gower | Gower 's distance for R | Architecture library

 by   markvanderloo C Version: Current License: GPL-3.0

kandi X-RAY | gower Summary

kandi X-RAY | gower Summary

gower is a C library typically used in Architecture applications. gower has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Strong Copyleft License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Gower's distance for R. Based in C, using openMP for parallelization.

            kandi-support Support

              gower has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 26 star(s) with 2 fork(s). There are 4 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              There are 7 open issues and 8 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 138 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of gower is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              gower has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              gower has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              gower code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              gower is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License. This license is Strong Copyleft.
              Strong Copyleft licenses enforce sharing, and you can use them when creating open source projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              gower releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Installation instructions, examples and code snippets are available.

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            kandi's functional review helps you automatically verify the functionalities of the libraries and avoid rework.
            Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of gower
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            gower Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for gower.

            gower Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for gower.

            Community Discussions


            How to permute a function in nested list in R?
            Asked 2022-Mar-28 at 18:56

            I'm trying to calculate the gower::gower_dist() index of a subset of a list nested with the following subset.

            i.e., I have a nested list with ten lines in each subset.

            I would like to:

            • Calculate the gower::gower_dist() index for the first set of 10 rows with the next set, then the first with the third, and so on.

            • Calculate an average value of each iteration

            • Order from highest to lowest to identify the comparison set that had the highest mean value

            A reproducible example:



            Answered 2022-Mar-28 at 18:56
            # create a nested data frame where we have created 10 lists
            # for rows 1..10, 11..20, etc
            df <- list_to_split %>% 
                mutate(row_id = (row_number()-1) %/% 10 + 1) %>% 
                group_by(row_id) %>% 
            # create cartesian product
            crossing(a = df, b = df) %>% 
                # compute gdist for each combo
                mutate(gdist = map2(a$data, b$data, gower::gower_dist)) %>% 
                # compute avg value for each
                mutate(gavg = map_dbl(gdist, mean)) %>% 
                # order

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71652179


            Silhouette plot from dendrogram in R
            Asked 2022-Mar-15 at 08:32

            I'm using hierarchical clustering for my data. And I'd like to plot the Silhouette score across different number of cluster. I have searched a lot posts, and I found that I need to use pam for the clustering in order to plot the Silhouette score. I'm wodering if there is a way to plot based on hierarchical clustering result?

            Here is a sample data:



            Answered 2022-Mar-15 at 08:32

            hclust returns just a dendrogram representing clusters inside clusters. The silhouette score is defined on one specific clustering and not on all possible clusterings. This is why it works with Partitioning Arround Medoids (PAM) out of the box. In hierarchical clustering, however, one needs to decide first which clustering to chose by cutting dendrogram tree.

            This is how to plot the silhouettes for a hierarchical clustering using k=5 clusters:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71475749


            Target element in script tag with Nokogiri
            Asked 2022-Feb-04 at 16:35

            Can anyone help me extract the authors name from this script tag using Nokogiri.

            I can so far get to the script tag using:

            parsed_page.xpath("//script[@type ='application/ld+json']")

            I am trying to get the name "Kevin McCart"



            Answered 2022-Feb-04 at 16:35

            Once you get to the script tag, nokogiri's work is done, and it's time to parse JSON.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70989317


            Error while predicting a GAM model using tidymodels
            Asked 2022-Jan-12 at 23:47

            WHAT I WANT: I'm trying to fit a GAM model for classification using tidymodels on a given data.

            SO FAR: I'm able to fit a logit model.



            Answered 2022-Jan-12 at 23:47

            This problem has been fixed in the developmental version of {parsnip} (>0.1.7). You can install it by running remotes::install_github("tidymodels/parsnip").

