now moved to bikeshed. Papers in this repository are final and published when numbered N or P, and are drafts when numbered D. This is an ISO thing: I can't revise already-published N or P papers. The paper revision (the R part in P numbered papers) has to be incremented, and a new paper published. New paper numbers are obtained through the Committee's Vice-Chair. The Committee's website details how to submit proposals.

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            Community Discussions


            C# how to reorder a List Tuple depending on values
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 09:05

            Our platform allows user to submit forms (Umbraco Forms), but upon opening the submitted forms, the order of the data fields has changed arbitrarily every time. I need to reorder a form to the original order, but cannot know the order of the form without iterating it. I have tried this:



            Answered 2021-Jun-11 at 11:04

            This doesn't work because when you insert at index 10, then you iterate again, changing the index of that element.

            Try use a Dictionary maybe:



            Can I use a convolution filter instead of a dense layer for clasification?
            Asked 2021-Jun-13 at 08:50

            I was reading a decent paper S-DCNet and I fell upon a section (page3,table1,classifier) where a convolution layer has been used on the feature map in order to produce a binary classification output as part of an internal process. Since I am a noob and when someone talks to me about classification I automatically make a synapse relating to FCs combined with softmax, I started wondering ... Is this a possible thing to do? Can indeed a convolutional layer be used to classify a binary outcome? The whole concept triggered my imagination so much that I insist on getting answers...

            Honestly, how does this actually work? What is the difference between using a convolution filter instead of a fully connected layer for classification purposes?

            Edit (Uncertain answer on how does it work): I asked a colleague and he told me that using a filter of the same shape as the length-width shape of the feature map at the current stage, may lead to a learnable binary output (considering that you also reduce the #channels of the feature map to a single channel). But I still don't understand the motivations behind such a technique ..



            Answered 2021-Jun-13 at 08:43

            Using convolutions as FCs can be done (for example) with filters of spatial size (1,1) and with depth of the same size as the FC input size.

            The resulting feature map would be of the same size as the input feature map, but each pixel would be the output of a "FC" layer whose weights are the weights of the shared 1x1 conv filter.

            This kind of thing is used mainly for semantic segmentation, meaning classification per pixel. U-net is a good example if memory serves.

            Also see this.
            Also note that 1x1 convolutions have other uses as well.
            paperswithcode probably some of the nets there use this trick.



            Rock, Paper, Scissors Game Python Count Feature Not Counting full session using functions
            Asked 2021-Jun-13 at 07:30

            The Python program generates rock, paper, scissors game. The game works; however, I am having trouble keeping up with the score. I use the count method to calculate the amount times the user wins, cpu wins, # of rocks/paper/scissors that have been used.

            I looked at other similar questions similar to mine. I am stuck because I am using functions. I want to keep the function format for practice.

            I tried setting the counter to equal to 0's as globals. That gave a lot of traceback errors.

            I tried changing the while loop within the game() function, but that produced an infinite loop. I kept the while loop within the main() function.

            What is the best way to approach this? I want to be able to keep scores and for the count to update until the user quits the program. Thank you!



            Answered 2021-Jun-13 at 07:05

            You have set the values to 0 within the function so every time the function will be called, the rounds will be set to 0. Try initializing the variable outside the function. That should fix it.



            Does it make sense to backpropagate a loss calculated from an earlier layer through the entire network?
            Asked 2021-Jun-09 at 10:56

            Suppose you have a neural network with 2 layers A and B. A gets the network input. A and B are consecutive (A's output is fed into B as input). Both A and B output predictions (prediction1 and prediction2) Picture of the described architecture You calculate a loss (loss1) directly after the first layer (A) with a target (target1). You also calculate a loss after the second layer (loss2) with its own target (target2).

            Does it make sense to use the sum of loss1 and loss2 as the error function and back propagate this loss through the entire network? If so, why is it "allowed" to back propagate loss1 through B even though it has nothing to do with it?

            This question is related to this question but it does not answer my question sufficiently. In my case, A and B are unrelated modules. In the aforementioned question, A and B would be identical. The targets would be the same, too.

            (Additional information) The reason why I'm asking is that I'm trying to understand LCNN ( from this paper. LCNN is made up of an Hourglass backbone, which then gets fed into MultiTask Learner (creates loss1), which in turn gets fed into a LineVectorizer Module (loss2). Both loss1 and loss2 are then summed up here and then back propagated through the entire network here.

