licensor | Painless license header injection | iOS library

 by   Marvin9 Go Version: v1.0.5 License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | licensor Summary

kandi X-RAY | licensor Summary

licensor is a Go library typically used in Mobile, iOS applications. licensor has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Inject custom license header in your source code, quickly.

            kandi-support Support

              licensor has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 13 star(s) with 0 fork(s). There are 1 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              licensor has no issues reported. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of licensor is v1.0.5

            kandi-Quality Quality

              licensor has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              licensor has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              licensor is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              licensor releases are available to install and integrate.
              Installation instructions, examples and code snippets are available.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed licensor and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into licensor implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • Example for example
            • Validate validates the command model
            • closeSignal is called when os . Interrupt is called .
            • Exists checks if a key exists in strs
            • LogError print error message
            • InvalidFlagError is unsupported
            • ShowCursor show cursor
            • Comment returns the programming comment string
            • IsValidExtension returns true if the given file extension is a valid extension .
            • GetExtension returns the extension of a given file .
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            licensor Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for licensor.

            licensor Examples and Code Snippets

            Godot img1Lines of Code : 17dot img1License : Permissive (MIT)
            copy iconCopy
            licensor -project ./ -ext go js -license ./
            project: #[project directory path] [default: "./"]
            extensions: #[required]
             - go
             - py
             - c
            license: #[license file path or url] [required]
            # Example license template:
            # Copyright {{yea  
            Godot img2Lines of Code : 5dot img2License : Permissive (MIT)
            copy iconCopy
            # to inject license header
            licensor -ext go -license ./LICENSE -ignore ./vendor
            # to remove license header
            licensor -ext go -remove -ignore ./vendor
            Godot img3Lines of Code : 2dot img3License : Permissive (MIT)
            copy iconCopy
            sudo mv /path/to/zip/licensor /usr/local/bin
            SET "PATH=C:\licensor;%PATH%"

            Community Discussions


            Kedro : Failed to find the pipeline named '__default__'
            Asked 2021-May-05 at 12:05

            Having issues with kedro. The 'register_pipelines' function doesn't seem to be running or creating the default Pipeline that I'm returning from it.

            The error is



            Answered 2021-Mar-22 at 17:58

            What version of kedro are you on? There is a bit of a problem with kedro 0.17.2 where the true error is masked and will return the exception that you're seeing instead. It's possible that the root cause of the error is actually some other ModuleNotFoundError or AttributeError. Try doing a kedro install before kedro run and see if that fixes it.



            nodejs axios JSON with Objects under the same name
            Asked 2020-Dec-27 at 20:18

            So, My JS Looks Like This



            Answered 2020-Dec-27 at 20:18

            If you want to get a string with the names of the genres, you could use .map() and .join(). Use .map() to turn the array into an array of genre names, from an array of objects. Then use .join() to combine the array into a string.



            Java error: incompatible types: no instance(s) of type variable(s) T exist so that Optional conforms to Iterable
            Asked 2020-Aug-06 at 15:20

            Normally I'm a C# developer, but I'm trying to write some code in Java (first time in years) that uses generics to create a 'Retry' method that allows me to use a lambda expression to retry any block of code, basically. Here is my retry method:



            Answered 2020-Aug-06 at 15:20

            I would spare the caller of runWithRetry() having to handle the checked InterruptedException. For example like this



            Accessing JSON Array of Objects in React Native
            Asked 2019-Nov-19 at 10:47

            I'm getting some data from an api as a JSON response. This is a sample of how the data looks like :



            Answered 2019-Nov-19 at 10:27

            You can use to handle each object inside the array using its corresponding index. It will suffice your application.



            QT : render in release differs from debug
            Asked 2019-Oct-25 at 07:57

            I'm having a strange issue with a C++ and QML app which render differently whereas i'm in debug or release :

            The debug (left) render is the correct one. In release (right) the accent colors is wrong and all the fonts are bigger. It's also seems to miss some shadows. Both builds are done with visual 2015 after complete clean of the solution.

            This how my window is set :



            Answered 2019-Oct-25 at 07:57

            Maybe are you providing a Qt Quick Controls special configuration file qtquickcontrols2.conf ?

            The configuration file is usually embedded into the application's resources, but it can also be located in the directory specified by the environment variable QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_CONF. There are some more environment variables that can affect styles. Look to your QtCreator's project settings and check the environment differences between the Debug and the Release run settings.



