host-switch-plus | It 's easy , and effect | Browser Plugin library
kandi X-RAY | host-switch-plus Summary
kandi X-RAY | host-switch-plus Summary
通过该 Chrome 扩展,快捷方便的切换、设置 host 代理规则,而不用修改系统 hosts 文件,方便web开发人员在 各种/测试/开发/线上 环境快速切换. 通过 Chrome Store 安装. 无法通过 Chrome Store 安装或者更新的朋友,可以尝试使用 百度浏览器或者360之类的支持 Chrome 扩展的浏览器: 360 浏览器/百度浏览器等其他支持 Chrome 扩展的浏览器,下载 crx 文件,转至浏览器扩展程序管理界面,将下载的 crx 文件拖拽至该页面中释放,即可根据提示安装使用。. Install from Chrome Store. Change the hosts rules in Chrome. It's easy, and effect immediately. I just want to make the web developers work happy when they often need to switch hosts between develop/test/production environment. One more feature is that you can set a local proxy for some kind of domain, For example, if you use Fiddler AutoResponder, you may set the domain IP as Sorry for my Poor English, learn more from the screenshots please. Any questions/issues let me know: Based on Chrome Host Switch. #起缘 在程序开发过程中,难免开发、测试、生产环境各种切换,一般我们直接修改系统的 hosts 文件。. 好了,能否有一个工具管理方便,又快捷简单呢?我找到一个 Chrome 扩展 Chrome Host Switch;问题似乎解决了。. 可是为了用 Fiddler,我还装了插件 Proxy SwitchySharp. 感谢 Chrome Host Switch 是在 Github 开源分享,遗憾给他的 Issues 一直没有回应,估计作者也是很久没有跟进了;于是自己动手吧。. 大概看了下代理实现部分,尝试修改了一下,同时完善了原作者没有完成的编辑、批量添加等功能,同时新增了一个域名对应多个IP 时,只能有一个生效的检测,并清理了文件很大但用处不多的 Bootstrap 及其 Js 插件。. 基于 Chrome Host Switch 修改完善、分享。感谢原作者开源共享。.
Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA
- Converts object to HTML .
- Render the label filter
- Loads IP addresses
- Unique keys in an array .
- update result result
- Renders the status of a status .
- Load data from local storage
- set status
- search params
- Replace a string between two quotes
host-switch-plus Key Features
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Trending Discussions on Browser Plugin
I’m trying to use the in-app-browser plugin in my application. But while using the plugin, it covers the whole screen. The application has a header and a footer, I need to have the browser in between them. Please let me know, if this is possible. Thank you!!
Answered 2021-Dec-16 at 05:41you need to use iframe tag for your requirement here is a demo for use
I'm trying to integrate OpenAM Saml SSO to my .net 5 application. ITfoxtec.Saml2 is used to handle the authentication on the SP. When trying to login, a valid post samlResponse is send. But when validating the response, I get following exception.
Answered 2021-Oct-26 at 09:03The ITfoxtec Identity Saml2 package do not read the IdP signing certificate in the EntityDescriptor/KeyDescriptor
element, the element is not supported.
The IdP certificate is read in the EntityDescriptor/IDPSSODescriptor/KeyDescriptor
Valid IdP metadata sample for the TestIdPCore sample:
I'm using the cordova in-app-browser plugin. One Page I get back is just a bunch of JSON-Data which i want to store inside my IONIC 5 Project. I could'nt figure out yet how to receive the Data and transfer it to the App yet with the Plugin. Is there such a possibility?
Thank you
Answered 2021-Oct-09 at 01:36To transfer data using InAppBrowser
you can pass It by parameters, and also to receive the date you get it from parameters. Follows a small example:
Short way sending data on Page1.ts:
Q: I need to open this kind of link on the Native Map app. Can you tell me what plugin should I use here? Hebbe Ln+Au...
I have used the Capacitor Browser plugin and it works nicely on Android devices with the above URL. i.e. it shows Google Web map. But on the iOS device, it shows not have a valid URL error on the console and not showing in-app browser.
Any clue here, please?
Answered 2021-Sep-23 at 14:07You can use: Cordova Browser Plugin:
I am currently developing a QuickBooks Online App. Many of the existing apps in the Quickbooks Online store run in a separate window or tab within the browser. The applications have their own User Interface running in a separate window/tab.
Can I develop a QuickBooks Online application that acts more similarly to a plugin?
We want the users to remain in their current instance of QuickBooks Online, and use our application as a plugin--adding services & functionality.
We would like to avoid running our app in its own separate window/tab.
Do you think I'd be better off developing as browser plugin for Chrome?
One problem may be Intuit's OAuth 2.0 requirements. We wouldn't be able to access the user's QuickBooks information without going through the OAuth Flow.
Answered 2021-Jul-13 at 15:56You do need to go through the OAuth flow to get access to QuickBooks data.