            Even though I've visited several deep learning lectures, I didn't know this was "allowed" or makes sense to do. I would have expected to use two loss.backward(), one for each loss. Or is the pytorch computational graph doing something magical here? LCNN converges and outperforms other neural networks which try to solve the same task.



            Answered 2021-Jun-09 at 10:56
            Yes, It is "allowed" and also makes sense.

            From the question, I believe you have understood most of it so I'm not going to details about why this multi-loss architecture can be useful. I think the main part that has made you confused is why does "loss1" back-propagate through "B"? and the answer is: It doesn't. The fact is that loss1 is calculated using this formula:



            What does the C++20 standard say about usage of subojects as template non-type arguments?
            Asked 2021-Jun-06 at 19:34

            The "Template non-type arguments" paragraph of the article „Template parameters and template arguments“ states:

            The only exceptions are that non-type template parameters of reference or pointer type and non-static data members of reference or pointer type in a non-type template parameter of class type and its subobjects (since C++20) cannot refer to/be the address of

            • a temporary object (including one created during reference initialization);
            • a string literal;
            • the result of typeid;
            • the predefined variable __func__;
            • or a subobject (including non-static class member, base subobject, or array element) of one of the above (since C++20).

            Emphasis is mine.

            And below there is an example



            Answered 2021-Jun-06 at 19:34

            The wording changed as part of P1907R1, which was adopted as part of C++20. Note that the first draft you cited - N4835 - predates this adoption (that draft was published Oct 2019, and this paper was adopted the following month at the Belfast meeting in Nov 2019). The closest draft to C++20 is N4861, which you can also conveniently view in html form.

            As a result, the following:



            Aligning equations with multiple marks and lineups in `groff eqn`
            Asked 2021-Jun-06 at 10:10

            I am trying to align some fairly long equations the way I would usually do with LaTeX in groff. The general form I am aiming for:



            Answered 2021-Jun-05 at 13:07

            It is very disappointing that eqn does not allow a new mark to be set. Here is a poor workaround that might be of some use. It consists of repeating the first equation but with the keyword mark in the new position, and diverting the output to nowhere so it does not appear. .di is a base troff to start and end a diversion.



            Lock-free queue: why read `Atomic*` twice?
            Asked 2021-Jun-03 at 01:24

            I am reading The Art of Multiprocessor Programming, 2ed and I noticed the following pattern is used to read several Atomic* fields:



            Answered 2021-Jun-02 at 06:38

            I think that the general idea is that writers will update the fields in a given order, and that the value of the first field will always be changed for each "update". So if a reader sees that the first field didn't change on the second read, then it knows that it has read a consistent set of values (snapshot) for all of the fields.



            Data not catching in multi step contact form
            Asked 2021-Jun-01 at 18:02

            In my database I have multi exam papers, for each paper, there are some multiple-choice questions that users have to answer. I use a multi-step form and put every question in one step.

            I want to catch user answers but, I am unable to post their answers on the results.php page, please help.

            /* Here is the HTML form Code*/



            Answered 2021-Jun-01 at 18:02

            I can't believe I missed this the first time. You're missing the method="post" from your

            tag. HTML form methods default to get.

            I'm not seeing where there is a of Submit. If that's your next button, that won't work. If you want to test for form submission, you could simply do if (isset($_POST) && count($_POST)>0) {, but since you probably need to pass the exam_id ($_GET['id']), you might put this right after the opening tag:



            Recovering structs sent over a network
            Asked 2021-Jun-01 at 00:28

            My coworker wants to send some data represented by a type T over a network. He does this The traditional way™ by casting the T to char* and sending it using a write(2) call with a socket:



            Answered 2021-Jun-01 at 00:28

            The dicey part is not so much the memory alignment, but rather the lifetime of the T object. When you reinterpret_cast<> memory as a T pointer, that does not create an instance of the object, and using it as if it was would lead to Undefined Behavior.

            In C++, all objects have to come into being and stop existing, thus defining their lifetime. That even applies to basic data types like int and float. The only exception to this is char.

            In other words, what's legal is to copy the bytes from the buffer into an already existing object, like so:



            Using Selenium to scrape webpage with javascript
            Asked 2021-May-31 at 08:06

            I want to scrape a google scholar page with 'show more' button. I understand from my previous question that it is not a html but a javascript and there are several ways to scrape such pages. I tries selenium and tried the following code.



            Answered 2021-Mar-07 at 05:22

            I believe your problem is that the new elements haven't completely loaded in when your program checks the website. Try importing time and then sleeping for a few minutes. Like this (I removed the headless features so you can see the program work):


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