Space Invaders is a fixed shooter arcade game developed and published in Japan. The player moves a Laser gun horizontally across the bottom of the player screen and targets fires at aliens overhead. The eleven aliens begin as four or five rows that move right and left as a group and shift downward each time they reach a screen edge. The main goal is to defeat all of the aliens by shooting them. The player has three lives, and the game terminates immediately if the invaders reach the bottom of the screen. The moving speed of aliens increases when the score increases. The aliens attempt to defeat the player's cannon by firing. You can create your own kits by the following steps: 1) By using with Game Engine 2) By using without Game Engine 3) Eye Tracker 4) Joystick Controller 5) Mac Book Touch Bar 6) Space Invaders In Window Application. 7) Space Invaders In Android Application 8) Finding The High Score 9) Adding The Music
By Using With Game Engine
This all libraries contain a game engine, so we don't need to include external libraries such as Music, Animating, etc., separately.
realtime-multiplayer-space-invadersby Srushtika
Realtime Multiplayer Space Invaders Game with Phaser 3 and Ably
realtime-multiplayer-space-invadersby Srushtika
JavaScript 19 Version:v1.1 License: Permissive (MIT)
realtime-multiplayer-space-invadersby ably-labs
Realtime Multiplayer Space Invaders Game with Phaser 3 and Ably
realtime-multiplayer-space-invadersby ably-labs
JavaScript 38 Version:v1.1 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
spaceinvadersby Tagpower
Space Invaders du pauvre. Powered by Phaser
spaceinvadersby Tagpower
JavaScript 4 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
space-invaders-goby x-hgg-x
Space invaders game in Go using Ebiten game engine with ECS.
space-invaders-goby x-hgg-x
Go 27 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
Space Invaders In Window Application.
Space invaders can run in windows OS by using this libraries.
Space_Invaders_Arcade_Emulatorby agunter7
A Space Invaders arcade machine (run on an Intel 8080 CPU) emulator. Written in C for Windows 10.
Space_Invaders_Arcade_Emulatorby agunter7
C 1 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
Space-invadersby TommyT0mmY
A little program done in a few hours with C++ on the Windows console
Space-invadersby TommyT0mmY
C++ 1 Version:Current License: Permissive (Unlicense)
Eye Tracker
By Using the below library, Whenever the player blink or close the eyes, it shoot the aliens.
EyeTrackerGameby AlexLopezDevelop
Space Invaders game with eye traking
EyeTrackerGameby AlexLopezDevelop
Swift 8 Version:Current License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
Joy stick Controller
By using the below library, Player can control the moves and shooting in the computer PC by Joy Stick .
STM32_SpaceInvadersby John15321
Control your Spaceship in a Space Invaders type game with an STM32 as your joy stick controller
STM32_SpaceInvadersby John15321
C 2 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
Space Invaders In Android Application
The below library is used to create the own android space invaders application.
android-space-invadersby marcosy
Simple retro game space-invaders like for Android platform
android-space-invadersby marcosy
Java 1 Version:Current License: Strong Copyleft (GPL-3.0)
Finding The High Score
The below library is used to find the high score based the number of killing the aliens. And display in the db.
space-invaders-unityby cbpetersen
Space Invaders, constructed in unity, high score list through parse db
space-invaders-unityby cbpetersen
C# 7 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
Adding The Music
Every game needs music. In space invaders, experience the shooting aliens and video game soundtrack using this libraries.
phanaryby bencodrington
Phanary is a lightning-fast, free, online app for desktop and mobile that excels at finding and playing atmospheric music and sound effects for games like D&D and Pathfinder. Phanary is meant to be used in a Game Master's preparation and improvisation, and to be quick and streamlined enough to smoothly handle the party going somewhere unexpected.
phanaryby bencodrington
JavaScript 35 Version:Current License: Permissive (BSD-3-Clause)
audiality2by olofson
A realtime scripted modular audio engine for video games and musical applications.
audiality2by olofson
C 69 Version:v1.9.4 License: Permissive (Zlib)
nullnMusicby nullnothing
nullnMusic: the quest's background music player!
nullnMusicby nullnothing
Java 8 Version:1.3.1 License: Permissive (MIT)
Looperby NolanNicholson
A script for repeating music seamlessly and endlessly, designed with video game music in mind.
Looperby NolanNicholson
Python 229 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
By Using Without Game Engine.
This all libraries without a game engine, so we need to include the external libraries such as Music, Animating, etc., separately.
connect-fourby MiroslavJelaska
Connect Four game created using Pixi.js and TypeScript.
connect-fourby MiroslavJelaska
TypeScript 10 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
Mac Book Touch Bar
By using the below library we can control the action by using the Mac Book Touch Bar.
TouchBarSpaceInvadersby elijahsawyers
A remake of the classic Atari game, Space Invaders, that utilizes the MacBook Pro Touch Bar🛸🚀
TouchBarSpaceInvadersby elijahsawyers
Swift 2 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)