QuickBooks does not let you embed any components or UI inside of QuickBooks, if that's what you're thinking.
There is some hype about DeFi and it goes basically to Ethereum
(I have not seen yet other non-Ethereum blockchain that prmote DeFi term usage).
Then there is MetaMask that is essential a wallet distributed as Chrome browser plugin.
But some blockchain site specifically require MetaMask and establish some communication between.
I know Ethereum, but it is blockchain and basically backend technology.
I think is has nothing to do with browsers and websites.
What exactly (technically speaking) is Ethereum blockchain enabled website?
Or other way round, how exactly MetaMask is to interact with website visited?
Answered 2021-Apr-07 at 11:41How websites interact with the MetaMask extension
Metamask extension injects the ethereum
property into the JS window
object. This property links to the JS API of the Metamask extension, allowing the website some level of control - such as "open a window requesting the user to submit this transaction" (but not "get the private key" for example).
This example JS code opens the Metamask window and asks the user for permission to share their (public) addresses with the website, when the myBtn
is clicked. The shared addresses are then saved into the accounts
I am using InAppBrowser Plugin in my Ionic 5 project . My expectation is to have a back button visible in InappBrowser in order to return to original app (which is usually present in Ios) , but as per my current implementation the Back option is not visible in ios device. below is the code I am using -
...this.inAppBrowser.create(url, '_blank', { location: 'no', hardwareback: 'yes', fullscreen: 'no' });
Answered 2021-Mar-11 at 18:26In iOS there is no "back" button but "Done" button (which is the same, takes you back to the app). It should already display, you can't disable it, so you should see a blue "Done" button.
If location is false, the Done button does not appear. Then you need to set the option "footer" to true, to display the Done button at the bottom.
With the options closebuttoncolor and closebuttoncaption you can change the text and the color, so change the text to "Back".
I am working with Cordova and the inAppBrowser plugin for Android
I am trying to control the hardware back button for Android in Java file
Answered 2021-Jan-12 at 08:57I had a look at the source code and confirmed that the plugin does not expose the dialog
member which prevents you from directly interacting with it. One way is to expose it via reflection but that seems to hacky to me.
What you can do is to emulate the JS function call directly in Java by calling execute
on the plugin. In order for that to not have any unexpected issues, we need to provide a CordovaArgs
and CallbackContext
instance. CordovaArgs
is easily faked, but the CallbackContext
should not interact with the actual webview and attempt to call JS. So I created a wrapper which does nothing when called:
We are trying to parse href
attributes from the DOM of a job website. We want to get an href
for each job.
We usually use CSS paths and pass those to Selenium's find_elements_by_css
Unfortunately, we've noticed that the browser plugin SelectorGadget had trouble providing us with a CSS path. We proceeded to use a CSS path using Google Chrome (ctrl+shift+c). Chrome could extract a path, but neither Selenium nor BeautifulSoup can work with those paths.
After many failed attempts to extract the elements using different classes and tags, we believe something is entirely wrong with either our approach or the website. We hypothesize that the desired elements are impossible to parse by Selenium and BeautifulSoup for whatever reason? Could the iframe
tags in the DOM be a source of error (see this SO question)? What makes the parsing fail here, and is there a way to get around this problem? A website-related problem source would also explain why the SelectorGadget was unable to get a path in the first place. Our conclusion would be to use regular expressions to extract the href
attributes that we need. This would only be a last resort solution.
For German-speakers, please note that there is a spelling error in the target elements:
No luck with BeautifulSoup:
Answered 2020-Dec-21 at 17:47The element you are searching is inside comments
. you need to have this tag information first and then convert into string and then parse again in order to get the value.
Our project has a Java back-end that accesses a Neo4j database. The back-end is nearly finished. Previously we intended to build a Java desktop client with a JavaFX UI. Now we are considering building a web application instead. I will be building the front-end. My previous experience was mostly using Java. I will have to learn a new language. The thing I'm having some trouble with is determining which one is best suited for this project. Before we begin front-end development we also want to ensure that the web app will be able to handle all features we had planned for the desktop client.
Requirements- Connection
- Send HTTPS requests (not expecting any problems here)
- Keep a persistent HTTPS connection open to receive server-sent events
- Data
- Store and handle considerable amounts of information received through server-sent events (potentially millions of events)
- UI
- Create a beautiful and highly reactive UI
- Create complex custom components
- Drag and drop support (also not expecting any problems here)
- Integrate a view of an external site into the UI
- Platform
- Platform independence
- No need for browser plugins
These are some candidates I have identified during my research:
- JavaScript with React
- Python with Flask
Answered 2020-Jul-23 at 00:23React js for the front end. Most anything for the backend. We use Python/Flask for routing and inserting into templates. But, you will really appreciate React for its "reactive" UI. It's incredible what it can do. I see no problems with the task list you've given.
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