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Priority queue using C (Linked implementation)
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import java.util.*;
public class Main {
public static void main (String[] args) {
Solution solution = new Solution();
int[] res = solution.assignTasks(new int[]{3,3,2}, new int[]{1,2,3,2,1,2});
class Solution {
public int[] assignTasks(int[] servers, int[] tasks) {
PriorityQueue free = new PriorityQueue(); // (wt, id, time)
PriorityQueue busy = new PriorityQueue(); // (time, wt, id)
for (int i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) {
free.add(new Pair(servers[i], i, 0));
System.out.println("Free Added " + i + " " + servers[i] + " " + i + " " + 0 + " " + free.size());
int[] ans = new int[tasks.length];
for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
Pair b = busy.peek();
while (b != null && b.a <= i) {
System.out.println("Busy Polled " + i + " " + b.a + " " + b.b + " " + b.c + " " + busy.size());
free.add(new Pair(b.b, b.c, b.a));
System.out.println("Free Added " + i + " " + b.b + " " + b.c + " " + b.a + " " + free.size());
b = busy.peek();
Pair p = free.poll();
int wt = p.a;
int id = p.b;
// int time = p.c;
System.out.println("Free Polled " + i + " " + p.a + " " + p.b + " " + p.c + " " + free.size());
ans[i] = id;
busy.add(new Pair(i + tasks[i], wt, id));
System.out.println("Added to Busy " + i + " " + (i + tasks[i]) + " " + p.a + " " + p.b + " " + busy.size());
return ans;
class Pair implements Comparable {
int a, b, c;
Pair(int x, int y, int z) {
a = x;
b = y;
c = z;
public int compareTo(Pair p) {
if (this.a == p.a) {
if (this.b == p.b) return this.c - p.c;
return this.b = p.b;
return this.a - p.a;
Answered 2021-May-30 at 09:33It is not entirely clear, but I think your problem is caused by an incorrect implementation of compareTo
I have been trying to figure out the time complexity of a priority_queue
This post here states that the complexity of this container depends on the underlying container.
My question is for a priority_queue
declared as such
Answered 2021-Apr-28 at 20:07Heap insertion and extraction have the worst case complexity relative to the height of the tree, thus O(log N), plus the complexity of the underlying data structure.
In case of a vector
, push_back
has an amortized complexity O(1), and pop_back
Therefore it can be said that the total time complexity of push
and pop
of a priority_queue
backed by a vector
is O(log N).
I am creating an HTTP client where I need to push data to server. Things are working fine, now the requirement is that there should be one dedicated connection established with server for some priority data. For e.g. I have 2 HTTP connections open with server then one connection should always be available to push high priority data to server and where as the other connection can be used for pushing rest of stuff.
I tried with make_strands using this however that puts my activities in sequential execution.
I also tried with multiple io_context but it adds additional complexities. Is there any simple way to fulfill the requirement. Thanks.
Answered 2021-Jan-29 at 16:48I also tried with multiple
but it adds additional complexities.
I think this is a basic misconception: it doesn't actually (as long as you don't explicitly bind handlers to executors from a different execution context, perhaps. But such a thing is hard to do accidentally).
Now if the requirement is:
For e.g. I have 2 HTTP connections open with server then one connection should always be available to push high priority data to server and where as the other connection can be used for pushing rest of stuff.
Then the answer is you can all that without using multiple threads at all. If you appear to require threads still, this indicates that you're performing longer running tasks inside handlers (blocking the io thread(s)).
Indeed in such case you may indeed want to have a dedicated execution context that is being run on a separate thread(s).
The simplest solution given your pre-existing situation would be to, indeed, have a second io_context
that you run from its own thread.
My more common guideline would be the inverse: prevent the situation you have by never executing any blocking tasks on the UI thread. This leads to a design where I have only one IO thread usually, and the actual work gets put on task queues that can be serviced from a thread pool. Only when the task ready to send a response, they will
their IO operation to the IO context.As you probably know complexity is easier to prevent than it is to achieve simplicity after-the-fact.
