mahout | Mirror of Apache Mahout | Continuous Deployment library
kandi X-RAY | mahout Summary
kandi X-RAY | mahout Summary
Mirror of Apache Mahout
Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA
- Computes the QR decomposition of a matrix .
- Main entry point for testing .
- Returns the next double .
- Process a line from a line .
- Split a file .
- Samples D by sampling algorithm
- Sets the value associated with the given key .
- Get a drm from a sequence file
- Get cluster labels .
- Cluster the data .
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I was wondering if any Mahout version has been confirmed to work properly with any version of Hadoop 3.x. It looks like both Cloudera's and Amazon's Hadoop distribution removed Mahout when they went from Hadoop 2 to Hadoop 3. But I cannot find any reason for omitting Mahout.
Does anyone have a source or personal experience that indicates that Mahout can work with Hadoop 3?
Answered 2021-Feb-24 at 06:54The hadoop version recommended by trunk branch of Mahout on git hub is hadoop-2.4.1
but take a look at this dockerfile on maser branch:
it uses spark v2.3.1 on hadoop 3.0 gettyimages/spark:2.3.1-hadoop-3.0
hope it could help
I can't manage to pull Twitter data using Flume into HDFS due to an error I cant't get rid of.
command :
Answered 2020-Dec-18 at 15:24I managed to make it works. For those who want to know, please read this.
Firstly, change the Flume version. I use now flume 1.7.0 But maybe a newer version would work, I don't want to break it down :)
Secondly, clone this repo Inside, there is a flume.conf file. I configured it like that :
I am trying to create my cluster using bootstrap actions option (which install boto3 on all nodes), but getting always Master instance failed attempting to download bootstrap action 1 file from S3
my bootstrapfile:
sudo pip install boto3
Command to create cluster :
aws emr create-cluster --applications Name=Hadoop Name=Hive Name=Hue Name=Mahout Name=Pig Name=Tez --ec2-attributes "{\"KeyName\":\"key-ec2\",\"InstanceProfile\":\"EMR_EC2_DefaultRole\",\"SubnetId\":\"subnet-49ad9733\",\"EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup\":\"sg-009d9df2b7b6b1302\",\"EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup\":\"sg-0149cdd6586fe6db5\"}" --service-role EMR_DefaultRole --enable-debugging --release-label emr-5.30.1 --log-uri "s3n://aws-logs-447793603558-us-east-2/elasticmapreduce/" --name "MyCluster" --instance-groups "[{\"InstanceCount\":1,\"EbsConfiguration\":{\"EbsBlockDeviceConfigs\":[{\"VolumeSpecification\":{\"SizeInGB\":32,\"VolumeType\":\"gp2\"},\"VolumesPerInstance\":1}]},\"InstanceGroupType\":\"MASTER\",\"InstanceType\":\"m4.large\",\"Name\":\"Master Instance Group\"},{\"InstanceCount\":2,\"EbsConfiguration\":{\"EbsBlockDeviceConfigs\":[{\"VolumeSpecification\":{\"SizeInGB\":32,\"VolumeType\":\"gp2\"},\"VolumesPerInstance\":1}]},\"InstanceGroupType\":\"CORE\",\"InstanceType\":\"m4.large\",\"Name\":\"Core Instance Group\"}]" --scale-down-behavior TERMINATE_AT_TASK_COMPLETION --region us-east-2 --bootstrap-action Path=s3://calculsdistribues/
I already created successfuly cluster without the bootstrap-action option.
What is the mistake here ? how my bootstrap file should looks like ? Thank you
Answered 2020-Jul-19 at 22:46Make sure you have given read access to s3 bucket where your bootstrap script is present for the Instace profile "InstanceProfile\":\"EMR_EC2_DefaultRole
Text file has over 50K lines with this format
Answered 2020-May-01 at 15:37Using ast.literal_eval you can convert string list to list
Original txt file:
Answered 2020-May-01 at 05:30If the text to be removed is always exactly as above. You can do a simple replace.
After adding apache.mahout to my pom.xml I started to have this warning when i run my spring project and i want to know how supress this warning.
Answered 2020-Mar-26 at 20:39- You need to find out who pulls in slf4j-log4j. Do a "mvn:dependency:tree" on the command line in your pom.xml directory and find the dependency that pulls it in.
- Put the exclusion on that dependency. Global exclusions don't work.
- That should work.
Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network
No vulnerabilities reported
Install mahout
You can use mahout like any standard Java library. Please include the the jar files in your classpath. You can also use any IDE and you can run and debug the mahout component as you would do with any other Java program. Best practice is to use a build tool that supports dependency management such as Maven or Gradle. For Maven installation, please refer For Gradle installation, please refer .
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