            HL Fabric - states, transactions but varied keys
            Asked 2019-Sep-10 at 09:53

            Edit: Bump -- anyone know the answer to this???

            Basic question: - in a single HLF application, can different transactions have different keys?

            Context: Developing a 1.4.2 HLF application that mirrors the fabric samples commercial paper example but which has varied keys for transactions. For example, in commercial paper, the key for a PaperNet commercial paper is formed by concatenating the Issuer and paper properties, e.g. MagnetoCorp0001. While Issuer and paper may change paper is always married with Issuer. This is consistent throughout the entire commercial paper example.

            In our example however, different transactions will have different keys depending on the state. For example, PartyA enters into a contract with BigBiz to be able to license widgets for a fee. We consider this a contracting transaction and when completed its state is underContract the key for it is a concatenation of licensor + licensee + contractNumber or in this example: BigBizPartyA123.

            Moving through our lifecycle, a contract needs to be in place before BigBiz is going to make a widget available for licensing. The available state key for a available widget transaction is licensor + widgetID or in this case BigBiz0001.

            In our licensing transaction the key for our licensed state is licensor + widgetID + licensee or BigBiz0001PartyA.

            Question - is this realistic and is this doable?

            Unlike commercial paper where paperNum always exists, our app from a lifecycle POV won't have a widgetID unless the contracting transaction achieves underContract state. So there is no widgetID we can key on. Similarly, we have other transactions, like payment transactions, that have nothing to do with widgets either, so we are keying on for example licensor + contractNumber.

            Is this normal in complex HLF applications? Thx.



            Answered 2019-Sep-10 at 09:53

            It seems your questions related to 1) managing unique keys and also states/statelists and 2) what are the assets, AND parameters to your transactions (to apply to the asset lifecycle or participant lifecycle as appropriate). Yes, it is normal to have varied keys as you describe.

            Firstly, I would refer you to the logical and physical representations in the Multiple States commentary in the Process & Data Design section in Fabric docs ->

            Your key formation would be OK if others in your blockchain network consortium can similarly create records (and prevent collisions with others in your network), given the commonality of the keys/records other orgs/entities that will be committing to the ledger in that same blockchain network.

            From your question, seems you have a Contract (asset) and Licensable widgets(asset).

            Your contract asset (composite) key seems fine - its all about uniqueness for the most part and allowing for growth. That asset is created by (say) a createContract transaction.

            Your widget asset key seems fine (eg. asset just created, no licensees yet), as presumably that key combo is unique in the network - this is created by the 'available' transaction. Initial licensed state is 'none'..etc.

            Finally, the 'licensing' transaction can either update the existing widget (with a licensee parameter in the trxn - 'licensee' is an attribute of 'widget' (or array if multiple licensees), tied back to the same licensor/widgetId key). The first licensee updates the state of the widget to 'licensed' (as opposed to 'none' etc etc)

            As for the 'payment' transaction, not enough info: but you need to ask, what asset is being updated (does it exist yet - what's its asset key) And what are the parameters to the transaction, that will be applied to the asset (or different assets, if a unit of work updates 'multiples') - btw did you mean 'ContactNum/Licensee'? Anyway, food for thought.



            Signature length not correct when calling PGPOnePassSignature.verify
            Asked 2019-Jul-19 at 08:37

            We’re using a Java libarary called license3j for license management. The library uses asymmetric encryption and relies itself on Bouncycastle. We create a license file using a simple gpg command and verify the license within our software using our public key. So far everything worked fine. BUT: In 1,000 generated licenses, there is a very small fraction which cannot be verified correctly, although, they are in fact valid (approximately 5/1000).

            What happens in this case: When the license is to be verified in com.verhas.licensor.License.setLicenseEncoded(InputStream), the org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPOnePassSignature.verify(PGPSignature) throws the following exception:

            org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPRuntimeOperationException: unable to verify signature: Signature length not correct: got 511 but was expecting 512

            Sounds rather obscure to me, having only basic cryptography knowledge. Spending hours googling, gave me the clue, that there is something about "leading zeros". So, in the given example, obviously a leading zero was stripped away somewhere (where?), and the lengths of the signature data to compare do not match. Makes sense.

            Now, I’ve no clue, where the issue might be located. Is it during creation of the license file? Essentially, we’re just doing the following:



            Answered 2017-Feb-06 at 11:13

            Looks like it is a bug in bouncycastle, only encountered in versions of Java after 1.6, bouncycastle has always created the data wrong, but Java became more strict since 1.7 in the data it will accept during verification.

