AlbumAndCameraSystem | Android 4 | Proxy library
kandi X-RAY | AlbumAndCameraSystem Summary
kandi X-RAY | AlbumAndCameraSystem Summary
Android 4.4(简称 4.4)及以上设备 的图片文件路径与4.4以下设备的路径是完全不一样的,需要开发者自行拼接。. Android 6.0(简称 6.0 )及以上设备 在调用一些功能的时候,开发者系统申请权限,部分权限属于危险权限,涉及到用户隐私相关问题,现在应用市场都强制要求进行相关适配了,如果开发者还未适配,那么只能证明您的软件,用户量好像很低了,建议开发者进行跳槽吧。. Android 8.0(简称8.0)及以上设备 在调用系统相机进行拍照的时候 需要在 AndroidManifest.xml 进行配置 provider 将照片存储的位置 进行共享,否则用户拍摄之后的照片,就只会静静的躺在相册里,对了,配置,可能还会造成崩溃。. 在做文件的操作时都会申请存储空间的读写权限。但是这些权限完全被滥用,造成的问题就是手机的存储空间中充斥着大量不明作用的文件,并且应用卸载后它也没有删除掉。为了解决这个问题,Android 10 中引入了Scoped Storage 的概念,通过添加外部存储访问限制来实现更好的文件管理。 这里有一个问题是,什么是外部储存,什么是内部储存 ?. /data 目录。一般我们使用 getFilesDir() 或 getCacheDir()方法获取本应用的内部储存路径,读写该路径下的文件不需要申请储存空间读写权限,且卸载应用时会自动删除。. /storage 或 /mnt 目录。一般我们使用 getExternalStorageDirectory() 方法获取的路径来存取文件。. 故在 Android 10 上即便拥有了储存空间的读写权限,也无法保证可以正常的进行文件的读写操作。. 在 AndroidManifest.xml 中添加 android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" 来请求使用旧的存储模式进行临时规避 Android 10 适配。但是存在缺陷,当 Android 11 正式上线之后,接踵而至的就是各种 bug 日志 反馈了,所以,还是踏踏实实做人,老老实实做事吧。. 这里相比于 4.4 系统以下设备的代码,已经明显的不一样了相对复杂了许多,需要自己主动去构建 路径, uri等,对用户友好了,但是对于开发者,也就那样吧。. 6.0 及以上设备需要开发者 不仅仅在 AndroidManifest.xml被注明必要权限,部分危险权限还需要开发者自己在代码逻辑中进行主动申请,这里很简单了,我只 推荐我用的一个框架,类似的权限申请框架还有很多,需要开发者自己主动发现了。AndPermission AndPermission 链式调用,作者还进行了不少主动封装,也适配了 Androidx ,不过它也也存在不足,并且目前不知道作者是否还在自己进行维护,毕竟 issues 已经提了很多条了也没人维护。. authorities :值一般是"项目的包名 + .provider"。当我们使用 FileProvider 的 getUriForFile 方法时参数需和 清单文件注册时的保持一致。 exported :是否对外开放,除非是对第三方提供服务,否则一般为false。 grantUriPermissions :是否授予临时权限,设置为true。 resource: 标签里面是用来指定共享的路径。就是我们的共享路径配置的 xml 文件,可以自己命名。该文件放在 res/xml 文件夹下,若没有 xml 文件夹,创建一个。. 可被替换成、、、等。下面给出五个的区别: :共享外部存储卡,对应/storage/emulated/0目录,即Environment..getExternalStorageDirectory() :共享外部存储的文件目录,对应/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/包名/files,即Context.getExternalFilesDir() :共享外部存储的缓存目录,对应/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/包名/cache,即Context.getExternalCacheDir() :共享内部文件存储目录,对应 /data/data/包名/files目录,即Context.getFilesDir() :共享内部缓存目录,对应 /data/data/包名/cache目录,即Context.getCacheDir() name:随便定义 path:需要临时授权访问的路径。可以为空,表示指定目录下的所有文件、文件夹都可以被共享. 举例:以上方代码为例,最后的物理路径为 /storage/emulated/0/Pictures。 如果将换成,则路径为: /data/data/包名/files/Pictures 如果将换成,则路径为: /data/data/包名/cache/Pictures ######(3)、逻辑配置.
Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA
- Override this method to load the image result
- Get the real path for a given android device
- Get the real path from an android API 4
- Get data column
- Get real path
- Get the real path for an android version
- Checks if the given URI is a download document
- Checks if the URI is a MediaProvider
- Click view
- Take camera
- Create an image uri
- Load system authority
- Open album
- Show toast
- Initializes the instance
AlbumAndCameraSystem Key Features
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Community Discussions
Trending Discussions on Proxy
This is a question around how a proxy should behave with HTTPS requests. If there are 2 users behind a proxy and both go to one after another, can the proxy reuse the existing TCP connection created with earlier for user1.
Both TCP and HTTPS are different protocols, so it doesn't seem like it should affect anything, and in practice it doesn't as well.
Is there something in existing TLS implementations that might not like this kind of behavior of having two different sessions over the same connection? Would this be a bad idea from a security perspective to have the same TCP connection for different users?
Answered 2021-Aug-11 at 01:56You mean if two HTTP clients make requests to a reverse HTTP proxy, could the proxy reuse TCP connections to the HTTP server?
Yes, absolutely. This is called connection pooling and it is common in practice. The proxy opens a pool of persistent connections with each backend endpoint. Then, the proxy queues requests and each request gets sent on an available TCP connection.
From a TLS perspective, if the proxy is an HTTP proxy (L7), clients perform TLS handshakes with the proxy, not the backend web servers and, hence, there's no problem. However, if the proxy operates at L4, TLS termination must occur downstream (TLS pass-through), which poses complication.
My current understanding is that L4 proxies maintain 1:1 connections with backends. Meaning, each incoming connection has a corresponding outgoing connection to a backend, which removes our ability to reuse connections and leverage connection pooling.
For example, NGINX does this:
NGINX maintains a “cache” of keepalive connections – a set of idle keepalive connections to the upstream servers – and when it needs to forward a request to an upstream, it uses an already established keepalive connection from the cache rather than creating a new TCP connection.
Load Balancing with NGINX and NGINX Plus, Part 2
Helpful resources
I want to set proxies to my crawler. I'm using requests module and Beautiful Soup. I have found a list of API links that provide free proxies with 4 types of protocols.
All proxies with 3/4 protocols work (HTTP, SOCKS4, SOCKS5) except one, and thats proxies with HTTPS protocol. This is my code:
Answered 2021-Sep-17 at 16:08I did some research on the topic and now I'm confused why you want a proxy for HTTPS.
While it is understandable to want a proxy for HTTP, (HTTP is unencrypted) HTTPS is secure.
Could it be possible your proxy is not connecting because you don't need one?
I am not a proxy expert, so I apologize if I'm putting out something completely stupid.
I don't want to leave you completely empty-handed though. If you are looking for complete privacy, I would suggest a VPN. Both Windscribe and RiseUpVPN are free and encrypt all your data on your computer. (The desktop version, not the browser extension.)
While this is not a fully automated process, it is still very effective.
I use mitmproxy
to gather intel from outbound AS2 (HTTP) requests leaving our network. The schema goes like this:
Answered 2022-Mar-02 at 07:37It's been a while since I've tried to solve this using a custom addon and it seems to work fine so I'll share it here:
This approach has a bit of disadvantage and that's the fact that it doesn't check if the peer certificate changes.
I am trying to execute an SSIS package using a Credential and Proxy - it works fine with a user with a SysAdmin role and we want to avoid using SysAdmin.
I have followed all the steps to create a Credential and Proxy and set up the permissions for the user in msdb and SSISDb tables and in the Security -> logins
I have followed the steps in the below links as a guide:-
- Run an SSIS Package Under a Different Account
- Running a SSIS Package from SQL Server Agent Using a Proxy Account
- SQL Server Agent - Running SSIS Package with Proxy
Proxy -> properties -> Principals
When I run the job I get the below error - looks like a permission issue
Unable to start execution of step 1 (Reason: Could not get proxy data for proxy_id = 198_. The step failed.
What am I missing?
Answered 2022-Feb-21 at 19:37As you mentioned in the comments, you are using an SQL Server login as a proxy account. While in the Microsoft documentation they mentioned that:
SQL Server Agent proxies use credentials to store information about Windows user accounts. The user-specified in the credential must have "Access this computer from the network" permission (SeNetworkLogonRight) on the computer on which SQL Server is running.
I suggest following one of the following articles to set up an SQL Server agent proxy:
I am trying to configure a nginx Docker container to serve the Angular application on its root path (which works so far) and make the backend via a proxy on /api available.
I've read multiple threads on Stackoverflow and some blogs, but no configuration worked so far. If I call my app on / the Angular app works. When I try to call /api on the same url it gets redirected to / and shows no content -- I guess the Angular router got some route it cannot handle. But Nginx should catch that route before the Angular app gets called. How do I do that?
