EagleEye | Twitter Profiles using Image Recognition and Reverse Image | Computer Vision library
kandi X-RAY | EagleEye Summary
kandi X-RAY | EagleEye Summary
You have at least one image of the person you are looking for and a clue about their name. You enter this data into EagleEye and it tries to find Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter Profiles of this person.
Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA
- Collect known images
- Return True if link is in google filter
- Gets all links
- Validate an instance of the specified user
- Get valid links and images for a given label
- Returns a list of linked links
- Gets valid links and images for a given label
- Construct indexes for the image
- Show the most common result
- Parse instanames
- Generate banner
- Make a json report
- Extracts links from a CSV file
- Load known faces
- Grab the URLs of the profile
- Make HTML report
- Grab data from Facebook
- Collect link URLs
- Return list of instagram links
EagleEye Key Features
EagleEye Examples and Code Snippets
* 注意两点:
* 1,接口最外层的begin使用无参数的begin(),即只有一个,之后的方法最开始使用带参数的begin(String functionName, 其他参数)
* 2,方法的end请使用try finally结构放在finally里面,保证每个方法可以执行到end();否则方法父子关系及方法耗时计算会不准确
* 说明:
* 1,也可以将关键代码片段的catch到的异常摘要放进来,比如在catch里添加:
* TimeTracker.step("ent
bash build.sh
cd scripts
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 setup.py install
eagleeye-cli project --project=PLUGIN_NAME \\ 定义要生成的插件名字
--version= \\ 定义插件版本
1.1 在线系统通常运行的好好的,但是总是每天偶尔被反馈几次问题:没结果、超时、结果错误、异常
1.2 遇到上述问题,多数情况你都拿不到任何参数信息,即使拿到的参数,甚至拿到了完全的url接口,等你去请求的时候偏偏就是正常的,这就是所谓的“不能复现”;更严重的问题是没有“犯罪现场”,很被动。
1.3 极端情况下,后续可以长期十天半个月没有复现,但是雷就在那里
1.4 为什么存储系统,如mysql redis都有慢sql慢查询日志,为什么最重要的工程系统没有慢响应日志
2.1 接
Community Discussions
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I am designing a picture lab project for school and I can't figure out how to modify the rgb of pixels. My project is an eye test game where players choose the one color that is different from the rest. Should I modify the pixels of the background or of a blank photo? Also, how do I implement mouseClickedAction (given method that runs when mouse is clicked)?
Here's some bare stuff I have so far:
Answered 2020-Apr-28 at 00:33I think the easiest way that you will find for drawing and graphics will not be drawing to an image, but instead drawing directly to the JPanel. If you have a class that extends JPanel, you can implement
I'm creating a rest api with spring boot 2.2.2, and java 11.
The build was going fine until I needed to add a new endpoint (/feeder/my). I'm getting NPE error, with no really understanding stack trace.
After some tests I found out that the issue is with the Autowired service "FeederService", I could not use it in the "my" endpoint without instantiating it in the method. But with the "/feeder" (mapped to "getAll()" method) it works fine.
Error stack
Answered 2020-Jan-12 at 16:24You made a small mistake. getMy() method is set to private. Make it public, it should work.
Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network
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