Related: priority queue with limited space: looking for a good algorithm
I am looking for an algorithm which returns the k-largest elements from a list, but does not change the order of the k-largest elements, e.g. for k=4
and given 5,9,1,3,7,2,8,4,6
, the algorithm should return 9,7,8,6
More background, my input data are approximately 200 pairs (distance,importance)
which are ordered w.r.t distance
, and I need to select the 32 most important of them. Performance is crucial here, since I have to run this selection algorithm a few thousand times.
Up to now I have the two following ideas, but both of them seem not to be the best possible.
- Remove the minimum element iteratively until 32 elements are left (i.e. do selection sort)
- Use quickselect or median-of-medians to search for the 32nd largest element. Afterwards, sort the remaining 31 elements again w.r.t. distance.
I need to implement this in C++, so if anybody wants to write some code and does not know which language to use, C++ would be an option.
Answered 2020-Oct-06 at 17:05Use the heap-based algorithm for finding the k largest value, i.e. use a min heap (not a max heap) that never exceeds a size of k. Once it exceeds that size, keep pulling the root from it to restore it to a size of k.
At the end the heap's root will be k largest value. Let's call it m.
You could then scan the original input again to collect all values that are at least equal to m. This way you'll have them in their original order.
When that m is not unique, you could have collected too many values. So check the size of the result and determine how much longer it is than k. Go backwards through that list and mark the ones that have value m as deleted until you have reached the right size. Finally collect the non-deleted items.
All these scans are O(n). The most expensive step is the first one: O(nlogk).
I have created a priority_queue
with custom comparator which stores string in lexicographically sorted order, and it works as expected.[ Ref. this] ]
Now, I want it to be value in an unordered_map
, and I got error: no matching constructor for initialization ...
and closest thing I found is this. I realize I need to pass the comparator to the constructor as well, but how?
Here is my code as of now :
Answered 2020-Sep-24 at 15:12Maps use the default constructor when creating new elements. You could use pointers, but you’d need to allocate each new entry:
I have the following code:
Answered 2020-Aug-13 at 12:16I understand your question like this (correct me if I'm wrong):
You try to compute Dijkstra for every pair of nodes in a graph. So you have V(V-1)/2 pairs in the graph (V is number of vertices).
Then, V(V-1) (that is O(V^2) times you compute Dijkstra, which has complexity O(V + ElogV) (I don't know where did you get your O(VlogV + E) from, but it's probably incorrect)
Overall, the complexiy is O(V^2logV + EV^2)
Recently I have decided to replace arrays with priority queues for storing my list of jobs for a user into MongoDB. I use NodeJS and ExpressJS for backend. The priority queue I attempted to store is from an external package which can be installed by running the following command in terminal:
Answered 2020-Jul-07 at 14:46As far as I know, when you store things in MongoDB they are stored as extended JSON (EJSON) in binary format (BSON)
Answered 2020-Jun-06 at 03:32it is stored as min heap. read more about min heap
Is priority queue just a sorted queue? Can it be made by creating a simple queue and sorting it afterwards? I found this link and it states that they priority queue can be made by Re-arrange the Queue at insertion time, and put the recently inserted object at the appropriate priority place. I wanted to be certain about it because some of my peers stated that its not possible, but if we make a queue which adheres to priority, wouldn't it make the queue a priority queue?
Answered 2019-Dec-31 at 14:28Pretty much.
You can't "sort" a standard queue because it does not have random access. A std::priority_queue
is usually backed by a vector.
It just does the "automatic sorting" for you, is all. You wouldn't actually re-sort the whole thing (which would do a lot of pointless comparisons): you'd do a lower/upper bound search for a position to insert your new element. Removal can be similarly specialised, because you know the elements are sorted so can do a binary search.
But the end result is a thing that behaves much like a queue, yes.
I'm attempting to create a standalone version of Wordpress' Gutenberg block editor that will work independently of the Wordpress ecosystem. Ideally, I'd like to be able to simply use the Gutenberg editor in an existing React project as a React component.
I noticed the official repository featured a "storybook" directory which housed a React component at "storybook/stories/playground/index.js":
Answered 2020-Jan-23 at 21:35I discovered that there was another style.scss file in the storybook directory which, when placed into the root directory of my React application, along with updating the package.json scripts to:
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