iv | Powerful Programable RPN Calculator based on FORTH | Apps library

 by   zooxo C++ Version: Current License: Non-SPDX

kandi X-RAY | iv Summary

kandi X-RAY | iv Summary

iv is a C++ library typically used in Apps applications. iv has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. However iv has a Non-SPDX License. You can download it from GitHub.

Version 1.0, (c) 2020 by deetee/zooxo This software is covered by the 3-clause BSD license. See a short video of IVEE at: Ivee is a powerful programable RPN calculator based on the programming language FORTH. This innovative and powerful machine benefits of a brilliant symbiosis, as both - the RPN calculator and FORTH - are stack based systems. The name Ivee or IV stands for the roman number 4, which was also a basis for naming Forth (4th generation of programming languages). Ivee complements a viable set of Forth words (26 commands) with a set of system oriented commands and additional built-in Forth words. In addition the user can define/program new words based on existing words and commands. The hardware is simple: - Arduino Pro Micro - OLED display (128x64 pixel) with SSD1306- or SSD1309-controller - 16 keys (push buttons) optional: - LIPO battery - LIPO battery charger (TP4056) - ON/OFF-switch.

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            kandi-License License

              iv has a Non-SPDX License.
              Non-SPDX licenses can be open source with a non SPDX compliant license, or non open source licenses, and you need to review them closely before use.

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            Community Discussions


            Crypto-js encryption and Python decryption using HKDF key
            Asked 2022-Mar-28 at 11:29

            Based on the example provided here on how to establish a shared secret and derived key between JS (Crypto-JS) and Python, I can end up with the same shared secret and derived key on both ends.

            However, when I try to encrypt as below, I cannot find a way to properly decrypt from Python. My understanding is that probably I am messing with the padding or salts and hashes.



            Answered 2022-Mar-28 at 11:29

            The issue is that the key is not passed correctly in the CryptoJS code.

            The posted Python code generates LefjQ2pEXmiy/nNZvEJ43i8hJuaAnzbA1Cbn1hOuAgA= as Base64-encoded key. This must be imported in the CryptoJS code using the Base64 encoder:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71632056


            How to show a JSON value with numeric key in HTML table using AJAX
            Asked 2022-Mar-16 at 13:40

            I'm new to web development and I´ve been trying out building tables with data from different API´s but have run into a problem with a response that has numeric keys within the object.

            I get the response to show in log but can not get the data to a table.

            I reused the code from a previous test (that was successful), but in this test the keys are numeric. Here is the response:



            Answered 2022-Mar-16 at 13:40


            Perl numeric comparison of numeric strings understanding and debugging
            Asked 2022-Jan-28 at 14:47

            I have 2 variables, x, y with "numeric" data. Note, both of these come from different sources (mysql data and parsed file data), so I am assuming firstly that they have ended up as strings.



            Answered 2022-Jan-28 at 10:54
            my $x = 14.000000000000001;
            my $y = 14;

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70892478


            iOS CryptoSwift AES Encryption to Python Decryption works - but not the inverse
            Asked 2022-Jan-28 at 10:30

            I am using CryptoSwift 1.4.1, iOS 15.2, PyCryptodome 3.12.0, and XCode 13.2.1 to encrypt small string messages that I send to a Raspberry Pi Linux Device over BLE. It works when iOS encrypts the message and sends it to the Raspberry Pi. The Pi can successfully decrypt it. Now I want to do the inverse, encrypt a message on the Pi and have the iOS App read and decrypt it. This, however is not working and the decrypted value is the not the message I encrypted on the Pi.

            Working iOS encryption:



            Answered 2022-Jan-28 at 10:30

            In the encrypt() method the IV is not considered. As in aesEncrypt(), the IV must be passed and used when creating the AES object.
            Furthermore there are bugs in the encoding: The plaintext must be UTF8 encoded and the ciphertext must be hex encoded:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70809612


            Problems deploying a Vaadin App to production
            Asked 2022-Jan-27 at 20:20

            I'm working with Java 8 and Vaadin 22. When I want to deploy my starter app to production by



            Answered 2022-Jan-27 at 20:20

            As Simon Martinelli said, running vaadin:dance in the command prompt and moving the folder out of the One Drive scope before mvnw clean package -Pproduction command was the solution to my problem

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70869745


            How to improve the HTML Table Styling that is to be converted into a PDF File
            Asked 2022-Jan-25 at 00:43

            I have a Python code that is creating HTML Tables and then turning it into a PDF file. This is the output that I am currently getting

            This image is taken from PDF File that is being generated as result (and it is zoomed out at 55%)

            I want to make this look better. Something similar to this, if I may

            This image has 13 columns, I don't want that. I want to keep 5 columns but my major concern is the size of the td in my HTML files. It is too small in width and that is why, the text is also very stacked up in each td. But if you look at the other image, text is much more visible and boxes are much more bigger width wise. Moreover, it doesn't suffer from height problems either (the height of the box is in such a way that it covers the whole of the PDF Page and all the tds don't look like stretched down)

            I have tried to play around the height and width of my td in the HTML File, but unfortunately, nothing really seemed to work for me.

            Edit: Using the code provided by onkar ruikar, I was able to achieve very good results. However, it created the same problem that I was facing previously. The question was asked here: Horizontally merge and divide cells in an HTML Table for Timetable based on the Data in Python File

            I changed up the template.html file of mine and then ran the same code. But I got this result,

            As you can see, that there were more than one lectures in the First Slot of Monday, and due to that, it overlapped both the courses. It is not reading the

            command properly in this HTML file now.

            The modified template.html file has this code,



            Answered 2022-Jan-25 at 00:43

            What I've done here is remove the borders from the table and collapsed the space for them.

