AutoRoute | Automatically maps HTTP requests to PHP action classes | Router library
kandi X-RAY | AutoRoute Summary
kandi X-RAY | AutoRoute Summary
AutoRoute automatically maps incoming HTTP requests (by verb and path) to PHP action classes in a specified namespace, reflecting on a specified action method within that class to determine the dynamic URL argument values. Those parameters may be typical scalar values (int, float, string, bool), or arrays, or even value objects of your own creation. AutoRoute also helps you generate URL paths based on action class names, and checks the dynamic argument typehints for you automatically.
Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA
- Parse the given HTTP verb .
- Generate a path for a class .
- Generates URL segments .
- Get urls from classes .
- Generate the tokens for named constructor parameters .
- Throw an invalid argument .
- Maps object to object
- Create the command .
- Return array representation of this object .
- Return the object as array
AutoRoute Key Features
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Problem: I am having trouble setting up navigation using GetX and AutoRoute.
Code Setup: According to the GetX documentation, if you want to use GetX navigation you have to replace MaterialApp() with GetMaterialApp(). You also set the routes.
Answered 2021-Jun-13 at 14:28You don't need external routing plugin, GetX already did that for you, and if you want to navigate, just use Get.toNamed("/some-page")
and it will show you the page you wanted. Same goes to nested route.
For Example
I am using auto_route v2.2.0 package to handle routing in my flutter application. When i click on the button to go to Page A/B, i get
Answered 2021-May-14 at 13:13Remove the code inside of the material App's builder to your home page or something. You're getting the error because you're passing a custom builder that ignores the router widget that's passes to the builder.
I'm doing a test and I put a value in a texfield. If I get some data I want it to be found, otherwise I want "no data" to be found. This code doesn't work... Why? And how can I do it?
Answered 2021-Mar-25 at 14:15You are trying to use the contains
command from cypress to get a boolean, but it acts like an assertion itself. It tries to search something that contains the provided text and if gets no results, the test fails.
I am doing conditional testing like this:
How can get this : the last name (nom), first name (prenom) and age of competitors that participated at all competitons. I have difficulties with count and join.
my user table :
id nom prenom login age 1 Wehner Einar kleinviola 79 2 Beer Cierra earnestinelebsa 71 3 Gina Lucien cassindagmar 97 4 Maybelle Delphine haleypredovic 91 5 Upton Elwyn sstreich 63 6 Irwin Prof. christopframi 25 7 Ernser Clint cesar65 83 8 Bechtelar Sheila sofiasawayn 77 9 Simonis Remington christafahey 35 10 Parisian Octavia swiftsage 89 11 Predovic Rory bartolettisabri 78 12 Will Sven price66 20 13 O'Hara Zoey tiffanywillms 96 14 McGlynn Julie gkoss 74 15 Walter Maximus amandajenkins 63 16 Hahn Andrew drutherford 77 17 Kunze Elinore ziemanntheron 95 18 Ursula Evelyne collierodessa 64 19 Klein Kirsten darrellrunolfss 96 20 Chester Lucien jamey55 24 21 Darron Antoine justina27 60 22 Boyer Harvey hesseljameson 45 23 Jade Lucien kpagac 29 24 Eliane Delphine delphahessel 75 25 Lang Shanna sophia73 23 26 Wilderman Fredrick shaina75 34 27 Daniel Emie alene73 86 28 Daniel Rhoda foster22 63 29 Trantow Tommie boconner 40 30 Kerluke Adolf vstanton 74 31 Sehoubo David davidshbo 20 32 dfglskdsklj dfvdvf dfgdfg 0my competitors table :
id_competitor id_concours 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 31 1 9 2 10 2 11 2 12 2 13 2 14 2 15 2 16 2 17 2 18 2 31 2 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 19 3 20 3 31 3 2 4 4 4 6 4 8 4 10 4 12 4 14 4 16 4 18 4 20 4 1 5 3 5 5 5 7 5 9 5 11 5 13 5 15 5 17 5 19 5my competitons table:
id date_debut date_fin descriptif theme etat 1 2019-01-01 00:00:00 2019-03-01 00:00:00 Le premier concours de la plateforme Les zinzins de l'espace 4 2 2018-01-01 00:00:00 2018-02-01 00:00:00 Le deuxième concours de la plateforme Outils 4 3 2020-04-01 00:00:00 2020-05-01 00:00:00 Le troisième concours de la plateforme Voiture sur autoroute 2 4 2018-07-01 00:00:00 2018-08-11 00:00:00 Le quatrième concours de la plateforme Naruto Uzumaki 3 5 2018-10-01 00:00:00 2018-11-01 00:00:00 Le cinquième concours de la plateforme Le grand peuple au dessus de la mer 4 ...ANSWER
Answered 2021-Jan-29 at 12:53This should return the name, first name and age of all users that participated in ALL competitions:
Considering that Navigator.of(context).push()
returns a Future
, is it a good idea to be await
ing them inside of buttons?
Answered 2021-Jan-11 at 16:33The reason why they have a future callback is because you can pass results back to the page where you push from. A good example will be pushing a dialog and waiting for a response from the user. This is where you use await
to wait for the user input, then from what response the user selected it will return back to the first screen where you pushed
TLDR: if you don't need to wait for a response from a screen you don't need to include await
I'm having issue running the
Answered 2020-Aug-31 at 10:31A flutter pub upgrade
solved my issue.
Hello !
I use Leafletjs library with Angular 7 (typeScript) for the first time, for leaflet routing machine, I use this block of code, I have this error have you any idea ? :
component.ts :
Answered 2019-Oct-03 at 08:52You get this error because you either have not imported the library or you have imported it but it loads after the map initialization.
Import like this:
I am building the angular app and want to route the URL to http://localhost/sample/AngularApp/. but don't want to give the entire URL in the browser. I will give the only localhost. In angular, while building the dist we are using the command ng build --base-href=/sample/AngularApp/
and created the folder structure /sample/AngularApp in Nginx mentioned path /usr/share/nginx/html
.so while accessing the application still, we are giving the entire path in browser. so, How could I resolve this issue and how to configure that path in nginx.conf file to autoroute the URL?
Answered 2019-Nov-26 at 16:00I would go with standard configuration:
how I can display a direction through Waypoints on a Leaflet map.
I used "leaflet-routing-machine" but I can not view the route
Answered 2017-Sep-07 at 15:28You should check your console errors. The request to failed:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 503 (Service Unavailable: Back-end server is at capacity)
I'm using this plugin , I want to set language as French fr, for that I use formatter: new L.Routing.Formatter(language: 'fr')
like you can see the code bellow :
Answered 2019-Oct-10 at 09:53Try to use this :
- First, add localization.js to your other scripts in angular.json file, like that:
Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network
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Install AutoRoute
PHP requires the Visual C runtime (CRT). The Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019 is suitable for all these PHP versions, see You MUST download the x86 CRT for PHP x86 builds and the x64 CRT for PHP x64 builds. The CRT installer supports the /quiet and /norestart command-line switches, so you can also script it.
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