I am not sure what is wrong. Do you see the error in my config?
Answered 2022-Jan-26 at 13:32I would use the syntax below to let Nginx know this comes before your generic location location /.
I'm trying to create a reverse proxy to a CONNECT-based HTTP proxy. The user who wants to use the proxy just treats machine A
as an HTTP proxy. It works the following way:
machine B
opens a TCP socket tomachine A
.- On
machine A
, a TCP socket is exposed on a port and all the incoming data is tunneled tomachine B
(io.Copy). - On
machine B
, all the data is tunneled to the local HTTP server and the socket tomachine A
Essentially this is a reverse-proxy behind an HTTP proxy. The reason it's this complex is because the HTTP proxy is behind NAT (on machine B
) and therefore not accessible directly. The use case is being able to host an HTTP proxy behind a NAT.
Machine A tunnel (Go):
Answered 2022-Jan-10 at 19:54When you do
I read that HTTP proxy should be removing hop HTTP headers (
It makes sense since some of these headers are connection-related.
The question is. Is this RFC applicable for explicit proxy only or should be it be done on transparent HTTP proxies too?
Just to give you an example. Let say a client does HTTP call and it has an explicit proxy set. However, there is a transparent proxy in the middle. So, the overall pipeline looks like that
Answered 2021-Dec-28 at 21:01Transparent proxies don’t exist.
As far as the HTTP RFC is concerned, there is simply no such thing. The specification does not recognise the concept. A client (A) may connect to a server (C) to fetch or modify a resource, or it may connect to a proxy (B) to have the latter do so on its behalf. In the former case, the hop-by-hop headers regulate the connection between the client and the server; in the latter, they regulate the connection between the client and the proxy. If the proxy connects to the server to serve the request, it has to manage its own hop-by-hop headers for the proxy–server link.
Anything else you add beyond that is simply not a party to the protocol and its presence should not influence how it operates. Whether (A)’s connection to either (B) or (C) (or (B)’s connection to (C)) is mediated by something else is immaterial. All that matters is that when (A) chooses to send a request to (B), it should receive the same resource that it would if it chose to make a request to (C) directly. (B) or (C) don’t even have to be single hosts; they may themselves pass requests though any number of intermediary layers.
For all it matters, the ‘transparent proxy’ may as well be a SOCKS proxy, in which case it will not modify any HTTP headers at all, because it cannot even be sure whether what it forwards is HTTP in the first place.
I've been looking around trying to find a solution, but nothing has worked. I have this code:
Answered 2021-Dec-27 at 00:44You need to remove the colon from proxy URL, the redundant one is before the user
I'm virtually sure that all problem is you've reached the limit of requests and the vendor forbids you to send more. You can test it with curl
I have video files hosted on the CDN, the video file is encrypted. So I need the decrypt it before play it in the browser. But the web video tag has no interface to modify the media stream.
So I want to run a proxy in the client side with javascript to proxy the media stream request, and decrypt the stream before feet to the video tag.
Is it possible?
By math-chen's answer, I have tryed below code, but when I paly it, the video keep spin and not render the frame like below image.
I use a very small unencrypted video file out.mp4
, so it can be loaded by once.
Answered 2021-Dec-17 at 09:29it does not need a proxy
It has been discussed many times on Stackoverflow that by default WebRTC technology leaks your real IP even if your using a proxy to browse the web. What I haven't seen discussed is whether this requires the end user to click a button to enable this kind of leak or whether the leak occurs regardless of any action taken by the user.
For example, when you go to Express VPN they require you press a button to test for WebRTC leak. My question is - is this done for privacy reasons or somehow the button activates WebRTC tech so it can leak your IP?
In other words, assuming you never need to use WebRTC tech (just browser a blog or eCommerce shop) and all you do is click a few links - can a website still detect your real IP through WebRTC?
Answered 2021-Nov-16 at 18:59Yes, a browser can detect your public IP address using WebRTC.
No, the leak is not reliant on your button interaction.
Recently, I found an unpatched github repo webrtc-ip, which can leak a user's public IP address using WebRTC. This is powerful because you cannot trace it, as nothing is shown in the Networks tab.
Sadly, this leak does not work for private IPs, due to the gradual shift to mDNS (at least for WebRTC), which is described completely in this great blog. Anyways,a here's a working demo:
I am not sure if this leaks your true IP address even if you are using a proxy, but feel free to test it out.
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