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70682454


            How to see the elements hiding under "Other" in the output of a summary in R?
            Asked 2022-Jan-11 at 18:40

            I'm using the following data set to perform a cluster analysis on categorical data - link to data set - using the following packages in R:



            Answered 2022-Jan-11 at 17:18

            You may use maxsum=. Example:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70670774


            no applicable method for 'prep' applied to an object of class
            Asked 2021-Nov-07 at 21:41

            I am building a custom recipes function and getting an error when I try to prep() the recipe. I get the following error:



            Answered 2021-Nov-07 at 21:41

            @importFrom recipes prep bake had to be added to the .R file

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69852944


            SVM prediction running fine in my computer but not in R Connect
            Asked 2021-Aug-06 at 04:41

            I’m creating a Shiny app that uses the caret package to do some SVM free-text analysis.

            The app runs fine without any error in my computer. I’m using R x64 4.0.4 and R studio 1.3.1093

            I’m deploying app to an internal enterprise server https://rconnect.xxxx.com/connect/#/apps/####

            This app is deployed in the server and started.
            But when I reach the line where I run the train function:



            Answered 2021-Aug-05 at 01:15

            Errors like this in Shiny apps are almost always a result of missing packages, which the logs confirm.

            Turns out in this case I think the missing package is kernlab, which I only found by reading the documentation given here: https://topepo.github.io/caret/train-models-by-tag.html#Support_Vector_Machines. It's a suggested package, not imported, so the command suggested in the comments by heds1 would sort this out.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68659043


            passing a list of variables to recipe in tidymodels causes model error
            Asked 2021-Jul-05 at 15:56

            I have a simple recipe to train a model. My categorical variables are changing over time and sometimes I want a numerical to be treated as categorical (postal code) , so I define a list prior to recipe containing them. (just for the sake of the argument, the list is much longer)

            recipe worked ok, and then trained my model (3 folds) but an error is raised.



            Answered 2021-Jul-05 at 15:56

            You definitely were passing the vector of variables correctly to the recipe -- no problem there!

            You were running into other problems with your model fitting. An xgboost model requires all predictors to be numeric, so if you convert something like zip code to factors, you need to then use step_dummy(). If you have something of high cardinality like zip codes, you probably will need to handle new levels or unknown levels as well.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68080819


            Explain Behavior of HDBSCAN Clustering
            Asked 2021-Jul-02 at 08:55

            I have a dataset of 6 elements. I computed the distance matrix using Gower distance, which resulted in the following matrix:

            By just looking at this matrix, I can tell that element #0 is similar to element #4 and #5 the most, so I assumed the output of the HDBSCAN would be to cluster those together, and assume the rest are outliers; however, that wasn't the case.



            Answered 2021-Jul-02 at 08:55

            As touched upon in the help page, the core of hdbscan is 1) calculating the mutual reachability distance and 2) applying the single linkage algorithm. Since you do not have that many data points and your distance metric is pre-computed, you can see your clustering is decided by the single linkage:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68217450


            R: Errors encountered during "loops": x Input `name` can't be recycled to size 100
            Asked 2020-Dec-27 at 03:37

            I am using the R programming language. I made an earlier post (R: Using "microbenchmark" and ggplot2 to plot runtimes) where I am learning how to use loops and functions to iterate procedures (7 procedures) in R for sample sizes. Once this is done, I want to produce a plot.

            Based on the previous answer, I tried to write a few of these loops in R:



            Answered 2020-Dec-27 at 03:37

            In order to make procedures 4 - 7 work we needed to make the adjustments listed in the conclusions section of Using microbenchmark and ggplot2 to plot runtimes:

            1. Wrap the original procedure in a function that we can use as the unit of analysis for microbenchmark(), and include a size argument
            2. Modify the procedure to use size as a variable where necessary
            3. Modify the procedure to access objects from previous steps, based on the size argument
            4. Modify the procedure to write its outputs with assign() and size if these are needed for subsequent procedure steps

            The modified code looks like this:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65461979

            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install gower

            Made available through my drat repo. First, install the drat package. Users of the OS who's name shall not be mentioned need to install Rtools first.


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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