            I've then used more semantic elements for both table headings and your actual content with semantic class names. This included adding a new element for the elements you want at the bottom of the cell. Finally, the teacher and codes are floated left and right respectively.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70807885


            Horizontally merge and divide cells in an HTML Table for Timetable based on the Data in Python File
            Asked 2022-Jan-15 at 06:02

            Please note this question is an extension of this previously asked question: How to make Images/PDF of Timetable using Python

            I am working on a program that generates randomized Timetable based on an algorithm. For the Final Output of that program, I require a Timetable to be stored in a PDF File.

            There are multiple sections and each section must have its own timetable/schedule. Each Section can have multiple Courses whose lectures will be allocated on different slots from Monday to Friday by the algorithm. For my timetable,

            • There are 5 days in total (Monday to Friday)
            • Each day will have 5 slots (0 to 4 in indexes. With a "Lunch" Break between 3rd and 4th slot)

            As an Example, I have created below a dictionary where key represents the Section and the items have a 2D Array of size 5x5. Each Index of that 2D array contains the course details for which the lecture will take place in that slot.



            Answered 2022-Jan-15 at 06:02

            I am not much familiar with Jinja, so this answer might not be the most efficient one.

            By using basic hard coding in your Template.HTML file, I was able to achieve the results you are trying to. For this, I used the same code that was given by D-E-N in your previous question.

            I combined all the attributes of your object into a string

            • An attribute is differentiated from another with @ (like Course and Teacher)
            • Instead of using space character, I used a _ character to represent space character in the attributes.
            • If one slot contains multiple objects, they are differentiated with space character (just like in the code provided by D-E-N)

            Here's the updated code of yours with these changes,

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70623210


            How do I calculate a key check value for AES-128-CBC?
            Asked 2022-Jan-13 at 16:47

            I'm trying to implement a function in Java to calculate the key check value for a 128 bit AES encryption key. The AES128CBCEncryptor class is implementing AES/128/CBC with ISO 9797-1 M2 padding.

            The only information I can find on the key check value algorithm for AES says "the KCV for an AES key is computed by encrypting 16 bytes, each with value '01'.". It does not specify how the IV should be constructed.

            Here is what I have thus far, but it's not generating the expected result:



            Answered 2022-Jan-13 at 16:47

            For a Key Check Value (KCV) one generally uses single block encryption, without any mode such as ECB or CBC. As only a constant value of 16 bytes is used, there is no need for padding either.

            If you just have a CBC class that performs ISO 9797-1 M2 padding then you could encrypt the static value of 01010101010101010101010101010101 (hex encoding of 16 bytes), using an all-zero IV and taking the first 16 bytes from the result (removing 16 bytes of ciphertext at the end that is just encryption of the mandatory padding).

            As you can see in the image below, because the IV is all zero, the XOR with the plaintext leaves the input intact, basically making the first ciphertext identical to direct encryption with the block cipher.

            By WhiteTimberwolf (SVG version) - PNG version, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=26434096

            However, as you are using Java, it makes more sense to use a Cipher object using algorithm "AES/ECB/NoPadding" and use that to encrypt the value of 01010101010101010101010101010101 directly. ECB doesn't take an IV, so that problem is avoided. Also, no padding needs to be considered when "NoPadding" is specified.

            If you need fewer bytes: those are usually taken from the left (lowest index) of the result.

            Beware that these kinds of KCV's are somewhat dangerous as they show the ciphertext of one particular plaintext block. In the worst instances, this could lead to an adversary decrypting one ciphertext block, or for an authenticated scheme to lose its integrity/authentication properties.

            Commonly KCV's are over an all-zero plaintext block. Using an all one-valued block makes the chance that this happens smaller, but that chance is still significant.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70683993


            Problem Updating to .Net 6 - Encrypting String
            Asked 2021-Dec-20 at 23:09

            I'm using a string Encryption/Decryption class similar to the one provided here as a solution.

            This worked well for me in .Net 5.
            Now I wanted to update my project to .Net 6.

            When using .Net 6, the decrypted string does get cut off a certain point depending on the length of the input string.

            ▶️ To make it easy to debug/reproduce my issue, I created a public repro Repository here.

            • The encryption code is on purpose in a Standard 2.0 Project.
            • Referencing this project are both a .Net 6 as well as a .Net 5 Console project.

            Both are calling the encryption methods with the exact same input of "12345678901234567890" with the path phrase of "nzv86ri4H2qYHqc&m6rL".

            .Net 5 output: "12345678901234567890"
            .Net 6 output: "1234567890123456"

            The difference in length is 4.

            I also looked at the breaking changes for .Net 6, but could not find something which guided me to a solution.

            I'm glad for any suggestions regarding my issue, thanks!

            Encryption Class



            Answered 2021-Nov-10 at 10:25

            The reason is this breaking change:

            DeflateStream, GZipStream, and CryptoStream diverged from typical Stream.Read and Stream.ReadAsync behavior in two ways:

            They didn't complete the read operation until either the buffer passed to the read operation was completely filled or the end of the stream was reached.

            And the new behaviour is:

            Starting in .NET 6, when Stream.Read or Stream.ReadAsync is called on one of the affected stream types with a buffer of length N, the operation completes when:

            At least one byte has been read from the stream, or The underlying stream they wrap returns 0 from a call to its read, indicating no more data is available.

            In your case you are affected because of this code in Decrypt method:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69911084


            Data Encryption static encrypt
            Asked 2021-Dec-13 at 08:04

            My hexidigit is changing on day by day basis. How can I change it back to static




            Answered 2021-Dec-13 at 08:04

            I got the solution by encrypting the key using bytes() Use the byte method to store the key in secured config file or database and encrypt the byte string to get the key. After that use any cipher method with suitable algorithm to encrypt the data and mask it.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69521408

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