            Bouncycastle is failing to pad the signature to the right length when it serializes it to the file, if the integer has enough leading zeros then the byte representation of it will be smaller.
            Java versions 1.7 and above expect RSA signature bytes to be the same length as the key.

            Bouncycastle converts the RSA signature byte array(returned from Java's RSA JCE provider) into an integer and it discards information about its length.
            Line 263 of the PGPSignatureGenerator shows where the RSA signature bytes are returned from JCE and converted into an integer.

            This integer is eventually written to the outputstream using MPInteger#encode which just uses the bitlength of the underlying biginteger to determine how much data to write.

            This answer describes more about why you see this aproximatley one in every 200 cases and how the version of Java plays a role.



            How to find the URL`s from the content reading from a file using python
            Asked 2019-May-23 at 14:55

            I have a below data present in the file with multiple paragraphs, I want to find the URL`s presented in each paragraph separately.


            Prasd Licence v2.1

            Prasd Free License v. 2.1

            This prasad Free License (the "License") applies to any original work of authorship (the "Original Work") whose owner (the "Licensor") has placed the following notice immediately following the copyright notice for the Original Work:

            Licensed under the prasad Free License version 2.1

            balaji Software Rights Notice (balaji 2.7.7)

            balaji License

            We encourage users to develop software with balaji. However, we do ask that credit is given to us for developing balaji. By "credit", we mean that if you use balaji or incorporate any source code into one of your programs (commercial product, research project, or otherwise) that you acknowledge this fact somewhere in the documentation, research report, etc... If you like balaji and have developed a nice tool with the output, please mention that you developed it using balaji. In addition, we ask that the headers remain intact in our source code. As long as these guidelines are kept, we expect to continue enhancing this system and expect to make other tools available as they are completed.

            mogga 1.1

            mogga Software License Version 1.1 ...


            Answered 2019-May-23 at 14:55

            Is this what you wanted maybe? Would be nice to have the expected result in your question.

            URL_REGEX Reference



            Getting "buffer overflow detected" when trying to run NVIDIA FleX
            Asked 2019-Feb-21 at 20:10

            I have been using Singularity 2.6 for a while and recently upgraded my Singularity to 3.0 (I cannot upgrade to 3.0.3 for technical reasons). Using Singularity 3.0 I build my new container with the same exact definition file that I used to build my container using Singularity 2.6. Since then, I cannot reliably run NVIDIA FleX anymore and get the following errors every now and then. I have absolutely not changed anything in my NVIDIA FleX code in the past 10 months or so and I have been running FleX almost every day and never had any issue like this. I wonder, what could be the issue and what is the error trying to say? What could I be doing wrong or need to change to prevent this from happening?

            Based on the print statements that I put in the code, all I know is this happens when I call the UnmapBuffers() function in my FleX code; but I have been doing this since I wrote this code and never had any issues. Although this might not be very helpful, but here's what the function does:



            Answered 2019-Feb-21 at 20:10

            It turns out my code was trying to create a file on disk during the simulations and the file wouldn't get created for some reason, which could be related to this. The code would always work in the past but I don't know what has changed in my container that leads to that part of the code not being able to create that file anymore.



            Scrapy returns garbage data such as spaces and newlines. How shall I filter these?
            Asked 2018-Aug-14 at 18:10

            I wrote a spider and it returns me data which is littered with spaces and newline characters. The newline characters also caused extract() method to return as a list. How do I filter these before it touch the selector? Filtering these after extract() is called breaks the DRY principle as there are a lot of data from a page I need to extract that is attributeless which makes the only way to parse it is through indexing.

            How do I filter these?


            it returns bad data like this



            Answered 2018-Aug-14 at 17:06

            Looking at your code, you could try using xpaths normalize-space

            mal_item['aired'] = border_class.xpath('normalize-space(.//div[11]/text())').extract()

            *untested, but seems legit.

            For a more general answer, yourString.strip('someChar') or yourString.replace('this','withThis') works well (but in the case of operating with json objects it might not be as efficient as other approaches). If those characters are present in the original data, you need to manually remove them or skip them.


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install licensor

            make binary access global. create folder to store licensor.exe at any stable place and set path in environment. Suppose licensor.exe is at C:\licensor\licensor.exe.


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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